5,664 research outputs found

    Program analysis for documentation

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    A program analysis for documentation (PAD) written in FORTRAN has three steps: listing the variables, describing the structure and writing the program specifications. Technical notes on editing criteria for reviewing program documentation, technical notes for PAD, and FORTRAN program analyzer for documentation are appended

    Development and application of the GIM code for the Cyber 203 computer

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    The GIM computer code for fluid dynamics research was developed. Enhancement of the computer code, implicit algorithm development, turbulence model implementation, chemistry model development, interactive input module coding and wing/body flowfield computation are described. The GIM quasi-parabolic code development was completed, and the code used to compute a number of example cases. Turbulence models, algebraic and differential equations, were added to the basic viscous code. An equilibrium reacting chemistry model and implicit finite difference scheme were also added. Development was completed on the interactive module for generating the input data for GIM. Solutions for inviscid hypersonic flow over a wing/body configuration are also presented

    Program automated documentation methods

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    The mission analysis and trajectory simulation program is summarized; it provides an understanding of the size and complexity of one simulation for which documentation is mandatory. Programs for automating documentation of subroutines, flow charts, and internal cross reference information are also included

    Sequential Least-Squares Using Orthogonal Transformations

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    Square root information estimation, starting from its beginnings in least-squares parameter estimation, is considered. Special attention is devoted to discussions of sensitivity and perturbation matrices, computed solutions and their formal statistics, consider-parameters and consider-covariances, and the effects of a priori statistics. The constant-parameter model is extended to include time-varying parameters and process noise, and the error analysis capabilities are generalized. Efficient and elegant smoothing results are obtained as easy consequences of the filter formulation. The value of the techniques is demonstrated by the navigation results that were obtained for the Mariner Venus-Mercury (Mariner 10) multiple-planetary space probe and for the Viking Mars space mission

    Systems level circuit model of C. elegans undulatory locomotion: mathematical modeling and molecular genetics

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    To establish the relationship between locomotory behavior and dynamics of neural circuits in the nematode C. elegans we combined molecular and theoretical approaches. In particular, we quantitatively analyzed the motion of C. elegans with defective synaptic GABA and acetylcholine transmission, defective muscle calcium signaling, and defective muscles and cuticle structures, and compared the data with our systems level circuit model. The major experimental findings are: (i) anterior-to-posterior gradients of body bending flex for almost all strains both for forward and backward motion, and for neuronal mutants, also analogous weak gradients of undulatory frequency, (ii) existence of some form of neuromuscular (stretch receptor) feedback, (iii) invariance of neuromuscular wavelength, (iv) biphasic dependence of frequency on synaptic signaling, and (v) decrease of frequency with increase of the muscle time constant. Based on (i) we hypothesize that the Central Pattern Generator (CPG) is located in the head both for forward and backward motion. Points (i) and (ii) are the starting assumptions for our theoretical model, whose dynamical patterns are qualitatively insensitive to the details of the CPG design if stretch receptor feedback is sufficiently strong and slow. The model reveals that stretch receptor coupling in the body wall is critical for generation of the neuromuscular wave. Our model agrees with our behavioral data(iii), (iv), and (v), and with other pertinent published data, e.g., that frequency is an increasing function of muscle gap-junction coupling.Comment: Neural control of C. elegans motion with genetic perturbation

    QTM: computational package using MPI protocol for quantum trajectories method

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    The Quantum Trajectories Method (QTM) is one of {the} frequently used methods for studying open quantum systems. { The main idea of this method is {the} evolution of wave functions which {describe the system (as functions of time). Then,} so-called quantum jumps are applied at {a} randomly selected point in time. {The} obtained system state is called as a trajectory. After averaging many single trajectories{,} we obtain the approximation of the behavior of {a} quantum system.} {This fact also allows} us to use parallel computation methods. In the article{,} we discuss the QTM package which is supported by the MPI technology. Using MPI allowed {utilizing} the parallel computing for calculating the trajectories and averaging them -- as the effect of these actions{,} the time {taken by} calculations is shorter. In spite of using the C++ programming language, the presented solution is easy to utilize and does not need any advanced programming techniques. At the same time{,} it offers a higher performance than other packages realizing the QTM. It is especially important in the case of harder computational tasks{,} and the use of MPI allows {improving the} performance of particular problems which can be solved in the field of open quantum systems.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Optics: general-purpose scintillator light response simulation code

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    We present the program optics that simulates the light response of an arbitrarily shaped scintillation particle detector. Predicted light responses of pure CsI polygonal detectors, plastic scintillator staves, cylindrical plastic target scintillators and a Plexiglas light-distribution plate are illustrated. We demonstrate how different bulk and surface optical properties of a scintillator lead to specific volume and temporal light collection probability distributions. High-statistics optics simulations are calibrated against the detector responses measured in a custom-made cosmic muon tomography apparatus. The presented code can also be used to track particles intersecting complex geometrical objects.Comment: RevTeX LaTeX, 37 pages in e-print format, 12 Postscript Figures and 1 Table, also available at http://pibeta.phys.virginia.edu/public_html/preprints/optics.p