3,536 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Frontiers in Bipolar Disorders: A Recovery Oriented Cognitive Rehabilitation tool.

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    Background: Cognitive impairment is a fundamental rehabilitation outcome for people with mental disorders. This represents a barrier to achieve clinical, personal and social outcomes essential for a good quality of life. In line with the WHO innovation objective are increasing the use of technologies for treatment of mental disorders. This study aims at evaluating the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of the first Cognitive Remediation Virtual Reality Program for people with bipolar disorder. Methods: Feasibility randomized controlled cross-over clinical study; we randomized 50 people from the Consultation and Psychosomatic Psychiatry Center of the University Hospital of Cagliari with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. We proposed a CR/VR recoveryoriented program, 3 months with 2 weekly sessions, for the experimental group and a usual care program for the control group (psychiatric visit and/or psychotherapy). Results: We observed a significant feasibility outcome and clinical outcomes, both cognitive and personal and social functioning. In particular in memory (Ray’s Word Test p<0.003), attention (Matrix Test p<0.002), verbal fluency (FAS Test p<0.010), executive function in terms of cognitive esteem function (CET p<0.003), depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 p< 0.030), alexithymia (TAS-20 p<0.007) and in biological rhythms (BRIAN è<0.029). Conclusion: This RCT aims, with regards to it feasibility and design, to inform a confirmatory trial that evaluates the effectiveness of a VR CR program in psychiatric rehabilitation for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in people with bipolar disorder. The results could have an impact on psychiatric rehabilitation research with a focus on improving the application of technologies for mental health

    Instruments to Optimize Mental Health(Care)

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    Instruments to Optimize Mental Health(Care)

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    Barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of nurses regarding metabolic health screening and intervention in people with mental illness: A pilot study from Uganda

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    © 2019 Vancampfort et al. Licensee African Health Sciences. Background: People with mental illness are at an increased risk for developing cardio-metabolic disorders. Routine screening following pharmacotherapy is however unacceptably low in sub-Saharan African countries with less than 1% adequately screened. It is unknown whether this is due to a lack of adequate competences. Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to assess the barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of nurses regarding metabolic health, prevention and treatment in Uganda. Methods: Twenty-eight nurses (39% female, 30.9±6.9 years) completed the Metabolic – Barriers, Confidence, Attitudes and Knowledge Questionnaire and the physical activity prescription rate item of the Exercise in Mental Illness Questionnaire. Results: More than 75% had a positive attitude towards metabolic screening and intervention and more than 50% were confident in providing smoking cessation advice, and physical activity and nutritional counseling. However, 57% stated that their heavy workload prevented them from doing health screening and promotion activities. There was a negative correlation (ϱ=-0.54, P=0.003) between the frequency of physical activity prescription and the perception of the inability of patients to change. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that nurses are generally supportive of metabolic health screening and intervention but their high workload prevents them from implementing metabolic health interventions

    Adherence to Treatment in Psychotic Disorders - Development of user-centered mobile health intervention

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    The aim of this study was to explore adherence to treatment among people with psychotic disorders through the development of user-centered mobile technology (mHealth) intervention. More specifically, this study investigates treatment adherence as well as mHealth intervention and the factors related to its possible usability. The data were collected from 2010 to 2013. First, patients’ and professionals’ perceptions of adherence management and restrictive factors of adherence were described (n = 61). Second, objectives and methods of the intervention were defined based on focus group interviews and previously used methods. Third, views of patients and professionals about barriers and requirements of the intervention were described (n = 61). Fourth, mHealth intervention was evaluated based on a literature review (n = 2) and patients preferences regarding the intervention (n = 562). Adherence management required support in everyday activities, social networks and maintaining a positive outlook. The factors restricting adherence were related to illness, behavior and the environment. The objective of the intervention was to support the intention to follow the treatment guidelines and recommendations with mHealth technology. The barriers and requirements for the use of the mHealth were related to technology, organizational issues and the users themselves. During the course of the intervention, 33 (6%) out of 562 participants wanted to edit the content, timing or amount of the mHealth tool, and 23 (4%) quit the intervention or study before its conclusion. According to the review, mHealth interventions were ineffective in promoting adherence. Prior to the intervention, participants perceived that adherence could be supported, and the use of mHealth as a part of treatment was seen as an acceptable and efficient method for doing so. In conclusion, the use of mHealth may be feasible among people with psychotic disorders. However, clear evidence for its effectiveness in regards to adherence is still currently inconclusive.Hoitoon sitoutuminen psykoottisissa häiriöissä - käyttäjälähtöisen mobiiliteknologisen intervention kehittäminen Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää psykoottisia häiriötä sairastavien hoitoon sitoutumista, kehittämällä käyttäjälähtöinen mobiiliteknologinen interventio. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat hoitoon sitoutuminen, mobiiliteknologinen interventio ja sen käytettävyyteen liittyvät tekijät. Aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2010–2013. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kuvattiin potilaiden ja hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä hoitoon sitoutumisen hallinnasta ja sitä rajoittavista tekijöistä (n = 61). Toisessa vaiheessa määriteltiin intervention tavoite ja menetelmät ryhmähaastatteluiden sekä aiempien tutkimusten avulla. Kolmannessa vaiheessa kuvattiin potilaiden ja hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä esteistä ja vaatimuksista intervention käytölle (n = 61). Neljännessä vaiheessa mobiiliteknologisia interventioita arvioitiin perustuen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja potilaiden (n = 562) mieltymyksiin. Hoitoon sitoutumisen hallinta edellytti arkielämän, sosiaalisten verkostojen ja positiivisen näkemyksen tukemista. Hoitoon sitoutumista puolestaan rajoitti sairauteen, käyttäytymiseen ja ympäristöön liittyvät tekijät. Intervention tavoitteeksi muodostui potilaan suunnitelmallisen pyrkimyksen tukeminen hoitosuositusten ja – ohjeiden noudattamiseksi, hyödyntäen mobiiliteknologiaa. Mobiiliteknologian käytön vaatimukset ja esteet liittyivät teknologiaan, organisaatioon ja käyttäjään. Kaikkiaan 562 tutkittavasta, 33 (6 %) halusi intervention aikana sisällöllisiä, ajallisia tai määrällisiä muutoksia valitsemiinsa viesteihin, ja 23 (4 %) keskeytti intervention tai tutkimuksen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan mobiiliteknologiset interventiot eivät edistäneet hoitoon sitoutumista. Tutkittavat kuvasivat interventiota edeltävästi, että hoitoon sitoutumista on mahdollista tukea, ja mobiiliteknologia osana hoitoa koettiin hyväksyttäväksi ja tehokkaaksi menetelmäksi tähän. Arvioinnin perusteella mobiiliteknologia saattanee olla soveltuva osa psykoottista häiriöitä sairastavien hoitoon. Tieto mobiiliteknologian vaikuttavuudesta hoitoon sitoutumisen edistämiseksi on kuitenkin vielä tällä hetkellä puutteellinen.Siirretty Doriast

    A systematic study on predicting depression using text analytics

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    Social Networking Sites (SNS) provides online communication among groups but somehow it is affecting the status of mental health. For adolescents with limited social media friends and using internet for communication purposes predicted less depression, whereas  non-communication desire reveals more depression and anxiety disorder. Social media posts and comments provide a rich source of text data for academic research. In this paper, we have discussed various text analytical approaches to predict depression among users through the sharing of online ideas over such websites. This paper presents a  comprehensive review for predicting depression disorder by various text analytics approaches. This paper also presents the summary of results obtained by some researchers available in literature to predict MajorDepressive Disorder (MDD). In future research, enable self-monitoring of health status of each individuals which may help to increase well-being of an identity.Keywords: Social Networking Sites; Sentiment Analysis; Machine Learning; Support Vector Machine