27 research outputs found

    Some recent results in the analysis of greedy algorithms for assignment problems

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    We survey some recent developments in the analysis of greedy algorithms for assignment and transportation problems. We focus on the linear programming model for matroids and linear assignment problems with Monge property, on general linear programs, probabilistic analysis for linear assignment and makespan minimization, and on-line algorithms for linear and non-linear assignment problems

    Structure Analysis of Some Generalizations of Matchings and Matroids under Algorithmic Aspects of Matchings and Matroids Under Algorithmic Aspects

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    Combinatorial optimization problems whose underlying structures are matchings or matroids are well-known to be solvable with efficient algorithms. Matroids can even be characterized by a simple greedy algorithm. In the first part of this thesis, some generalizations of matroids which allow the ground set to be partially ordered are considered. In particular, it will be shown that a special type of lattice polyhedra, for which Dietrich and Hoffman recently established a dual greedy algorithm, can be reduced to ordinary polymatroids. Moreover, strong exchange structures, Gauss greedoids and Delta-matroids will be extended from Boolean lattices to general distributive lattices, and the resulting structures will be characterized by certain greedy-type algorithms. While a matching of maximal size can be determined by a polynomial algorithm, the dual problem of finding a vertex cover of minimal size in general graphs is one of the hardest problems in combinatorial optimization. However, in case the graph belongs to the class of K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graphs, a maximum matching can be used to construct a minimum vertex cover. Lovasz and Korach characterized König-Egervary graphs by the exclusion of forbidden subgraphs. In the second part of this dissertation, the structure of König-Egervary graphs and the more general Red/Blue-split graphs will be analyzed. Red/Blue-split graphs have red and blue colored edges and the vertices of which can be split into two stable sets with respect to the red and blue edges, respectively. An algorithm that either determines a feasible partition of the vertices, or returns a red-blue colored subgraph (called ``flower'') characterizing non-Red/Blue-split graphs will be presented. This characterization allows the deduction of Lovasz and Korach's characterizations of König-Egerv\'ary graphs in case the red edges of the flower form a maximum matching. Furthermore, weighted Red/Blue-split graphs which model integrally solvable simple systems are introduced. A simple system is an inequality system where the sum of absolute values in each row of the integral matrix does not exceed the value two. A shortest-path algorithm and the presented Red/Blue-split algorithm will be used to find an integral solution of a simple system. These two algorithms lead to a characterization of weighted Red/Blue-split graphs by forbidden weighted subgraphs

    The complexity of the Greedoid Tutte Polynomial

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    We consider the Tutte polynomial of three classes of greedoids: those arising from rooted graphs, rooted digraphs and binary matrices. We establish the computational complexity of evaluating each of these polynomials at each fixed rational point (x,y). In each case we show that evaluation is #P-hard except for a small number of exceptional cases when there is a polynomial time algorithm

    Using character varieties: Presentations, invariants, divisibility and determinants

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    If G is a finitely generated group, then the set of all characters from G into a linear algebraic group is a useful (but not complete) invariant of G . In this thesis, we present some new methods for computing with the variety of SL2C -characters of a finitely presented group. We review the theory of Fricke characters, and introduce a notion of presentation simplicity which uses these results. With this definition, we give a set of GAP routines which facilitate the simplification of group presentations. We provide an explicit canonical basis for an invariant ring associated with a symmetrically presented group\u27s character variety. Then, turning to the divisibility properties of trace polynomials, we examine a sequence of polynomials rn(a) governing the weak divisibility of a family of shifted linear recurrence sequences. We prove a discriminant/determinant identity about certain factors of rn( a) in an intriguing manner. Finally, we indicate how ordinary generating functions may be used to discover linear factors of sequences of discriminants. Other novelties include an unusual binomial identity, which we use to prove a well-known formula for traces; the use of a generating function to find the inverse of a map xn ∣→ fn(x); and a brief exploration of the relationship between finding the determinants of a parametrized family of matrices and the Smith Normal Forms of the sequence

    Inferring noncompensatory choice heuristics

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-128).Human decision making is a topic of great interest to marketers, psychologists, economists, and others. People are often modeled as rational utility maximizers with unlimited mental resources. However, due to the structure of the environment as well as cognitive limitations, people frequently use simplifying heuristics for making quick yet accurate decisions. In this research, we apply discrete optimization to infer from observed data if a person is behaving in way consistent with a choice heuristic (e.g., a noncompensatory lexicographic decision rule). We analyze the computational complexity of several inference related problems, showing that while some are easy due to possessing a greedoid language structure, many are hard and likely do not have polynomial time solutions. For the hard problems we develop an exact dynamic programming algorithm that is robust and scalable in practice, as well as analyze several local search heuristics. We conduct an empirical study of SmartPhone preferences and find that the behavior of many respondents can be explained by lexicographic strategies.(cont.) Furthermore, we find that lexicographic decision rules predict better on holdout data than some standard compensatory models. Finally, we look at a more general form of noncompensatory decision process in the context of consideration set formation. Specifically, we analyze the computational complexity of rule-based consideration set formation, develop solution techniques for inferring rules given observed consideration data, and apply the techniques to a real dataset.by Michael J. Yee.Ph.D

    Greedy and dynamic programming by calculation

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    Dissertação mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThe mathematical study of the greedy algorithm provides a blueprint for the study of Dynamic Programming (DP), whose body of knowledge is largely unorganized, remaining obscure to a large part of the software engineering community. This study aims to structure this body of knowledge, narrowing the gap between a purely examplebased approach to DP and its scientific foundations. To that effect, matroid theory is leveraged through a pointfree relation algebra, which is applied to greedy and DP problems. A catalogue of such problems is compiled, and a broad characterization of DP algorithms is given. Alongside, the theory underlying the thinning relational operator is explored.O estudo matemático do algoritmo ganancioso («greedy») serve como guia para o estudo da programação dinâmica, cujo corpo de conhecimento permanece desorganizado e obscuro a uma grande parte da comunidade de engenharia de software. Este estudo visa estruturar esse corpo de conhecimento, fazendo a ponte entre a abordagem popular baseada em exemplos e os métodos mais teóricos da literatura científica. Para esse efeito, a teoria dos matroides é explorada pelo uso de uma álgebra de relações pointfree, e aplicada a problemas «greedy» e de programação dinâmica. Um catálogo de tais problemas é compilado, e é feita uma caraterização geral de algoritmos de programação dinâmica. Em paralelo, é explorada a teoria do combinador relacional de «thinning».This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/202