40 research outputs found

    Meta-análisis aplicado a Business Intelligence para la toma de decisiones objetivas en entidades financieras

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónBusiness intelligence se ha convertido en un sistema significativo para las entidades financieras en cuanto a la toma de decisiones, el cual está basado en una serie de técnicas, herramientas y procesos, los cuales permiten obtener información rápida y útil para el desempeño y ventaja competitiva de la misma. Se realizó un meta-análisis bajo la metodología de revisiones sistemáticas, construyendo una serie de preguntas para la identificación de artículos referentes a modelos de BI aplicables en diferentes organizaciones, con el propósito de encontrar un modelo único.PregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    A Tour of Business Intelligence Technologies

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    The Business Intelligence (BI) landscape has weathered significant change and consolidation in the late 2000’s[1-3]. This has left fewer stand alone offerings, and greater integration into “stack” technologies led by significant purchases and integrations by IBM, Oracle and SAP[4-6]. While these acquisitions have led to stronger emerging BI and Corporate Performance Management (CPM) power houses it has subjected researchers and businesses to a daunting sales force, with limited ability to derive side by side performance comparisons. Start up costs and the differentiation in underlying hardware requirements make the purchase of two or more technologies cost prohibitive, encouraging Universities, medium and small businesses to move away from the research and investment that served as the foundation for many of the original BI vendors. In recognizing this gap and the need for additional research to continue to drive BI adoption and integration, the purpose of this tutorial is to provide a guided hands-on tour of five BI tools with significant market share. This tour will focus on enabling attendees to gain exposure to and a better understanding of the features, benefits and opportunities of best in breed BI tools

    Big Data Harmonization – Challenges and Applications

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    As data grow, need for big data solution gets increased day by day. Concept of data harmonization exist since two decades. As data is to be collected from various heterogeneous sources and techniques of data harmonization allow them to be in a single format at same place it is also called data warehouse. Lot of advancement occurred to analyses historical data by using data warehousing. Innovations uncover the challenges and problems faced by data warehousing every now and then. When the volume and variety of data gets increased exponentially, existing tools might not support the OLAP operations by traditional warehouse approach. In this paper we tried to focus on the research being done in the field of big data warehouse category wise. Research issues and proposed approaches on various kind of dataset is shown. Challenges and advantages of using data warehouse before data mining task are also explained in detail

    Sistema soporte de decisiones basado en Business Intelligence para micro y pequeñas empresas de distribución

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    Investigación TecnológicaHerramienta (Software) de soporte de decisiones basado en Business Intelligence para micro y pequeñas empresas de distribución, que apoya al usuario para que controle, establezca y gestione los presupuestos y así pueda saber que se ejecutó de forma correcta y que falta por ejecutar, para así tomar las medidas correspondientes y mejorar su cometido.PregradoIngeniero de Sistema


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    Analytics as a field is rapidly growing because of businesses need to tackle increasingly large and complex datasets to gain a competitive edge in the business environment. Currently there are two distinct types of analytics technologies: proprietary and open-source. Each has their distinct strengths and weaknesses, but which is relevant in today business environment? Questions like this are important for businesses wanting utilize these technologies in order to become larger and more efficient. This research answered this question and it was found that both proprietary and open-source technologies are equally relevant in current analytics research. Because of this, businesses should be more aware of the analytics field and how both types of technologies could benefit their current operations and should strategically utilize both types to meet their specific data needs

    Modèle multidimensionnel en diamant dédié à l'OLAP sémantique de documents

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    National audienceLe document électronique représente aujourd’hui un support d’information que les entreprises ne peuvent plus négliger si elles veulent être certaines d’identifier et de gérer toutes les données qui leur sont utiles au quotidien. Plusieurs travaux ont proposé l’application des techniques OLAP (« On-line Analytical Processing ») aux informations documentaires. Dans cet article, nous présentons un nouveau modèle multidimensionnel dédié à l’OLAP de documents. Ce modèle, dit en diamant, est organisé autour d’une dimension centrale qui traduit la sémantique du contenu textuel du document

    The Effect of Business Intelligence on Management Accounting Information System

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    In today's business world, we are faced with high volumes of data. New developments in IT provide organizations with effective and efficient access and storage of information. In any case, there is a long distance between the mass of data and its use. Management accounting information system has changed as a key to success in today's business environment. In the field of management accounting, if the accounting information system is not capable of providing information to business managers timely and quickly, organizations' success will be threatened in the competitive environment. To cope with competitors and growth of long-term strategies, the accounting information system should benefit from business intelligence techniques to provide timely and effective financial information. The important competitive advantage against opponents and business competitors in the market is the most important reason to create intelligent systems. The purpose of business intelligence is to help control the flow and resources of business information within and around the organization. In this study, based on the research objectives, using a meta-analysis, some of the applied criteria and parameters of accounting information systems were examined based on business intelligence features. In addition, a model was proposed based on four categories of relationships and inferences, warning and reporting systems, and tools for effective analysis and decision-making. Among the criteria in the literature review are group decision-making, optimization, integration, simulation, traffic reports, prototyping based on the original version, two-way argument process, awareness technology, informing on the content, fuzzificatio, data mining, data storage, real-time analysis process, establishing communication  channels, creating intelligent factors etc. Therefore, the necessity to use a business intelligence-based model in management accounting information system is proposed

    An adaptation of Text2Onto for supporting the French language

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    The ontologies are progressively imposing themselves in the field of knowledge management. While the manual construction of an ontology is by far the most reliable, this task has proved to be too tedious and expensive. To assist humans in the process of building an ontology, several tools have emerged proposing the automatic or semi-automatic construction of ontologies. In this context, Text2Onto has become one of the most recognized ontology learning tools. The performance of this tool is confirmed by several research works. However, the development of this tool is based on Princeton WordNet (PWN) for English. As a result, it is limited to the processing of textual resources written in English. In this paper, we present our approach based on JWOLF, a Java API to access the free WordNet for French that we have developed to adapt this tool for the construction of ontologies from corpus in French. To evaluate the usefulness of our approach, we assessed the performance of the improved version of Text2Onto on a simplistic corpus of French language documents. The results of this experiment have shown that the improved version of Text2Onto according to our approach is effective for the construction of an ontology from textual documents in the French language