567 research outputs found

    Ishodi percipirane kvalitete koji se odnose na online prodavaonicu: empirijski dokazi

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    Purpose – Despite tremendous growth of e-commerce, there are reports of concerns about the quality of products and services in online transactions. This study evaluates customer perceptions of product quality in online circumstances. Specifically, the study proposes a model for analyzing the prominent outcomes of perceived webshop quality. Design/Methodology/Approach – The data was obtained through an online survey using a structured questionnaire administered to 515 online customers. Furthermore, regression analyses tested the causal relationship proposed in the hypothesis. Findings and implications – The study found that both the dimensions of product quality and webshop quality affect customer loyalty and satisfaction. Besides, satisfaction and trust affect loyalty. Results also reveal that satisfaction affects trust. On the other hand, product quality has not been shown to affect customer trust. Limitations – Since there is no online customer database, a public online survey with screening questions was used. The sample consists only of the representatives of the student population who have purchased products online. As the sample may not reflect the entire population of online consumers worldwide, caution is to be applied when generalizing the findings. Originality – This study contributes the existing knowledge about how perceptions of quality, satisfaction, and trust combine to increase loyalty in the case of e-commerce. This is a step towards expanding and contextualizing research on perceived quality and its outcomes in a non-traditional Eastern context. This paper provides marketers with valuable insights into the perceptions and attitudes of young online shoppers.Svrha – Unatoč ogromnom rastu e-trgovine, postoje izvješća o zabrinutosti u vezi s kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga u online transakcijama. Istraživanje procjenjuje percepcije kupaca o kvaliteti proizvoda u online okolnostima. Konkretno, predlaže se model za analizu istaknutih ishoda percipirane kvalitete. Metodološki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni pomoću strukturiranog online anketnog upitnika na uzorku 515 online kupaca. Za testiranje uzročnih odnosa predloženih u hipotezama korištena je regresijska analiza. Rezultati i implikacije – Istraživanje je pokazalo da obje dimenzije, kvaliteta proizvoda i kvaliteta online prodavaonice, utječu na lojalnost kupaca i zadovoljstvo. Osim toga, zadovoljstvo i povjerenje utječu na lojalnost. Rezultati također otkrivaju da zadovoljstvo utječe na povjerenje. S druge strane, pokazalo se da kvaliteta proizvoda ne utječe na povjerenje kupaca. Ograničenja – Budući da ne postoji online baza podataka o kupcima, provedeno je javno online istraživanje s eliminacijskim pitanjima. Uzorak je bio samo iz populacije studenata koji su kupili proizvode putem interneta. Stoga je potreban oprez pri generaliziranju nalaza istraživanja. Uzorak možda ne odražava cijelu populaciju online kupaca diljem svijeta. Doprinos – Istraživanje doprinosi proširenju postojećeg znanja o tome kako se percepcije kvalitete, zadovoljstva i povjerenja kombiniraju za povećanje lojalnosti u slučaju e-trgovine. To je korak prema proširenju i kontekstualizaciji istraživanja percipirane kvalitete i njezinih ishoda u netradicionalnom istočnjačkom kontekstu. Rad pruža marketinškim stručnjacima vrijedne uvide u percepcije i stavove mladih online kupaca

    Security Risk Management of E-commerce Systems

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    Turvariski juhtimine mängib iga süsteemi väljatöötamisel olulist rolli ja see kehtib ka elektrooniliste kaubandussüsteemide kohta. Kuna paljud inimesed kasutavad neid teenuseid, võivad nad kokku puutuda ebaadekvaatsete turvameetmetega ja see on kahjulik nii äritegevusele kui klientidele. Antud lõputöö toob uurimistöö tulemusena välja elektrooniliste kaubandussüsteemide toiminguid, mis on suunatud turvariskide vähendamisele, uurides ja analüüsides Webshop poodi.Antud meetod vaatleb turvariski juhtimise strateegiate hindamist, olles selle eriala ekspertide poolt heaks kiidetud ning ei käsitle mitte ainult elektrooniliste kaubandussüsteemide potentsiaalsete ohtude määratlemist, vaid tagab ka turvariski juhtimise struktureeritud kulgemise. Turvariski juhtimise protsess on esitatud sellisel kujul, et ta on asjakohastele elektrooniliste kaubandussüsteemide osanikele arusaadav.Security risk management is a vital part of any system development including e-commerce systems. As many people rely on these e-services, its inadequate security measures can be experienced, causing great losses to both businesses and customers. This thesis research work proposes a procedure that targets e-commerce system security and suggests the application of a threat-driven approach to security risk management by analysing an e-commerce system Webshop as a case study.This approach provides a useful assessment of the security risk management procedure that is validated by experts in the field. It not only identifies evolving threats to e-commerce systems but allows for a structured flow in security risk management. The risk management process is documented and reported in such a way that is easily understandable by concerned stakeholders of the e-commerce system

    A versenytársak csak egy kattintásra vannak. Az újravásárlási és továbbajánlási szándék alakulása különböző e-kereskedelmi kategóriákban = Competition is just a click away. Repurchasing and Word of Mouth Intention in the Different E-Commerce Categories

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    Jelen Ph.D értekezés során a kiskereskedelem egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő területét, az e-kiskereskedelmet vettük górcső alá, és ennek is egy marketingközpontú elemzését hajtottuk végre. Habár a vásárlási folyamatokról, döntésekről számos információ áll rendelkezésünk az offline világból, mégis az egyre növekvő tapasztalatok és szakértői vélemények azt mutatják, hogy az interneten bizonyos eltérések figyelhetők meg. Ebből kiindulva célunk az volt, hogy egy jól ismert összefüggésrendszert, vagyis a minőség, az elégedettség, az újravásárlási és a továbbajánlási szándék kapcsolatát megvizsgáljuk a hazai e-kiskereskedelem esetében, és a felállított hipotézisrendszer megvizsgálásával új eredményeket nyújtunk az elmélet számára. (...

    Promotion of sustainable products:can sustainability labels promote user selection of environmentally friendly products?

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    Sustainable development is growing in importance in today’s climate crisis. With the percentage of sales via digital channels increasing annually and consumers becoming aware of the environmental impact of their choices, a huge opportunity presents itself for promoting sustainable goods online if designers can find an effective way to raise awareness in consumers. Using a simulated e-commerce site (webshop), we investigated whether the presence or absence of sustainability labels displayed next to product images influenced users’ product selections. There was a significant association between the presentation of sustainability labels and the number of selected sustainable products. Overall, participants were familiar with sustainability labels and indicated willingness to pay ‘extra’ for sustainable products, while there was more variation in the way they felt that sustainability labels influenced their product choices. The findings highlight the complexities of factors influencing purchasing decisions and the need for more design-inspired research in this area. Whilst user interface design may be an effective means to influence sustainable product choices, design should also enable consumers to make informed product choices, while still providing a ‘fair’ e-commerce environment

    Promotion of sustainable products:can sustainability labels promote user selection of environmentally friendly products?

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    Sustainable development is growing in importance in today’s climate crisis. With the percentage of sales via digital channels increasing annually and consumers becoming aware of the environmental impact of their choices, a huge opportunity presents itself for promoting sustainable goods online if designers can find an effective way to raise awareness in consumers. Using a simulated e-commerce site (webshop), we investigated whether the presence or absence of sustainability labels displayed next to product images influenced users’ product selections. There was a significant association between the presentation of sustainability labels and the number of selected sustainable products. Overall, participants were familiar with sustainability labels and indicated willingness to pay ‘extra’ for sustainable products, while there was more variation in the way they felt that sustainability labels influenced their product choices. The findings highlight the complexities of factors influencing purchasing decisions and the need for more design-inspired research in this area. Whilst user interface design may be an effective means to influence sustainable product choices, design should also enable consumers to make informed product choices, while still providing a ‘fair’ e-commerce environment


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    This literature review systematically analyses recent studies on the effective design of e-commerce presences in order to provide a state-of-the-art overview on this important topic. To do so, our review focuses on the level of webshop elements (i.e., the building blocks to design webshops), which we cluster in eight categories (e.g., color usage, music usage, rich media usage), derived from previous website quality frameworks (e.g., SITEQUAL, WebQual) and prior reviews. The basis of our comprehensive literature review are 91 articles grouped into the webshop element categories and additionally analyzed along three key study criteria, namely the applied research methods, theories, and key dependent variables. Based on the findings from this bibliographic analysis, we formulate an agenda for future research avenues to guide researchers in further exploring the field of e-commerce presences and to support practitioners in their decision-making on the implementation of webshop elements

    Contrastive Explanations for Argumentation-Based Conclusions

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    In this paper we discuss contrastive explanations for formal argumentation - the question why a certain argument (the fact) can be accepted, whilst another argument (the foil) cannot be accepted under various extension-based semantics. The recent work on explanations for argumentation-based conclusions has mostly focused on providing minimal explanations for the (non-)acceptance of arguments. What is still lacking, however, is a proper argumentation-based interpretation of contrastive explanations. We show under which conditions contrastive explanations in abstract and structured argumentation are meaningful, and how argumentation allows us to make implicit foils explicit