25,399 research outputs found

    The Economic Consequences of the Klassical Caricature

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    This essay is part of a wider investigation into the macroeconomic creation myth; and this introductory section provides only a very brief summary of Pigou\u27s work. The reader\u27s indulgence is therefore requested: full justification for my assertions will be provided in a forthcoming book. Limitations of space prohibit me from doing justice to my thesis about Pigou at the same time as addressing my allocated topic. ISBN: 978-0-7923-8149-

    Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Global Nighttime Lights

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    Using open source data, we observe the fascinating dynamics of nighttime light. Following a global economic regime shift, the planetary center of light can be seen moving eastwards at a pace of about 60 km per year. Introducing spatial light Gini coefficients, we find a universal pattern of human settlements across different countries and see a global centralization of light. Observing 160 different countries we document the expansion of developing countries, the growth of new agglomerations, the regression in countries suffering from demographic decline and the success of light pollution abatement programs in western countries

    In Favor of Rigor and Relevance. A Reply to Mark Blaug

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    The paper discusses Mark Blaug’s recent criticisms of “Sraffian economics”. It is shown that none of the criticisms stand up to close examination. Blaug commits a number of elementary blunders and mistakes the mathematical form of an argument for its content. He variously contradicts himself and puts forward bold contentions that cannot be sustained. The paper concludes with an obvious plea for rigor and relevance.Piero Sraffa;Mark Blaug; General Equilibrium

    The Competitiveness of Central and Eastern European (CEE) Financial Markets

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    Although there has been vivid academic debate as to what extent Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are motivated by political reasons, it is rather clear that countries can use state-owned investment funds as a tool of their foreign policy. Even Barack Obama, during his initial presidential campaign in 2008 commented: “I am obviously concerned if these
 sovereign wealth funds are motivated by more than just market consideration and that’s obviously a possibility”. This book looks at SWF activities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to determine the main motives for SWF presence in CEE. Are the potential financial gains the only reason behind their investments? Are SWF activities in the region dangerous for the stability and security of the CEE countries? The book is pioneering analyses of SWFs behaviour in the region, based on empirical data collected from the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute Transaction Database, arguably the most comprehensive and authoritative resource tracking SWF investment behaviour globally.RozdziaƂ pochodzi z ksiÄ…ĆŒki: Political Players? Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Investments in Central and Eastern Europe, T. KamiƄski (ed.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkiego, ƁódĆș 2017.The research seeks to gauge the global competitiveness of Central and Eastern European (CEE) financial markets. The assessment is made using quantitative and hybrid metrics of financial centre development while placing particular emphasis on competitiveness drivers relevant to the activity of global sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in the CEE region.This book was published in frames of project “Political significance of the Sovereign Wealth Funds’ investments in the Central and Eastern Europe”. The project was financed by the Polish National Science Centre (Decision no. DEC-2012/07/B/HS5/03797)

    Spirituality, Economics, and Education A Dialogic Critique of Spiritual Capital

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    This paper consists of a conversation between a philosopher specialising in ethics and religion and an educational researcher with an interest in cultural studies and contemporary social theory. Dialogic in form, this paper employs an interdisciplinary response to an interdisciplinary project and offers the following components: a dialogic theorizing of the implications for education of a research project on spiritual capital; a continuation of the project of analyzing moral thinking in various cultural and societal settings; a continuation of the project of analyzing political rhetoric (towards an understanding of the polemics of political rhetoric); a reaffirmation of the value of recognizing difference and ambiguity in the global moment

    Spatial economy: high-tech glossary or new regional economics?

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    "The Spatial Economy Cities, Regions and International Trade", by Masahisa Fujita, Paul Krugman and Anthony J. Venables, has been seen as the best synthesis of the so-called new economic geography. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to review the book; and second, to place it in the current debate on regional economics. The first part of the paper is a brief introduction that situates the book in the history of regional economics. In the second part, a description and analysis of the basic models, their variations and applications are presented. The debate on regional economics concerning the theory proposed in the book is in the third part. Two aspects are stressed: the criticisms on the core-periphery model and how it incorporates regional diversity The fourth topic is a critical assessment of the achievements and originality of the new economic geography analysis.regional economics; economic geography; industrial agglomerations; monopolistic competition

    Guest Introduction Quaker Business, Industry and Commerce: New Critical Perspectives and Pathways

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    This themed edition of Quaker Studies assembles a collection of papers by Quaker and other scholars from the fields of management and organisation to examine Quakerism in business, industry and commerce. These papers arise out of the joint Quaker Studies Research Association/Centre for Research in Quaker Studies conference held at Woodbrooke on 21 June 2018. The themes explored in them cover a wide, and previously under-explored, terrain that encompasses both a retrospective look at the influence and impact of Quaker-owned businesses and practices on society and vice versa and the often uneasy relationship between contemporary management theory and practice and Quaker tradition. Furthermore, the papers I have selected for this themed issue either adopt a critical perspective or elaborate new and interesting ways to understand the interface between Quakerism and business, with the ambition to open new pathways for future research. In other words, it has been the intention both to break new ground in Quaker Studies and to excite and interest management scholars to (re)turn to Quaker practice as a means to interpret contemporary phenomena
