728 research outputs found

    The Growth of Online Retailing in India

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    Industrial experts have agreed that India’s small-scale industries are intensely competitive due to globalization, domestic economic liberalization, and digitization. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to evaluate the relationship between transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust in online shopping with the growth of online retailing in India. The theoretical foundation for this research study was the theory of planned behavior, and the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology. The research questions examined India’s online retailing growth due to transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. The study used a quantitative correlational research design. The data collected by the survey research method were analyzed with the software package IBM SPSS. The results indicated that customer satisfaction and transaction cost are significant predictors and can explain 59% (adjusted R2 = .589) of the variance in online retailing growth in India. The previous research had not empirically verified the relationship between transaction costs, customer satisfaction, and customer trust in online shopping with the growth of online retailing in India. The recommendation was to include environmental factors and to increase sample size in future research. Closing the gap may contribute to a positive social change by preparing small business owners to compete against online retail growth by understanding which factors affect the growth of online retail in India. With some online shopping support, small business owners can implement measures to retain and attract customers of specific demographic groups

    The factors that contribute to the continuous usage of broadband technologies among youth in rural areas: A case of northern region of Malaysia

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    Despite the benefits of broadband technology in education and healthcare services, its usage in the rural areas is still low and Malaysia is not excluded. This situation leads to raising the question of long-term usage of the technology. Presently, there are less empirical study on the continuous usage of broadband technology among the youths particularly school children in the rural areas of Malaysia. The objective of this study is to determine the contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas. Therefore, a research model was proposed consisting of eight contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology. Moreover, the study used quantitative approach by distributing 450 questionnaires to respondents in the northern region of Malaysia. However, only 393 questionnaires were returned which represent 87.33% response rate. The data collected were analyzed using a Structural Equation Model to investigate the relationship between contributing factors. The results showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, compatibility, facilitating condition, service quality, user behavioural intention and user satisfaction are the significant contributing factors that must be in place to ensure the continuous usage of broadband among youth in the rural areas. Hence, this study contributes to the body of knowledge in Community Informatics by providing a framework for achieving long-term use of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas, through the integration of Information System Continuance Post Acceptance and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models. The factors identified may contribute as input to the government policy formulations and service providers to ensure continuous demand for broadband from the evidence extracted from this study. Continuous usage of broadband technology in the rural areas would have positive contributions on the academic performance, literacy among youths, bridging the digital divide in broadband usage, increase home business and national productivity

    Consumer’s perception towards mobile wallet adoption in Malaysia

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    This paper attempts to delve upon mobile wallet adoption under consumers’ perception in Malaysia context. Technology Acceptance Model has been recruited as base in exploring the relationship of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm towards the behavioural intention in adopting mobile wallets. A quantitative approach has been used to gather the data via questionnaire. With snowball sampling technique, the data were being accumulated from 168 respondents with varying background and analysed by SPSS. The result proclaimed perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm to have significant positive effect on intention. The output of present study has contributed to fill the potential knowledge gap vastly remain undiscovered, refreshed the existing intention on adoption literature which benefits to mobile payment industry and lift up the awareness of various consumers on mobile wallet existence in such developing nation

    Factors affecting adoption of e-wallet among university students in malaysia: A case of Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    E-wallet is appearing to be one of the well-known online transaction payments among people in this digital era. E-wallet has more potential in creating a cashless society which is easily performed through a more organized, fast and secured online transaction system. The study aims to examine the factors affecting the adoption of ewallet among UUM students in Malaysia. The study examines the adoption of e-wallet by including independent variables like perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security, social influence, benefits, government support and trust with the help of TAM and UTAUT theory. A convenience sampling technique was used in this study where a total number of 382 questionnaires (Google Forms) was distributed to the targeted respondents from UUM in which only 340 from the questionnaires were usable for the analysis. The SPSS version 26 is used to assist in the data analysis throughout the study. Descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis are applied in the data analysis. The results concluded that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence, benefits and trust have a significant relationship towards the adoption of e-wallet among UUM students. However, perceived security and government support have no significant relationship towards the adoption of e-wallet among UUM students. Few limitations and suggestions are included in the study in order to provide a clear picture for the ewallet service providers and future researchers to enhance the adoption of e-wallet in Malaysia

    Customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of perceived ease of use, service quality, website design and online security towards customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia. 234 sets of questionnaires were distributed using systematic random sampling method. Out of 234 questionnaires only 224 set of questionnaires were returned. Questionnaire collected were usable with a response rate of 95.7%. The data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0. Then, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis and inferential analysis were conducted. Through the reliability analysis, all variables used in this study are reliable with the value of each variable exceeds 0.6 as suggested by previous researcher. Besides, this study found that all the independent variables significantly relationship with customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia (p < 0.01). Through the regression model (r = 0.653, r2 = 0.426), it indicated that 42.6% of customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia was influenced to all the independent variables that are perceived ease of use, service quality, website design and online security. Customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia is influenced mostly by online security. Next, the influence factors to customer satisfaction of online shopping among employees of CMA CGM group Malaysia were followed by perceived ease of use, service quality, website design, and lastly information quality. Future improvement this research, future research may conduct a qualitative research and added several appropriate variables

    Investment in the Palestine Securities Exchange (PSE): an analysis of individual investors' behaviour

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    Understanding investors’ behaviour is one of the major objectives in behavioural finance within the context of financial analysis. The Palestinian Securities Exchange (PSE) is unique and has been established within the economically, financially and socially challenged ecosystem. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of intention (I), attitude (Att), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), financial literacy (FL) and risk propensity (RP) in explaining the influence of individual investor’s behaviour in decision- making in the PSE. Based on the insights of the dynamic view of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The study adopted the TPB; the underlying framework was the TPB that had been modified to incorporate FL and RP as additional explanatory variables. Furthermore, there were 10,958 Palestinian investors in the PSE in The Gaza Strip, and this comprised the study population. Data for the study was collected from real investors across brokerage firms using structured survey questionnaires in order to understand the behavioural constructs developed. The study used the structural equation modelling Smart-PLS (3.0) to test the data obtained from a sample of 756 respondents, and to analyze the hypotheses. The results based on the questionnaire survey of Palestinian investors indicated that (I) and (PBC) significantly influence the behaviour towards investing in the PSE. They also suggested that Att, SN, PBC, FL and RP have positive effects on intention which, in turn, positively affects the behaviour towards investing in the PSE. The findings of the study provide important insights to the PSE in terms of understanding the motivation of investors to invest in the PSE which, in turn, helps the economy to efficiently utilize and preserve capital while seeking opportunities to maximize returns for investors and enhancing its role in serving investors for the enhancement of the Palestinian economic development

    Factors influencing in selection of online banking products: a conceptual paper on Bangladeshi customer

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    Abstract The study has been led to research the components that impact the clients of electronic banking services to utilize internet banking in Bangladesh. In this study there has been utilizing diverse compelling components that has an extraordinary effect to rouse or impact the internet banking client in determination of their web based banking framework in Bangladesh will be examine and with different analytical procedures. It has been seen from the result of the literature that, the ease of usefulness is the most critical component that impacts the client in choice of internet banking. Different questions will be asked to determine the most influencing term under use of usefulness. On perception, a proper policy may go a long way to increase the ease use online banking system with the improvement of other related facilities which will help the online banking system to attract the new clients. Keywords: Ease of usefulness, online bank, Security and Privacy, Customer satisfactio