189 research outputs found

    A novel collocation method based on residual error analysis for solving integro-differential equations using hybrid Dickson and Taylor polynomials

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    In this study, a novel matrix method based on collocation points is proposed to solve some linear and nonlinear integro-differential equations with variable coefficients under the mixed conditions. The solutions are obtained by means of Dickson and Taylor polynomials. The presented method transforms the equation and its conditions into matrix equations which comply with a system of linear algebraic equations with unknown Dickson coefficients, via collocation points in a finite interval. While solving the matrix equation, the Dickson coefficients and the polynomial approximation are obtained. Besides, the residual error analysis for our method is presented and illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the method

    Numerical solution of the higher-order linear Fredholm integro-differential-difference equation with variable coefficients

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    AbstractThe main aim of this paper is to apply the Legendre polynomials for the solution of the linear Fredholm integro-differential-difference equation of high order. This equation is usually difficult to solve analytically. Our approach consists of reducing the problem to a set of linear equations by expanding the approximate solution in terms of shifted Legendre polynomials with unknown coefficients. The operational matrices of delay and derivative together with the tau method are then utilized to evaluate the unknown coefficients of shifted Legendre polynomials. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the presented technique and a comparison is made with existing results

    Numerical Solutions for Linear Fredholm Integro-Differential Difference Equations with Variable Coefficients by Collocation Methods

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    We employed an efficient numerical collocation approximation methods to obtain an approximate solution of linear Fredholm integro-differential difference equation with variable coefficients. An assumed approximate solutions for both collocation approximation methods are substituted into the problem considered. After simplifications and collocations, resulted into system of linear algebraic equations which are then solved using MAPLE 18 modules to obtain the unknown constants involved in the assumed solution. The known constants are then substituted back into the assumed approximate solution. Numerical examples were solved to illustrate the reliability, accuracy and efficiency of these methods on problems considered by comparing the numerical solutions obtained with the exact solution and also with some other existing methods. We observed from the results obtained that the methods are reliable, accurate, fast, simple to apply and less computational which makes the valid for the classes of problems considered.   Keywords: Approximate solution, Collocation, Fredholm, Integro-differential difference and linear algebraic equation

    Superconvergent Nyström and Degenerate Kernel Methods for Integro-Differential Equations

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    This research received no external funding and APC was funded by University of Granada.The aim of this paper is to carry out an improved analysis of the convergence of the Nystrom and degenerate kernel methods and their superconvergent versions for the numerical solution of a class of linear Fredholm integro-differential equations of the second kind. By using an interpolatory projection at Gauss points onto the space of (discontinuous) piecewise polynomial functions of degree <= r - 1, we obtain convergence order 2r for degenerate kernel and Nystrom methods, while, for the superconvergent and the iterated versions of theses methods, the obtained convergence orders are 3r + 1 and 4r, respectively. Moreover, we show that the optimal convergence order 4r is restored at the partition knots for the approximate solutions. The obtained theoretical results are illustrated by some numerical examples.University of Granad

    Numerical solution of fractional Fredholm integro-differential equations by spectral method with fractional basis functions

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    This paper presents an efficient spectral method for solving the fractional Fredholm integro-differential equations. The non-smoothness of the solutions to such problems leads to the performance of spectral methods based on the classical polynomials such as Chebyshev, Legendre, Laguerre, etc, with a low order of convergence. For this reason, the development of classic numerical methods to solve such problems becomes a challenging issue. Since the non-smooth solutions have the same asymptotic behavior with polynomials of fractional powers, therefore, fractional basis functions are the best candidate to overcome the drawbacks of the accuracy of the spectral methods. On the other hand, the fractional integration of the fractional polynomials functions is in the class of fractional polynomials and this is one of the main advantages of using the fractional basis functions. In this paper, an implicit spectral collocation method based on the fractional Chelyshkov basis functions is introduced. The framework of the method is to reduce the problem into a nonlinear system of equations utilizing the spectral collocation method along with the fractional operational integration matrix. The obtained algebraic system is solved using Newton's iterative method. Convergence analysis of the method is studied. The numerical examples show the efficiency of the method on the problems with smooth and non-smooth solutions in comparison with other existing methods

    On the Solution of Volterra Integro-differential Equations using a Modified Adomian Decomposition Method

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    The Adomian decomposition method’s effectiveness has been demonstrated in recent research, the process requires several iterations and can be time-consuming. By breaking down the source term function into series, the current work introduced a new decomposition approach to the Adomian decomposition method. As compared to the conventional Adomian decomposition approach, the newly devised method hastens the convergence of the solution. Numerical experiments were provided to show the superiority qualities

    An exponentially convergent Volterra-Fredholm method for integro-differential equations

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    Extending the authors’ recent work [15] on the explicit computation of error bounds for Nystrom solvers applied to one-dimensional Fredholm integro-differential equations (FIDEs), presented herein is a study of the errors incurred by first transforming (as in, e.g., [21]) the FIDE into a hybrid Volterra-Fredholm integral equation (VFIE). The VFIE is solved via a novel approach that utilises N-node Gauss-Legendre interpolation and quadrature for its Volterra and Fredholm components respectively: this results in numerical solutions whose error converges to zero exponentially with N, the rate of convergence being confirmed via large- N asymptotics. Not only is the exponential rate inherently far superior to the algebraic rate achieved in [21], but also it is demonstrated, via diverse test problems, to improve dramatically on even the exponential rate achieved in [15] via direct Nystrom discretisation of the original FIDE; this improvement is confirmed theoretically

    Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method For Solving High-Order Integro-Differential Equation

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    In this work, a new modification of homotopy perturbation method was proposed to find analytical solution of high-order integro-differential equations. The Modification process yields the Taylor series of the exact solution. Canonical polynomials are used as basis function. The assumed approximate solution was substituted into the problem considered in which the coefficients of the homotopy perturbation parameter p were compared, and then solved, resulting to a single algebraic equation. Thus, algebraic linear system of equations were obtained by equating the coefficients of various powers of the independent variables in the equation to zero,  which are then solved simultaneously using MAPLE 18 software to obtain the values of the unknown constants in the equations. The values of the unknown constants were substituted back to get the initial approximation which yield the final solution. Some examples were given to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. Keywords: Homotopy perturbation, Integro-differential equation, Canonical polynomial, Basis functio
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