53 research outputs found

    Multi-authored monograph

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles. Perspectives. Management. Power supply : Multi-authored monograph / V. V. Holovenskiy, T. F. Shmelova,Y. M. Shmelev and oth.; Science Editor DSc. (Engineering), T. F. Shmelova. – Warsaw, 2019. – 100 p. - ISBN 978-83-66216-10-5.У монографії аналізуються можливі варіанти енергопостачання та управління безпілотними літальними апаратами. Також розглядається питання прийняття рішення оператором безпілотного літального апарату при управлінні у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Рекомендується для фахівців, аспірантів і студентів за спеціальностями 141 - «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка», 173 - «Авіоніка» та інших суміжних спеціальностей.The monograph analyzes the possible options for energy supply and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, the issue of decision-making by the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the management of emergencies is considered.

    Permutation Coding Technique for Image Recognition Systems

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    A feature extractor and neural classifier for image recognition systems are proposed. The proposed feature extractor is based on the concept of random local descriptors (RLDs). It is followed by the encoder that is based on the permutation coding technique that allows to take into account not only detected features but also the position of each feature on the image and to make the recognition process invariant to small displacements. The combination of RLDs and permutation coding permits us to obtain a sufficiently general description of the image to be recognized. The code generated by the encoder is used as an input data for the neural classifier. Different types of images were used to test the proposed image recognition system. It was tested in the handwritten digit recognition problem, the face recognition problem, and the microobject shape recognition problem. The results of testing are very promising. The error rate for the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database is 0.44% and for the Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) database it is 0.1

    414 InternatIonal Journal of electronIcs & communIcatIon technology

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    Abstract Neural networks are a new method of programming computers. They are exceptionally good at performing pattern recognition and other tasks that are very difficult to program using conventional techniques. Programs that employ neural nets are also capable of learning on their own and adapting to changing conditions. Neural nets may be the future of computing .A good way to understand them is with a puzzle that neural nets can be used to solve. Suppose that you are given 500 characters of code that you know to be C, C++, Java, or Python. Now, construct a program that identifies the code's language. One solution is to construct a neural net that learns to identify these languages. According to a simplified account, the human brain consists of about ten billion neurons --and a neuron is, on average, connected to several thousand other neurons. By way of these connections, neurons both send and receive varying quantities of energy. One very important feature of neurons is that they don't react immediately to the reception of energy. Instead, they sum their received energies, and they send their own quantities of energy to other neurons only when this sum has reached a certain critical threshold. The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections. The brain's network of neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system. This contrasts with conventional computers, in which a single processor executes a single series of instructions

    An investigation into adaptive power reduction techniques for neural hardware

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    In light of the growing applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in the signal processing field [1] and the present thrust of the semiconductor industry towards lowpower SOCs for mobile devices [2], the power consumption of ANN hardware has become a very important implementation issue. Adaptability is a powerful and useful feature of neural networks. All current approaches for low-power ANN hardware techniques are ‘non-adaptive’ with respect to the power consumption of the network (i.e. power-reduction is not an objective of the adaptation/learning process). In the research work presented in this thesis, investigations on possible adaptive power reduction techniques have been carried out, which attempt to exploit the adaptability of neural networks in order to reduce the power consumption. Three separate approaches for such adaptive power reduction are proposed: adaptation of size, adaptation of network weights and adaptation of calculation precision. Initial case studies exhibit promising results with significantpower reduction

    Ship steering control using feedforward neural networks

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    One significant problem in the design of ship steering control systems is that the dynamics of the vessel change with operating conditions such as the forward speed of the vessel, the depth of the water and loading conditions etc. Approaches considered in the past to overcome these difficulties include the use of self adaptive control systems which adjust the control characteristics on a continuous basis to suit the current operating conditions. Artificial neural networks have been receiving considerable attention in recent years and have been considered for a variety of applications where the characteristics of the controlled system change significantly with operating conditions or with time. Such networks have a configuration which remains fixed once the training phase is complete. The resulting controlled systems thus have more predictable characteristics than those which are found in many forms of traditional self-adaptive control systems. In particular, stability bounds can be investigated through simulation studies as with any other form of controller having fixed characteristics. Feedforward neural networks have enjoyed many successful applications in the field of systems and control. These networks include two major categories: multilayer perceptrons and radial basis function networks. In this thesis, we explore the applicability of both of these artificial neural network architectures for automatic steering of ships in a course changing mode of operation. The approach that has been adopted involves the training of a single artificial neural network to represent a series of conventional controllers for different operating conditions. The resulting network thus captures, in a nonlinear fashion, the essential characteristics of all of the conventional controllers. Most of the artificial neural network controllers developed in this thesis are trained with the data generated through simulation studies. However, experience is also gained of developing a neuro controller on the basis of real data gathered from an actual scale model of a supply ship. Another important aspect of this work is the applicability of local model networks for modelling the dynamics of a ship. Local model networks can be regarded as a generalized form of radial basis function networks and have already proved their worth in a number of applications involving the modelling of systems in which the dynamic characteristics can vary significantly with the system operating conditions. The work presented in this thesis indicates that these networks are highly suitable for modelling the dynamics of a ship

    Efficient Mapping of Neural Network Models on a Class of Parallel Architectures.

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    This dissertation develops a formal and systematic methodology for efficient mapping of several contemporary artificial neural network (ANN) models on k-ary n-cube parallel architectures (KNC\u27s). We apply the general mapping to several important ANN models including feedforward ANN\u27s trained with backpropagation algorithm, radial basis function networks, cascade correlation learning, and adaptive resonance theory networks. Our approach utilizes a parallel task graph representing concurrent operations of the ANN model during training. The mapping of the ANN is performed in two steps. First, the parallel task graph of the ANN is mapped to a virtual KNC of compatible dimensionality. This involves decomposing each operation into its atomic tasks. Second, the dimensionality of the virtual KNC architecture is recursively reduced through a sequence of transformations until a desired metric is optimized. We refer to this process as folding the virtual architecture. The optimization criteria we consider in this dissertation are defined in terms of the iteration time of the algorithm on the folded architecture. If necessary, the mapping scheme may utilize a subset of the processors of a given KNC architecture if it results in the most efficient simulation. A unique feature of our mapping is that it systematically selects an appropriate degree of parallelism leading to a highly efficient realization of the ANN model on KNC architectures. A novel feature of our work is its ability to efficiently map unit-allocating ANN\u27s. These networks possess a dynamic structure which grows during training. We present a highly efficient scheme for simulating such networks on existing KNC parallel architectures. We assume an upper bound on size of the neural network We perform the folding such that the iteration time of the largest network is minimized. We show that our mapping leads to near-optimal simulation of smaller instances of the neural network. In addition, based on our mapping no data migration or task rescheduling is needed as the size of network grows

    Implementing radial basis function neural networks in pulsed analogue VLSI

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