66 research outputs found

    Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms

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    We introduce the partition function of edge-colored graph homomorphisms, of which the usual partition function of graph homomorphisms is a specialization, and present an efficient algorithm to approximate it in a certain domain. Corollaries include efficient algorithms for computing weighted sums approximating the number of k-colorings and the number of independent sets in a graph, as well as an efficient procedure to distinguish pairs of edge-colored graphs with many color-preserving homomorphisms G --> H from pairs of graphs that need to be substantially modified to acquire a color-preserving homomorphism G --> H.Comment: constants are improved, following a suggestion by B. Buk

    A Dichotomy Theorem for Homomorphism Polynomials

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    In the present paper we show a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of polynomial evaluation. We associate to each graph H a polynomial that encodes all graphs of a fixed size homomorphic to H. We show that this family is computable by arithmetic circuits in constant depth if H has a loop or no edge and that it is hard otherwise (i.e., complete for VNP, the arithmetic class related to #P). We also demonstrate the hardness over the rational field of cut eliminator, a polynomial defined by B\"urgisser which is known to be neither VP nor VNP-complete in the field of two elements, if VP is not equal to VNP (VP is the class of polynomials computable by arithmetic circuit of polynomial size)

    On Tractable Exponential Sums

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    We consider the problem of evaluating certain exponential sums. These sums take the form x1,...,xnZNef(x1,...,xn)2πi/N\sum_{x_1,...,x_n \in Z_N} e^{f(x_1,...,x_n) {2 \pi i / N}} , where each x_i is summed over a ring Z_N, and f(x_1,...,x_n) is a multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. We show that the sum can be evaluated in polynomial time in n and log N when f is a quadratic polynomial. This is true even when the factorization of N is unknown. Previously, this was known for a prime modulus N. On the other hand, for very specific families of polynomials of degree \ge 3, we show the problem is #P-hard, even for any fixed prime or prime power modulus. This leads to a complexity dichotomy theorem - a complete classification of each problem to be either computable in polynomial time or #P-hard - for a class of exponential sums. These sums arise in the classifications of graph homomorphisms and some other counting CSP type problems, and these results lead to complexity dichotomy theorems. For the polynomial-time algorithm, Gauss sums form the basic building blocks. For the hardness results, we prove group-theoretic necessary conditions for tractability. These tests imply that the problem is #P-hard for even very restricted families of simple cubic polynomials over fixed modulus N

    Quantum Discord and Quantum Computing - An Appraisal

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    We discuss models of computing that are beyond classical. The primary motivation is to unearth the cause of nonclassical advantages in computation. Completeness results from computational complexity theory lead to the identification of very disparate problems, and offer a kaleidoscopic view into the realm of quantum enhancements in computation. Emphasis is placed on the `power of one qubit' model, and the boundary between quantum and classical correlations as delineated by quantum discord. A recent result by Eastin on the role of this boundary in the efficient classical simulation of quantum computation is discussed. Perceived drawbacks in the interpretation of quantum discord as a relevant certificate of quantum enhancements are addressed.Comment: To be published in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Quantum Information on "Quantum Correlations: entanglement and beyond." 11 pages, 4 figure

    An approximation trichotomy for Boolean #CSP

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    We give a trichotomy theorem for the complexity of approximately counting the number of satisfying assignments of a Boolean CSP instance. Such problems are parameterised by a constraint language specifying the relations that may be used in constraints. If every relation in the constraint language is affine then the number of satisfying assignments can be exactly counted in polynomial time. Otherwise, if every relation in the constraint language is in the co-clone IM_2 from Post's lattice, then the problem of counting satisfying assignments is complete with respect to approximation-preserving reductions in the complexity class #RH\Pi_1. This means that the problem of approximately counting satisfying assignments of such a CSP instance is equivalent in complexity to several other known counting problems, including the problem of approximately counting the number of independent sets in a bipartite graph. For every other fixed constraint language, the problem is complete for #P with respect to approximation-preserving reductions, meaning that there is no fully polynomial randomised approximation scheme for counting satisfying assignments unless NP=RP

    Path Coupling Using Stopping Times and Counting Independent Sets and Colourings in Hypergraphs

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    We give a new method for analysing the mixing time of a Markov chain using path coupling with stopping times. We apply this approach to two hypergraph problems. We show that the Glauber dynamics for independent sets in a hypergraph mixes rapidly as long as the maximum degree Delta of a vertex and the minimum size m of an edge satisfy m>= 2Delta+1. We also show that the Glauber dynamics for proper q-colourings of a hypergraph mixes rapidly if m>= 4 and q > Delta, and if m=3 and q>=1.65Delta. We give related results on the hardness of exact and approximate counting for both problems.Comment: Simpler proof of main theorem. Improved bound on mixing time. 19 page

    The complexity of weighted boolean #CSP*

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    This paper gives a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of computing the partition function of an instance of a weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem. The problem is parameterized by a finite set F of nonnegative functions that may be used to assign weights to the configurations (feasible solutions) of a problem instance. Classical constraint satisfaction problems correspond to the special case of 0,1-valued functions. We show that computing the partition function, i.e., the sum of the weights of all configurations, is FP#P-complete unless either (1) every function in F is of “product type,” or (2) every function in F is “pure affine.” In the remaining cases, computing the partition function is in P