4,534 research outputs found

    MDA-based ATL transformation to generate MVC 2 web models

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    Development and maintenance of Web application is still a complex and error-prone process. We need integrated techniques and tool support for automated generation of Web systems and a ready prescription for easy maintenance. The MDA approach proposes an architecture taking into account the development and maintenance of large and complex software. In this paper, we apply MDA approach for generating PSM from UML design to MVC 2Web implementation. That is why we have developed two meta-models handling UML class diagrams and MVC 2 Web applications, then we have to set up transformation rules. These last are expressed in ATL language. To specify the transformation rules (especially CRUD methods) we used a UML profiles. To clearly illustrate the result generated by this transformation, we converted the XMI file generated in an EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) model.Comment: International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology-201

    Secure telemedicine system for home health care

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    This thesis describes a low-cost telemedicine system that provides home based patient care by linking patients with skilled nurses at the home care agency. The system employs compact vital signs sensors and a two-way real-time video conference over telephone lines. It stores the patient\u27s medical records, still images and enforces clinical pathways during the televisits. Physicians, paramedics, and nurses can then have access to these records from anywhere, securely, through a Web browser.;This document discusses the underlying technologies, the features implemented in the prototype, and the methodologies used in developing the software. The prototype uses the Enterprise Java Bean [EJB] architecture and emphasizes security and scalability. Preliminary experience of its use is presented. A performance analysis of the system\u27s behavior if it were scaled up has also been done

    Optimization of Resource Usage for Computer-Based Education through Mobile, Speech and Sky Computing Technology

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    Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service over the Internet. Using a cloud that is owned by a single service provider has its demerit to the customer such as the risk of downtime or breakdown of equipment arising from disaster that can jeopardize the subscribers’ business. Data security and reliability due to over centralization of company’s data poses a high risk for subscribers, hence a call for distributed cloud also known as Sky Computing. When application is distributed across several clouds with varied interest, infrastructure, policy, etc, the issue therefore will be how to determine the most cost effective cloud during access time. The amount of money a student pays in accessing learning content is determined by how much an institution pay as subscription to cloud providers. The objective of this study is to utilize optimization theory to determine the most cost effective cloud for mobile virtual education in Sky Computing environment. This will be achieved by optimizing resource usage for Computer-based Education through Mobile, Speech and Sky Computing Technology. As a proof of concept, we will design and implement a cloud middle ware (CMW) to interface with an eEducation system. Access to the eEducation shall be Mobile, Speech and Web. Through the communication platform, the students can communicate with their teacher at any convenient time, and vice versa at the most reduced cost

    Application of Multiprotocol Medical Imaging Communications and an Extended DICOM WADO Service in a Teleradiology Architecture

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    Multiprotocol medical imaging communication through the Internet is more flexible than the tight DICOM transfers. This paper introduces a modular multiprotocol teleradiology architecture that integrates DICOM and common Internet services (based on web, FTP, and E-mail) into a unique operational domain. The extended WADO service (a web extension of DICOM) and the other proposed services allow access to all levels of the DICOM information hierarchy as opposed to solely Object level. A lightweight client site is considered adequate, because the server site of the architecture provides clients with service interfaces through the web as well as invulnerable space for temporary storage, called as User Domains, so that users fulfill their applications' tasks. The proposed teleradiology architecture is pilot implemented using mainly Java-based technologies and is evaluated by engineers in collaboration with doctors. The new architecture ensures flexibility in access, user mobility, and enhanced data security

    London SynEx Demonstrator Site: Impact Assessment Report

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    The key ingredients of the SynEx-UCL software components are: 1. A comprehensive and federated electronic healthcare record that can be used to reference or to store all of the necessary healthcare information acquired from a diverse range of clinical databases and patient-held devices. 2. A directory service component to provide a core persons demographic database to search for and authenticate staff users of the system and to anchor patient identification and connection to their federated healthcare record. 3. A clinical record schema management tool (Object Dictionary Client) that enables clinicians or engineers to define and export the data sets mapping to individual feeder systems. 4. An expansible set of clinical management algorithms that provide prompts to the patient or clinician to assist in the management of patient care. CHIME has built up over a decade of experience within Europe on the requirements and information models that are needed to underpin comprehensive multiprofessional electronic healthcare records. The resulting architecture models have influenced new European standards in this area, and CHIME has designed and built prototype EHCR components based on these models. The demonstrator systems described here utilise a directory service and object-oriented engineering approach, and support the secure, mobile and distributed access to federated healthcare records via web-based services. The design and implementation of these software components has been founded on a thorough analysis of the clinical, technical and ethico-legal requirements for comprehensive EHCR systems, published through previous project deliverables and in future planned papers. The clinical demonstrator site described in this report has provided the solid basis from which to establish "proof of concept" verification of the design approach, and a valuable opportunity to install, test and evaluate the results of the component engineering undertaken during the EC funded project. Inevitably, a number of practical implementation and deployment obstacles have been overcome through this journey, each of those having contributed to the time taken to deliver the components but also to the richness of the end products. UCL is fortunate that the Whittington Hospital, and the department of cardiovascular medicine in particular, is committed to a long-term vision built around this work. That vision, outlined within this report, is shared by the Camden and Islington Health Authority and by many other purchaser and provider organisations in the area, and by a number of industrial parties. They are collectively determined to support the Demonstrator Site as an ongoing project well beyond the life of the EC SynEx Project. This report, although a final report as far as the EC project is concerned, is really a description of the first phase in establishing a centre of healthcare excellence. New EC Fifth Framework project funding has already been approved to enable new and innovative technology solutions to be added to the work already established in north London

    Ubiquitous Interoperable Emergency Response System

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    In the United States, there is an emergency dispatch for fire department services more than once every second - 31,854,000 incidents in 2012. While large scale disasters present enormous response complexity, even the most common emergencies require a better way to communicate information between personnel. Through real-time location and status updates using integrated sensors, this system can significantly decrease emergency response times and improve the overall effectiveness of emergency responses. Aside from face-to-face communication, radio transmissions are the most common medium for transferring information during emergency incidents. However, this type of information sharing is riddled with issues that are nearly impossible to overcome on a scene. Poor sound quality, the failure to hear transmissions, the inability to reach a radio microphone, and the transient nature of radio messages illustrate just a few of the problems. Proprietary and closed systems that collect and present response data have been implemented, but lack interoperability and do not provide a full array of necessary services. Furthermore, the software and hardware that run the systems are generally poorly designed for emergency response scenarios. Pervasive devices, which can transmit data without human interaction, and software using open communication standards designed for multiple platforms and form factors are two essential components. This thesis explores the issues, history, design, and implementation of a ubiquitous interoperable emergency response system by taking advantage of the latest in hardware and software, including Google Glass, Android powered mobile devices, and a cloud based architecture that can automatically scale to 7 billion requests per day. Implementing this pervasive system that transcends physical barriers by allowing disparate devices to communicate and operate harmoniously without human interaction is a step towards a practical solution for emergency response management

    Diversion as a Work-Oriented Welfare Reform Strategy and its Effect on Access to Medicaid: An Examination of the Experiences of Five Local Communities

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    The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) ended the individual entitlement to welfare benefits and gave states new flexibility to emphasize work instead welfare. PRWORA also severed the traditional eligibility link between Medicaid and welfare. This research examined the emergence of diversion programs as a particular aspect of state welfare reform efforts and the potential for diversion programs to reduce access to Medicaid. In this second of two reports, we present the results of case studies in five states

    Development of a Laboratory Information Management System for Medical Genetic Investigations (LIMS)

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    Studying the genetic factor underlying a set of diseases with modern high- throughput techniques generates huge amounts of data, posing a challenge for data management. In this thesis a database management system called FIDB based on MySQL was developed to handle clinical and experimental genetic data. For the convenience of the users, a web interface was developed to insert, update, delete and display the data. In addition security aspects were taken care of. Currently FIDB is able to organise and store data gathered by analysing 150 consanguineous families with autosomal recessive mental retardation