5 research outputs found

    Reactive, Safe Navigation for Lunar and Planetary Robots

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    When humans return to the moon, Astronauts will be accompanied by robotic helpers. Enabling robots to safely operate near astronauts on the lunar surface has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of crew surface operations. Safely operating robots in close proximity to astronauts on the lunar surface requires reactive obstacle avoidance capabilities not available on existing planetary robots. In this paper we present work on safe, reactive navigation using a stereo based high-speed terrain analysis and obstacle avoidance system. Advances in the design of the algorithms allow it to run terrain analysis and obstacle avoidance algorithms at full frame rate (30Hz) on off the shelf hardware. The results of this analysis are fed into a fast, reactive path selection module, enforcing the safety of the chosen actions. The key components of the system are discussed and test results are presented

    People detection and tracking using a network of low-cost depth cameras

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    Automaattinen ihmisten havainnointi on jo laajalti käytetty teknologia, jolla on sovelluksia esimerkiksi kaupan ja turvallisuuden aloilla. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on suunnitella yleiskäyttöinen järjestelmä ihmisten havainnointiin sisätiloissa. Tässä työssä ensin esitetään kirjallisuudesta löytyvät ratkaisut ihmisten havainnointiin, seurantaan ja tunnistamiseen. Painopiste on syvyyskuvaa hyödyntävissä havaitsemismenetelmissä. Lisäksi esittellään kehitetty älykkäiden syvyyskameroiden verkko. Havainnointitarkkuutta kokeillaan neljällä kuvasarjalla, jotka sisältävät yli 20 000 syvyyskuvaa. Tulokset ovat lupaavia ja näyttävät, että yksinkertaiset ja laskennallisesti kevyet ratkaisut sopivat hyvin käytännön sovelluksiin.Automatic people detection is a widely adopted technology that has applications in retail stores, crowd management and surveillance. The goal of this work is to create a general purpose people detection framework. First, studies on people detection, tracking and re-identification are reviewed. The emphasis is on people detection from depth images. Furthermore, an approach based on a network of smart depth cameras is presented. The performance is evaluated with four image sequences, totalling over 20 000 depth images. Experimental results show that simple and lightweight algorithms are very useful in practical applications

    Advances in Stereo Vision

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    Stereopsis is a vision process whose geometrical foundation has been known for a long time, ever since the experiments by Wheatstone, in the 19th century. Nevertheless, its inner workings in biological organisms, as well as its emulation by computer systems, have proven elusive, and stereo vision remains a very active and challenging area of research nowadays. In this volume we have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints