164,894 research outputs found


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    This paper makes the business case for automating the collection of software metrics for gauging development performance in integrated computer aided software engineering (CASE) environments that are characterized by an object-oriented development methodology and a centralized repository. The automation of function point analysis is discussed in the context of such an integrated CASE environment (ICE). We also discuss new metrics that describe three different dimensions of code reuse -- leverage, value and classification -- and examine the p,ossibility of utilizing objects as means to estimate software development labor and measure productivity. We argue that the automated collection of these software metrics opens up new avenues for refining the management of software development projects and controlling stra-egic costs.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    An Automated Constellation Design & Mission Analysis Tool for Finding the Cheapest Mission Architecture

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    Identifying the optimal mission architecture for a space mission is critical for mission success, especially for large constellations. Here, optimizing the entire mission architecture for cost is necessary for the business case to work. This paper presents an automated system that combines constellation design and mission analysis functions in the context of a distributed engineering environment. It utilizes analytical methods, commercial simulation software and other specialized tools to identify multiple eligible constellations for the user-defined case, perform the associated mission analysis tasks, and provide input for additional tools like cost estimation software to eventually identify the optimal constellation. This allows assessing more options to fulfill the mission in less time, establishing the benefits of each constellation analyzed, and also allows non-expert users to quickly understand and evaluate consequences of design or requirement changes

    Formal Support for an Informal Business Modelling Method

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    Originally published in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Feb 2000.Business modelling methods are popular but, since they operate primarily in the early stages of software lifecycles, most are informal. This paper describes how we have used a conventional formal notation (first order predicate logic) in combination with automated support tools to replicate the key components of an established, informal, business modelling method: IBM's Business System Development Method (BSDM). We describe the knowledge which we represent formally at each stage in the method and explain how the move from informal to formal representation allows us to provide guidance and consistency checking during the development lifecycle of the model. It also allows us to extend the original method to a model execution phase which is not described in the original informal method. The role of the formal notation in this case is not to provide a formal semantics for BSDM but to provide a framework for sharing the information supplied at different modelling stages and which we can supplement with simple forms of automated analysis

    A Course Module On Application Logic Flaws

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    Software security is extremely important, and even thoroughly tested code may still have exploitable vulnerabilities. Some of these vulnerabilities are caused by logic flaws. Due to the nature of application or business logic, few automated tools can test for these types of security issues. Therefore, it is important for students to learn how to reduce the number of logic flaws when developing software, and how to test for them manually. A course module with a case study was created to teach students about this topic. Case-based teaching methods are used because it allows students to better apply learned skills to real world industrial settings, and there is a lack of case studies available for current software engineering curriculum. The course module includes an introduction, a quiz on the reading, an animated PowerPoint about the case, and a set of discussion questions. The introduction covers what logic flaws are, reducing logic flaws during software development, and how to test for them manually. The case is about eCommerce merchant software Bigcommerce using PayPal Express to collect payment. A flaw lets attackers complete an expensive order using the payment intended for a cheaper order. An animation was created to trace the HTTP interactions and back-end code representing the steps of the exploit from this case, and explain the manual testing method used to discover the exploit. A set of discussion questions has students apply this method to similar code, to find potential vulnerabilities and then fix them. This course module was taught in COMP 727 Secure Software Engineering at North Carolina A&T State University in the Spring 2015 semester. A pre-survey and post-survey on the learning objectives shows students felt they improved their knowledge and skills relating to application logic flaws. A quiz based on the reading shows students understood the material. The quality of student discussions was very high. Discussion question results were graded using a rubric, and three-quarters of the class received an 85% grade or higher. Overall, this case study was effective at teaching students about application logic flaws. It will be made available to other universities, and can be easily integrated into existing curriculum

    Business Modeling with the Support of Multiple Notations in Requirements Engineering

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    Requirements specification should not be concerned only with the software specification, but should also be able to integrate with the organizational models describing the environment in which the system will function. Agent–oriented conceptual modeling notations such as i* represents an interesting approach for modeling early phase requirements which includes organizational contexts, stakeholder intentions and rationale. Business Process Modeling notations such as BPMN are used to effectively conceptualize and communicate important process characteristics to relevant stakeholders. On the other hand, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is suitable for later phases of requirement capture which usually focus on completeness, consistency, and automated verification of functional requirements for the new system. In this paper, we illustrate the use of a methodology that facilitate and support the combined use of notation for modeling requirement engineering process in a synergistic fashion in a complex project for a large government Department. The notations we used were i*, BPMN and UML Use Case

    Grammatically driven class derivation (extended abstract)

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    This effort sets out to outline a research domain of academic and commercial relevance as well as the establishment of a possible research trend in the field of software engineering. The OO approach has established itself as a widespread and effective paradigm for modern software development. Many aspects of OO development are methodologically supported and procedural and representation standards are clearly defined. Certain activities within OO development remain suited for both automated and manual interpretations. It is also a fact that many system descriptions start off as natural language accounts of business processes, rather than semi-formalised data-flow or use-case models. It is therefore being proposed that a direct-from-text reliable and complete conversion method with governing standards can be defined to automate as necessary the class derivation activity, therefore decreasing the overall development effort and error-introduction probability without effecting objectivity within the OO development process. Such a conversion method would also allow more accurate rapid prototype generation at the earliest development stages. In theory, this would enable developers to automatically generate better quality “first-cut” GUI prototypes directly from textual system descriptions.peer-reviewe

    Change Impact Analysis for Evolving Configuration Decisions in Product Line Use Case Models

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    Product Line Engineering is becoming a key practice in many software development environments where complex systems are developed for multiple customers with varying needs. In many business contexts, use cases are the main artifacts for communicating requirements among stakeholders. In such contexts, Product Line (PL) use cases capture variable and common requirements while use case-driven configuration generates Product Specific (PS) use cases for each new customer in a product family. In this paper, we propose, apply, and assess a change impact analysis approach for evolving configuration decisions in PL use case models. Our approach includes: (1) automated support to identify the impact of decision changes on prior and subsequent decisions in PL use case diagrams and (2) automated incremental regeneration of PS use case models from PL use case models and evolving configuration decisions. Our tool support is integrated with IBM Doors. Our approach has been evaluated in an industrial case study, which provides evidence that it is practical and beneficial to analyze the impact of decision changes and to incrementally regenerate PS use case models in industrial settings

    Automated Testing For Software Process Automation

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    Robotic Process Automation is a way of automatizing business processes within short timespans. At the case company the initial automation step is implemented by business experts, rather than software developers. Using developers with limited software engineering experience allows for high speed but raises concerns of automation quality. One way to reduce these concerns is extensive testing, which takes up much time for integration developers. The aim of this thesis is to increase the quality of the development process, while minimizing impact on development time through test automation. The research is carried out as a part of the Robotic Process Automation project at the case company. The artifact produced by this thesis is a process for automatically testing software automation products. Automated testing of software automation solutions was found to be technically feasible, but difficult. Robotic process automation provides several novel challenges for test automation, but certain uses such as regression and integration testing are still possible. Benefits of the chosen approach are traceability for quality, developer confidence and potentially increased development speed. In addition, test automation facilitates the adoption of agile software development methods, such as continuous integration and deployment. The usage of continuous integration in relation to Robotic Process Automation was demonstrated via a newly developed workflow.Ohjelmistoautomaatio on nopea tapa automatisoida liiketoimintaprosessien rutiineja. Tapausyrityksessä automaation luovat ohjelmistonkehittäjien sijasta liiketoiminnan asiantuntijat. Käyttämällä alkukehittäjiä, joilla on vähäisesti kokemusta ohjelmistokehityksestä, saadaan nopeita ratkaisuja, mutta samalla yrityksellä on huolia laadusta. Laatua voidaan mitata testaamalla automaatioratkaisuja laajasti, mutta tähän menee huomattavasti aikaa. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on testiautomaatiota käyttämällä nostaa kehitysprosessin laatua ilman että työmäärä kasvaa merkittävästi. Tutkimus suoritettiin osana tapausyrityksen ohjelmistorobotiikkaprojektia. Tutkielmassa luotiin prosessi, jossa automaattisesti testataan ohjelmistoautomaatioprosesseja. Testaus todettiin tutkimuksessa mahdolliseksi mutta käytännössä haasteelliseksi. Testauksessa ilmeni useita ongelmia, mutta muutamat ratkaisut kuten regressio- ja integraatiotestaus todettiin kuitenkin hyödyllisiksi. Lähestymistavan hyödyiksi todettiin laadun jäljitettävyyden, kehittäjien itseluottamuksen ja kehitysnopeuden kasvu. Lisäksi testiautomaatio mahdollistaa nykyaikaisten ketterien menetelmien kuten jatkuvan integraation käytön. Jatkuvan integraation käyttömahdollisuus demonstroitiin uudistetulla työtavalla