87 research outputs found

    Morphological Network: How Far Can We Go with Morphological Neurons?

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    In recent years, the idea of using morphological operations as networks has received much attention. Mathematical morphology provides very efficient and useful image processing and image analysis tools based on basic operators like dilation and erosion, defined in terms of kernels. Many other morphological operations are built up using the dilation and erosion operations. Although the learning of structuring elements such as dilation or erosion using the backpropagation algorithm is not new, the order and the way these morphological operations are used is not standard. In this paper, we have theoretically analyzed the use of morphological operations for processing 1D feature vectors and shown that this gets extended to the 2D case in a simple manner. Our theoretical results show that a morphological block represents a sum of hinge functions. Hinge functions are used in many places for classification and regression tasks (Breiman (1993)). We have also proved a universal approximation theorem -- a stack of two morphological blocks can approximate any continuous function over arbitrary compact sets. To experimentally validate the efficacy of this network in real-life applications, we have evaluated its performance on satellite image classification datasets since morphological operations are very sensitive to geometrical shapes and structures. We have also shown results on a few tasks like segmentation of blood vessels from fundus images, segmentation of lungs from chest x-ray and image dehazing. The results are encouraging and further establishes the potential of morphological networks.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures, 7 table

    Can my chip behave like my brain?

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    Many decades ago, Carver Mead established the foundations of neuromorphic systems. Neuromorphic systems are analog circuits that emulate biology. These circuits utilize subthreshold dynamics of CMOS transistors to mimic the behavior of neurons. The objective is to not only simulate the human brain, but also to build useful applications using these bio-inspired circuits for ultra low power speech processing, image processing, and robotics. This can be achieved using reconfigurable hardware, like field programmable analog arrays (FPAAs), which enable configuring different applications on a cross platform system. As digital systems saturate in terms of power efficiency, this alternate approach has the potential to improve computational efficiency by approximately eight orders of magnitude. These systems, which include analog, digital, and neuromorphic elements combine to result in a very powerful reconfigurable processing machine.Ph.D

    Analogue neuromorphic systems.

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    This thesis addresses a new area of science and technology, that of neuromorphic systems, namely the problems and prospects of analogue neuromorphic systems. The subject is subdivided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It formulates the oncoming problem of the creation of highly computationally costly systems of nonlinear information processing (such as artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence systems). It shows that an analogue technology could make a vital contribution to the creation such systems. The basic principles of creation of analogue neuromorphic systems are formulated. The importance will be emphasised of the principle of orthogonality for future highly efficient complex information processing systems. Chapter 2 reviews the basics of neural and neuromorphic systems and informs on the present situation in this field of research, including both experimental and theoretical knowledge gained up-to-date. The chapter provides the necessary background for correct interpretation of the results reported in Chapter 3 and for a realistic decision on the direction for future work. Chapter 3 describes my own experimental and computational results within the framework of the subject, obtained at De Montfort University. These include: the building of (i) Analogue Polynomial Approximator/lnterpolatoriExtrapolator, (ii) Synthesiser of orthogonal functions, (iii) analogue real-time video filter (performing the homomorphic filtration), (iv) Adaptive polynomial compensator of geometrical distortions of CRT- monitors, (v) analogue parallel-learning neural network (backpropagation algorithm). Thus, this thesis makes a dual contribution to the chosen field: it summarises the present knowledge on the possibility of utilising analogue technology in up-to-date and future computational systems, and it reports new results within the framework of the subject. The main conclusion is that due to its promising power characteristics, small sizes and high tolerance to degradation, the analogue neuromorphic systems will playa more and more important role in future computational systems (in particular in systems of artificial intelligence)

    Deep Cellular Recurrent Neural Architecture for Efficient Multidimensional Time-Series Data Processing

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    Efficient processing of time series data is a fundamental yet challenging problem in pattern recognition. Though recent developments in machine learning and deep learning have enabled remarkable improvements in processing large scale datasets in many application domains, most are designed and regulated to handle inputs that are static in time. Many real-world data, such as in biomedical, surveillance and security, financial, manufacturing and engineering applications, are rarely static in time, and demand models able to recognize patterns in both space and time. Current machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models adapted for time series processing tend to grow in complexity and size to accommodate the additional dimensionality of time. Specifically, the biologically inspired learning based models known as artificial neural networks that have shown extraordinary success in pattern recognition, tend to grow prohibitively large and cumbersome in the presence of large scale multi-dimensional time series biomedical data such as EEG. Consequently, this work aims to develop representative ML and DL models for robust and efficient large scale time series processing. First, we design a novel ML pipeline with efficient feature engineering to process a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG dataset for automated detection of epileptic seizures. With the use of a sophisticated yet computationally efficient time-frequency analysis technique known as harmonic wavelet packet transform and an efficient self-similarity computation based on fractal dimension, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for automated seizure detection in EEG data. Subsequently, we investigate the development of a novel efficient deep recurrent learning model for large scale time series processing. For this, we first study the functionality and training of a biologically inspired neural network architecture known as cellular simultaneous recurrent neural network (CSRN). We obtain a generalization of this network for multiple topological image processing tasks and investigate the learning efficacy of the complex cellular architecture using several state-of-the-art training methods. Finally, we develop a novel deep cellular recurrent neural network (CDRNN) architecture based on the biologically inspired distributed processing used in CSRN for processing time series data. The proposed DCRNN leverages the cellular recurrent architecture to promote extensive weight sharing and efficient, individualized, synchronous processing of multi-source time series data. Experiments on a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG, and a machine fault detection dataset show that the proposed DCRNN offers state-of-the-art recognition performance while using substantially fewer trainable recurrent units
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