3,881 research outputs found

    A Wait-free Multi-word Atomic (1,N) Register for Large-scale Data Sharing on Multi-core Machines

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    We present a multi-word atomic (1,N) register for multi-core machines exploiting Read-Modify-Write (RMW) instructions to coordinate the writer and the readers in a wait-free manner. Our proposal, called Anonymous Readers Counting (ARC), enables large-scale data sharing by admitting up to 232−22^{32}-2 concurrent readers on off-the-shelf 64-bits machines, as opposed to the most advanced RMW-based approach which is limited to 58 readers. Further, ARC avoids multiple copies of the register content when accessing it---this affects classical register's algorithms based on atomic read/write operations on single words. Thus it allows for higher scalability with respect to the register size. Moreover, ARC explicitly reduces improves performance via a proper limitation of RMW instructions in case of read operations, and by supporting constant time for read operations and amortized constant time for write operations. A proof of correctness of our register algorithm is also provided, together with experimental data for a comparison with literature proposals. Beyond assessing ARC on physical platforms, we carry out as well an experimentation on virtualized infrastructures, which shows the resilience of wait-free synchronization as provided by ARC with respect to CPU-steal times, proper of more modern paradigms such as cloud computing.Comment: non

    On the Space Complexity of Set Agreement

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    The kk-set agreement problem is a generalization of the classical consensus problem in which processes are permitted to output up to kk different input values. In a system of nn processes, an mm-obstruction-free solution to the problem requires termination only in executions where the number of processes taking steps is eventually bounded by mm. This family of progress conditions generalizes wait-freedom (m=nm=n) and obstruction-freedom (m=1m=1). In this paper, we prove upper and lower bounds on the number of registers required to solve mm-obstruction-free kk-set agreement, considering both one-shot and repeated formulations. In particular, we show that repeated kk set agreement can be solved using n+2m−kn+2m-k registers and establish a nearly matching lower bound of n+m−kn+m-k

    High performance data processing

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngeneeringÀ medida que as aplicações atingem uma maior quantidade de utilizadores, precisam de processar uma crescente quantidade de pedidos. Para além disso, precisam de muitas vezes satisfazer pedidos de utilizadores de diferentes partes do globo, onde as latências de rede têm um impacto significativo no desempenho em instalações monolíticas. Portanto, distribuição é uma solução muito procurada para melhorar a performance das camadas aplicacional e de dados. Contudo, distribuir dados não é uma tarefa simples se pretendemos assegurar uma forte consistência. Isto leva a que muitos sistemas de base de dados dependam de protocolos de sincronização pesados, como two-phase commit, consenso distribuído, bloqueamento distribuído, entre outros, enquanto que outros sistemas dependem em consistência fraca, não viável para alguns casos de uso. Esta tese apresenta o design, implementação e avaliação de duas soluções que têm como objetivo reduzir o impacto de assegurar garantias de forte consistência em sistemas de base de dados, especialmente aqueles distribuídos pelo globo. A primeira é o Primary Semi-Primary, uma arquitetura de base de dados distribuída com total replicação que permite que as réplicas evoluam independentemente, para evitar que os clientes precisem de esperar que escritas precedentes que não geram conflitos sejam propagadas. Apesar das réplicas poderem processar tanto leituras como escritas, melhorando a escalabilidade, o sistema continua a oferecer garantias de consistência forte, através do envio da certificação de transações para um nó central. O seu design é independente de modelos de dados, mas a sua implementação pode tirar partido do controlo de concorrência nativo oferecido por algumas base de dados, como é mostrado na implementação usando PostgreSQL e o seu Snapshot Isolation. Os resultados apresentam várias vantagens tanto em ambientes locais como globais. A segunda solução são os Multi-Record Values, uma técnica que particiona dinâmicamente valores numéricos em múltiplos registros, permitindo que escritas concorrentes possam executar com uma baixa probabilidade de colisão, reduzindo a taxa de abortos e/ou contenção na adquirição de locks. Garantias de limites inferiores, exigido por objetos como saldos bancários ou inventários, são assegurados por esta estratégia, ao contrário de muitas outras alternativas. O seu design é também indiferente do modelo de dados, sendo que as suas vantagens podem ser encontradas em sistemas SQL e NoSQL, bem como distribuídos ou centralizados, tal como apresentado na secção de avaliação.As applications reach an wider audience that ever before, they must process larger and larger amounts of requests. In addition, they often must be able to serve users all over the globe, where network latencies have a significant negative impact on monolithic deployments. Therefore, distribution is a well sought-after solution to improve performance of both applicational and database layers. However, distributing data is not an easy task if we want to ensure strong consistency guarantees. This leads many databases systems to rely on expensive synchronization controls protocols such as two-phase commit, distributed consensus, distributed locking, among others, while other systems rely on weak consistency, unfeasible for some use cases. This thesis presents the design, implementation and evaluation of two solutions aimed at reducing the impact of ensuring strong consistency guarantees on database systems, especially geo-distributed ones. The first is the Primary Semi-Primary, a full replication distributed database architecture that allows different replicas to evolve independently, to avoid that clients wait for preceding non-conflicting updates. Al though replicas can process both reads and writes, improving scalability, the system still ensures strong consistency guarantees, by relaying transactions’ certifications to a central node. Its design is independent of the underlying data model, but its implementation can take advantage of the native concurrency control offered by some systems, as is exemplified by an implementation using PostgreSQL and its Snapshot Isolation. The results present several advantages in both throughput and response time, when comparing to other alternative architectures, in both local and geo-distributed environments. The second solution is the Multi-Record Values, a technique that dynami cally partitions numeric values into multiple records, allowing concurrent writes to execute with low conflict probability, reducing abort rate and/or locking contention. Lower limit guarantees, required by objects such as balances or stocks, are ensure by this strategy, unlike many other similar alternatives. Its design is also data model agnostic, given its advantages can be found in both SQL and NoSQL systems, as well as both centralized and distributed database, as presented in the evaluation section

    Intermediate Value Linearizability: A Quantitative Correctness Criterion

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    Big data processing systems often employ batched updates and data sketches to estimate certain properties of large data. For example, a CountMin sketch approximates the frequencies at which elements occur in a data stream, and a batched counter counts events in batches. This paper focuses on the correctness of concurrent implementations of such objects. Specifically, we consider quantitative objects, whose return values are from a totally ordered domain, with an emphasis on (e,d)(e,d)-bounded objects that estimate a quantity with an error of at most ee with probability at least 1−d1 - d. The de facto correctness criterion for concurrent objects is linearizability. Under linearizability, when a read overlaps an update, it must return the object's value either before the update or after it. Consider, for example, a single batched increment operation that counts three new events, bumping a batched counter's value from 77 to 1010. In a linearizable implementation of the counter, an overlapping read must return one of these. We observe, however, that in typical use cases, any intermediate value would also be acceptable. To capture this degree of freedom, we propose Intermediate Value Linearizability (IVL), a new correctness criterion that relaxes linearizability to allow returning intermediate values, for instance 88 in the example above. Roughly speaking, IVL allows reads to return any value that is bounded between two return values that are legal under linearizability. A key feature of IVL is that concurrent IVL implementations of (e,d)(e,d)-bounded objects remain (e,d)(e,d)-bounded. To illustrate the power of this result, we give a straightforward and efficient concurrent implementation of an (e,d)(e, d)-bounded CountMin sketch, which is IVL (albeit not linearizable). Finally, we show that IVL allows for inherently cheaper implementations than linearizable ones

    Extending Eventually Consistent Cloud Databases for Enforcing Numeric Invariants

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    Geo-replicated databases often operate under the principle of eventual consistency to offer high-availability with low latency on a simple key/value store abstraction. Recently, some have adopted commutative data types to provide seamless reconciliation for special purpose data types, such as counters. Despite this, the inability to enforce numeric invariants across all replicas still remains a key shortcoming of relying on the limited guarantees of eventual consistency storage. We present a new replicated data type, called bounded counter, which adds support for numeric invariants to eventually consistent geo-replicated databases. We describe how this can be implemented on top of existing cloud stores without modifying them, using Riak as an example. Our approach adapts ideas from escrow transactions to devise a solution that is decentralized, fault-tolerant and fast. Our evaluation shows much lower latency and better scalability than the traditional approach of using strong consistency to enforce numeric invariants, thus alleviating the tension between consistency and availability
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