19 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Acceptance Of SMS Marketing

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    This study intends to explore the factors affecting Thais’ acceptance of mobile marketing. Previous studies have shown significant differences between informativeness, entertainment, and permission. Moreover, transparency of information disclosure and image congruence have not been studied in this context. We found that personalization, informativeness, entertainment, transparency of information disclosure, and subjective norms are factors affecting acceptance. The sample population accepts a marketing message by considering mainly its value/utility and opinion of reference group; they accept mobile marketing based on utilitarian reasons more than hedonic consumption

    Consumer rights in Iran’s telecom: Investigation effective drivers on permission base mobile marketing

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    Nowadays the SMS advertisements in Iran are sent without observing the regulations which protect the consumer rights; this practice has proved to be a major annoyance to Iranian mobile users. In this paper, the factors which need to be examined before gaining mobile user’s permission were evaluated. The hypothesized model is empirically tested using data collected from a survey in Tehran theater-e-shahr audiences. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate the causal model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model. It is concluded that mobile marketing experience extremely affects the process of getting mobile users’ permission

    Consumer rights in Iran’s telecom: Investigation effective drivers on permission base mobile marketing

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    Nowadays the SMS advertisements in Iran are sent without observing the regulations which protect the consumer rights; this practice has proved to be a major annoyance to Iranian mobile users. In this paper, the factors which need to be examined before gaining mobile user’s permission were evaluated. The hypothesized model is empirically tested using data collected from a survey in Tehran theater-e-shahr audiences. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate the causal model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model. It is concluded that mobile marketing experience extremely affects the process of getting mobile users’ permission

    The Impact of E-Commerce on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Analysis in Thailand

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    The aim of this study is to identify the impact of e-commerce on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among online shopping platforms in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyzes user interface quality, information quality and perceived privacy as factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The samples (400 respondents) were collected from an online questionnaire by using snowball sampling, convenience sampling as well as stratified random sampling. After gathering the data, it was analyzed by using simple and multiple linear regression in order to confirm and show the significance of the hypotheses. For data analysis, Multiple and Simple Linear Regression analysis methods were applied as well as a Five-Point Likert scale method. This study found that user interface quality, information quality and perceived security have a significant, positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study further suggests that in order to gain the loyalty of online customers, the online shopping platforms should focus on other factors e.g., trust, which influence customer satisfaction. Achieving these goals are highly likely to ensure customer loyalty. The limitations of this research paper are that it is specifically focused on Thailand and consumers living in Thailand. Therefore, the findings that result from this research might not apply to other countries around the world and will only represent the situation in Thailand

    The impact of Cookie Consent Notices on user’s privacy concerns : an empirical analysis

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    Online privacy has become a significant issue in our society with the use of personal information widespread by websites and firms. To regulate this market, the European Union adopted the General Data Protection Regulation to protect online privacy and give back power to users, requiring firms to recover consent before gathering users’ personal information. Therefore, websites introduced cookie consent notices that allow users to specify their choice regarding the management of personal data. However, this design can manipulate user’s privacy concerns while navigating the website. To find out how, we developed an experiment divided into two steps: before, users displayed a cookie consent notice and, following, they answered to a set of ten questions with different intrusiveness levels, we aimed to measure the correlation between these two phases. We used the platform Amazon Mechanical Turk to gather data building a database of 320 respondents that we tested running random effects panel logistic models. We found out that users displaying a cookie consent notice with pre-ticked choices increase their privacy concerns when they face it without a “reject all” bulk option or when they answer to intrusive questions. Furthermore, we found out that users acting to protect their privacy tend to disclose more intrusive information and that users with a high level of privacy concern disclose less information compared to the others.A privacidade online tornou-se um problema significativo na nossa sociedade com o uso de informações pessoais generalizadas por sites e empresas. Para regular esse mercado, a União Europeia adotou o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados para proteger a privacidade on-line e devolver o poder aos usuários, exigindo que as empresas recuperem o consentimento antes de coletar informações pessoais dos usuários. Portanto, os sites introduziram avisos de consentimento de cookies que permitem aos usuários especificar suas escolhas em relação ao gerenciamento de dados pessoais. No entanto, esse design pode manipular as preocupações com a privacidade do usuário enquanto você navega no site. Para descobrir como, desenvolvemos um experimento dividido em duas etapas: antes, os usuários exibiam um aviso de consentimento de cookies e, a seguir, respondiam a um conjunto de dez perguntas com diferentes níveis de indiscrição, com o objetivo de medir a correlação entre essas duas fases. Utilizamos a plataforma Amazon Mechanical Turk para coletar dados construindo um banco de dados de 320 respondentes que testamos executando uma análise de painel com efeitos aleatórios Logit modelos. Descobrimos que os usuários que exibem um banner pré-marcado aumentam suas preocupações com a privacidade quando enfrentam em um aviso de consentimento de cookie sem uma opção "rejeitar tudo" ou quando respondem a perguntas intrusivas. Ademais, descobrimos que os usuários que agem para proteger sua privacidade tendem a divulgar informações mais intrusivas e que os usuários com um alto nível de preocupação com a privacidade divulgam menos informações em comparação com os outros


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    We live in the society of World Wide Web, smart mobile devices and social networking, where an individual can be monitored and his current location can be identified. Each of those new-developed technologies are associated with a set of privacy issues. Firstly, those technologies enable people to be monitored and tracked, so various information about specific technology users can be collected. Secondly, collected information about users can be stored, merged and analyzed at any time. Finally, they enable further dissemination and publication in endlessly varied forms. If those technologies are misused many privacy violations can occur. Privacy can be seen as an individual right. Since individuals differ, the definition of privacy as well as the invasion of privacy will mean different things to different people. The aim of empirical research described in this paper was to investigate individual’s attitude toward privacy issues when shopping online and/or when using Internet banking services. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the relationships between different factors that can influence user’s online privacy perception. The research results have shown that there is a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about information that are collected during their online activity. There is also a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about how government and current regulations protect their privacy.Živimo u društvu koje karakterizira upotreba World Wide Weba, pametnih mobilnih uređaja i društvenih mreža, gdje pojedinac može biti nadziran te može biti određena njegova trenutna lokacija. Svaku od ovih novorazvijenih tehnogija prate različiti problemi vezani uz privatnost. Prvo, ove tehnologije omogućavaju da pojedinci budu nadzirani i praćeni pa se na taj način može prikupiti puno informacija o korisnicima određene tehnologije. Drugo, tako prikupljene informacije mogu biti pohranjene, kombinirane te analizirane u bilo koje vrijeme. Na kraju, ove tehnologije omogućavaju daljnje širenje i publikaciju informacija u raznim oblicima. Ukoliko se navedene tehnologije zlobupotrijebe može doći do različitih oblika povrede privatnosti korisnika. Privatnost se može definirati kao osnovno ljudsko pravo. Pošto se pojedinci međusobno razlikuju tako se i shvaćanje pojma privatnosti, ali i povrede privatnosti može razlikovati od pojedinca do pojedinca. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja prezentiranog u ovom radu bio je ispitati stavove ispitanika vezano uz pitanja o njihovoj zabrinutosti za privatnost prilikom korištenja usluga kupovanja/plaćanja robe putem Interneta (online kupnje) i/ili Internet bankarstva. Nadalje, željeli smo ispitati odnose između različitih činitelja koji mogu imati utjecaj na korisnikovu percepciju online privatnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji veza između percepcije ispitanika vezano za njegovu online privatnost i njegove zabrinutosti za količinu informacija koje se prikupljaju o njemu prilikom njegove online aktivnosti. Također postoji pozitivna veza ispitanikove percepcije online privatnosti i njegove percepcije postojećih pravnih okvira vezanih uz zaštitu privatnosti osobnih podataka

    Does Perceived Advertising Value Alleviate Advertising Avoidance in Mobile Social Media? Exploring Its Moderated Mediation Effects

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    It is known that perceived intrusiveness and privacy concerns, mediated by irritation, indirectly affect advertising avoidance. This research attempts to verify the importance of perceived advertising value by investigating its moderated mediation effect on the links between those endogenous variables. The research model was empirically verified with data derived from 374 valid off-line responses. Analysis found that both perceived intrusiveness and privacy concerns increased irritation in using mobile social media. Irritation caused by perceived intrusiveness and privacy concerns had positive mediating effects on advertising avoidance. Ubiquity increased perceived intrusiveness and privacy concerns, whereas personalization reduced perceived intrusiveness. Customization increased perceived intrusiveness, whereas informativeness significantly reduced it. Social interaction increased privacy concerns, whereas social integration decreased them. The moderated mediation effect of perceived advertising value among women was negative. In the low-exposure group, a negative moderated mediation effect of perceived advertising value on the relationship between irritation and advertising avoidance was also found