80 research outputs found

    Isogeny-based post-quantum key exchange protocols

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    The goal of this project is to understand and analyze the supersingular isogeny Diffie Hellman (SIDH), a post-quantum key exchange protocol which security lies on the isogeny-finding problem between supersingular elliptic curves. In order to do so, we first introduce the reader to cryptography focusing on key agreement protocols and motivate the rise of post-quantum cryptography as a necessity with the existence of the model of quantum computation. We review some of the known attacks on the SIDH and finally study some algorithmic aspects to understand how the protocol can be implemented

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Pairings in Cryptology: efficiency, security and applications

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    Abstract The study of pairings can be considered in so many di�erent ways that it may not be useless to state in a few words the plan which has been adopted, and the chief objects at which it has aimed. This is not an attempt to write the whole history of the pairings in cryptology, or to detail every discovery, but rather a general presentation motivated by the two main requirements in cryptology; e�ciency and security. Starting from the basic underlying mathematics, pairing maps are con- structed and a major security issue related to the question of the minimal embedding �eld [12]1 is resolved. This is followed by an exposition on how to compute e�ciently the �nal exponentiation occurring in the calculation of a pairing [124]2 and a thorough survey on the security of the discrete log- arithm problem from both theoretical and implementational perspectives. These two crucial cryptologic requirements being ful�lled an identity based encryption scheme taking advantage of pairings [24]3 is introduced. Then, perceiving the need to hash identities to points on a pairing-friendly elliptic curve in the more general context of identity based cryptography, a new technique to efficiently solve this practical issue is exhibited. Unveiling pairings in cryptology involves a good understanding of both mathematical and cryptologic principles. Therefore, although �rst pre- sented from an abstract mathematical viewpoint, pairings are then studied from a more practical perspective, slowly drifting away toward cryptologic applications

    Computing cardinalities of Q-curve reductions over finite fields

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    We present a specialized point-counting algorithm for a class of elliptic curves over F\_{p^2} that includes reductions of quadratic Q-curves modulo inert primes and, more generally, any elliptic curve over F\_{p^2} with a low-degree isogeny to its Galois conjugate curve. These curves have interesting cryptographic applications. Our algorithm is a variant of the Schoof--Elkies--Atkin (SEA) algorithm, but with a new, lower-degree endomorphism in place of Frobenius. While it has the same asymptotic asymptotic complexity as SEA, our algorithm is much faster in practice.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-XII. Added acknowledgement of Drew Sutherlan

    Pairing computation on hyperelliptic curves of genus 2

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    Bilinear pairings have been recently used to construct cryptographic schemes with new and novel properties, the most celebrated example being the Identity Based Encryption scheme of Boneh and Franklin. As pairing computation is generally the most computationally intensive part of any painng-based cryptosystem, it is essential to investigate new ways in which to compute pairings efficiently. The vast majority of the literature on pairing computation focuscs solely on using elliptic curves. In this thesis we investigate pairing computation on supersingular hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 Our aim is to provide a practical alternative to using elliptic curves for pairing based cryptography. Specifically, we illustrate how to implement pairings efficiently using genus 2 curves, and how to attain performance comparable to using elliptic curves. We show that pairing computation on genus 2 curves over F2m can outperform elliptic curves by using a new variant of the Tate pairing, called the r¡j pairing, to compute the fastest pairing implementation in the literature to date We also show for the first time how the final exponentiation required to compute the Tate pairing can be avoided for certain hyperelliptic curves. We investigate pairing computation using genus 2 curves over large prime fields, and detail various techniques that lead to an efficient implementation, thus showing that these curves are a viable candidate for practical use

    On the efficient representation of isogenies (a survey)

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    We survey different (efficient or not) representations of isogenies, with a particular focus on the recent higher dimensional isogeny representation, and algorithms to manipulate them

    Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders

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    Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an endomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard problem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We prove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is O\mathfrak{O}-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order O\mathfrak{O} provides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism corresponding to the O\mathfrak{O}-orientation. We provide explicit algorithms and in-depth complexity analysis. We also consider the question in terms of quaternion algebras. We provide algorithms which compute an embedding of a fixed imaginary quadratic order into a maximal order of the quaternion algebra ramified at pp and \infty. We provide code implementations in Sagemath which is efficient for finding embeddings of imaginary quadratic orders of discriminants up to O(p)O(p), even for cryptographically sized pp