25 research outputs found

    Extremist Chan Culture

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    \u27Race\u27 on the Japanese internet: discussing Korea and Koreans on \u272-Channeru\u27

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    This paper investigates discourse about race on the Japanese Internet, particularly regarding resident Koreans and their relationship to the Japanese. One board relating to arguments about Korea on the notorious ‘Channel 2’ BBS, Japan’s most visited Internet site, is investigated, since it is one of the main public forums in which racial vilification takes place, perpetrated by both Japanese and Korean posters. Nakamura’s (Cybertypes) contention that the Internet is ‘a place where race is created as an effect of the net\u27s distinctive uses of language’ is taken as a starting point to investigate the differences between Japanese and Anglophone notions of racial inclusion and exclusion and to draw attention to the particularities of racial discourse that take place in this virtual Japanese space

    Optimalizace digitální podoby říční sítě a její dopad na vodohospodářský management povodí

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    Digitální sada dat o říční síti je důležitým zdrojem informací pro široké spektrum činností v rámci vodohospodářského řízení. Je také základnou pro modely a vědecký výzkum v mnoha různých oblastech. Vývoj datové sady byl v České republice v minulosti rozdělen a výsledkem jsou tři různé paralelně se vyvíjející datové sady, které pokrývají celé území státu. Tyto datové sady obsahují rozdílnou geometrii, rozdílné a často protichůdné atributy a byly vytvořeny pro odlišné účely využití. Proto nadešel čas, kdy si odpovědné vodohospodářské instituce uvědomily, že tato situace je nadále neudržitelná a vyvíjejí úsilí na sjednocení těchto datových sad do jedné. Tento úkol přináší řadu technických problémů a může mít řadu právních důsledků. Cílem této práce je vytvoření metodického přístupu pro sjednocení existujících datových sad. Tento metodický přístup pro rozhodnutí, který z protichůdných nebo rozdílných atributů by měl být převzat do sjednocené datové sady, vychází z předpokladu, že existující datové sady budou sjednoceny do jedné obsahující to nejlepší z nich. Porovnání jednotlivých prvků v existujících datových sadách nevyhnutelně povede k mnoha konfliktům, kdy bude nutné rozhodnout, který z posuzovaných prvků má být přijat do výsledné datové sady. Práce vychází z hlavních účelů, pro které je digitální...Digital river network dataset is an important source of information in any aspect of water management decision making. It is also a base for modelling or scientific research in many different fields. Development of the dataset in the Czech Republic had been fragmented in a past and as a result three different datasets have been developed that cover the whole of the state's territory. The datasets contain different geometries, different and often conflicting attributes and serve different purposes. Today the time has come that water management decision makers have realised that the situation is no longer sustainable and make effort to merge the datasets into one. The task brings in several technical issues and a potential for severe legal consequences. The aim of this study is to develop a methodological approach to merging the existing datasets into one. This methodological approach to decision which of the conflicting or different attributes should be adopted is based on assumption that the existing datasets will be merged into one consisting the best of all. Comparison of features in the existing dataset will inevitably lead to many conflicts when it will be necessary to decide which of the considered features should be adopted to the resulting dataset. The study considers the main purposes which...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Coupled modelling of subglacial hydrology and calving-front melting at Store Glacier, West Greenland

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    Abstract. We investigate the subglacial hydrology of Store Glacier in West Greenland, using the open-source, full-Stokes model Elmer/Ice in a novel 3D application that includes a distributed water sheet, as well as discrete channelised drainage, and a 1D model to simulate submarine plumes at the calving front. At first, we produce a baseline winter scenario with no surface meltwater. We then investigate the hydrological system during summer, focussing specifically on 2012 and 2017, which provide examples of high and low surface-meltwater inputs, respectively. We show that the common assumption of zero winter freshwater flux is invalid, and we find channels over 1 m2 in area occurring up to 5 km inland in winter. We also find that the production of water from friction and geothermal heat is sufficiently high to drive year-round plume activity, with ice-front melting averaging 0.15 m d−1. When the model is forced with seasonally averaged surface melt from summer, we show a hydrological system with significant distributed sheet activity extending 65 and 45 km inland in 2012 and 2017, respectively; while channels with a cross-sectional area higher than 1 m2 form as far as 55 and 30 km inland. Using daily values for the surface melt as forcing, we find only a weak relationship between the input of surface meltwater and the intensity of plume melting at the calving front, whereas there is a strong correlation between surface-meltwater peaks and basal water pressures. The former shows that storage of water on multiple timescales within the subglacial drainage system plays an important role in modulating subglacial discharge. The latter shows that high melt inputs can drive high basal water pressures even when the channelised network grows larger. This has implications for the future velocity and mass loss of Store Glacier, and the consequent sea-level rise, in a warming world. </jats:p

    From multiscale biophysics to digital twins of tissues and organs: future opportunities for in silico pharmacology

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    With many advancements in in silico biology in recent years, the paramount challenge is to translate the accumulated knowledge into exciting industry partnerships and clinical applications. Achieving models that characterize the link of molecular interactions to the activity and structure of a whole organ are termed multiscale biophysics. Historically, the pharmaceutical industry has worked well with in silico models by leveraging their prediction capabilities for drug testing. However, the needed higher fidelity and higher resolution of models for efficient prediction of pharmacological phenomenon dictates that in silico approaches must account for the verifiable multiscale biophysical phenomena, as a spatial and temporal dimension variation for different processes and models. The collection of different multiscale models for different tissues and organs can compose digital twin solutions towards becoming a service for researchers, clinicians, and drug developers. Our paper has two main goals: 1) To clarify to what extent detailed single- and multiscale modeling has been accomplished thus far, we provide a review on this topic focusing on the biophysics of epithelial, cardiac, and brain tissues; 2) To discuss the present and future role of multiscale biophysics in in silico pharmacology as a digital twin solution by defining a roadmap from simple biophysical models to powerful prediction tools. Digital twins have the potential to pave the way for extensive clinical and pharmaceutical usage of multiscale models and our paper shows the basic fundamentals and opportunities towards their accurate development enabling the quantum leaps of future precise and personalized medical software.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion

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    “This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. This book examines the trajectory and development of the Japanese religious movement Agonshu and its charismatic founder Kiriyama Seiyu. Based on field research spanning 30 years, it examines Agonshu from when it first captured attention in the 1980s with its spectacular rituals and use of media technologies, through its period of stagnation to its response to the death of its founder in 2016. The authors discuss the significance of charismatic leadership, the 'democratisation' of practice and the demands made by movements such as Agonshu on members, while examining how the movement became increasingly focused on revisionist nationalism and issues of Japanese identity. In examining the dilemma that religions commonly face on the deaths of charismatic founders, Erica Baffelli and Ian Reader look at Agonshu’s response to Kiriyama's death, looking at how and why it has transformed a human founder into a figure of worship. By examining Agonshu in the wider context, the authors critically examine the concept of ‘new religions’. They draw attention to the importance of understanding the trajectories of 'new' religions and how they can become ‘old’ even within their first generation

    Forgotten globalizing actors: towards an understanding of the range of individuals involved in global norm formation in multinational companies

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    While there is substantial literature on global mobility, roles in the global integration of multinationals are not limited to internationally mobile staff. We focus on ‘globalizing actors’, defined as those within multinationals who are involved in global norm-making. Using interview-based qualitative data, we categorize individuals’ involvement in global norm-making according to the function within norm formation in which they are involved, their source of influence, and their geographical and organizational reach. We identify nine distinct types of globalizing actors. We demonstrate that many individuals play important roles in global norm-making without having formal hierarchical authority or being globally mobile. Our approach draws attention to the ways in which many globalizing actors use ‘social skill’ to further their aims. Our categorization of such ‘forgotten globalizing actors’ facilitates future research by allowing a fuller understanding of the ways in which individuals across multinationals contribute to global integration

    Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion

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    “This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. This book examines the trajectory and development of the Japanese religious movement Agonshu and its charismatic founder Kiriyama Seiyu. Based on field research spanning 30 years, it examines Agonshu from when it first captured attention in the 1980s with its spectacular rituals and use of media technologies, through its period of stagnation to its response to the death of its founder in 2016. The authors discuss the significance of charismatic leadership, the 'democratisation' of practice and the demands made by movements such as Agonshu on members, while examining how the movement became increasingly focused on revisionist nationalism and issues of Japanese identity. In examining the dilemma that religions commonly face on the deaths of charismatic founders, Erica Baffelli and Ian Reader look at Agonshu’s response to Kiriyama's death, looking at how and why it has transformed a human founder into a figure of worship. By examining Agonshu in the wider context, the authors critically examine the concept of ‘new religions’. They draw attention to the importance of understanding the trajectories of 'new' religions and how they can become ‘old’ even within their first generation

    Hatsune Miku and the Double Nature of Voice Library Software : Content Consumption and Production in Japan

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    Hatsune Miku, a software conceived to produce songs, has evolved as a fictional character in the hands of its users since its release in 2007, prompting the development of a strong identity around her image and initiating an innovative movement of amateur content production. In this paper, I examine the software Hatsune Miku, developed by Crypton, and its double nature as a character and as software. I argue that while the influence of Dwango\u27s video sharing website Nico Nico Dōga (today Niconico) and the development of participatory culture on the internet were also decisive factors, it was this double nature that encouraged in a rather natural way the development of a stance towards, and later, a legal framework for, the intellectual property of voice characters like Hatsune Miku. This legal framework transformed the scene of content production and consumption in Japan by allowing not only free appropriation of the fictional character by users, but also its re-appropriation by companies for commercial exploitation. By focusing on how the de-appropriation and re-appropriation schema used by Crypton developed, this paper aims to explain recent transformations in Japanese content production and consumption


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