109,195 research outputs found

    The concept of ‘transcendence’ in modern Western philosophy and in twentieth century Hindu thought

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    ‘Transcendence’ has been a key subject of Western philosophy of religion and history of ideas. The meaning of transcendence, however, has changed over time. The article looks at some perspectives o ered by the nineteenth and the twentieth century Anglo‐American and con‐ tinental European philosophers of religion and presents their views in relation to the concept of transcendence formulated by the Bengali Hindu traditionalist Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (1874–1937). The questions raised are what transcendence in the philosophy of religion is, how one can speak of it, and what its goal is. The paper points to parallels and di erences in epistemology, ontology and practice. One di erence is that the nineteenth and the twentieth century Western philosophy of religion tended to assume an ontological di erence between self and transcendence inherited om personalities such as Søren Kierkegaard, but also to explore the concept of transcendence beyond the idea of a metaphysical God. Bhaktisiddhanta, whose foundational thought mirrors medieval Hindu philosophy of religion and the theistic schools of Vedānta, suggests that transcendence has a metaphysical and personal dimension that is to some degree ontologically similar to and directly knowable by the self. Bhaktisid‐ dhanta’s approach to transcendence di ers om Kierkegaard’s and other Western philosophers’ and revolves around the idea of God as a transcendent person that can be directly known mor‐ phologically and ontologically through devotion. The article is a contribution to the history of ideas and the philosophy of religion in Eurasia and beyond

    Filosofi og språkets etiske transcendens: En dialog mellom Emmanuel Levinas og Jacques Derrida

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    I dette verket diskuterer jeg transcendencs, språk og filosofi. Jeg orienterer diskusjonen rundt dialogen mellom Emmanuel Levinas og Jacques Derrida og måten denne dialogen utviklet seg på. Jeg viser først hvordan Levinas forklarer språket som en transcendent og etisk relasjon i sin filosofi, deretter hvordan Derrida utfordrer denne forståelsen, før jeg viser hvordan Levinas svarer på disse utfordringene og til slutt hvordan Derrida svarer på Levinas’ svar. Jeg argumenterer for at spørsmålet om transcendens og språk viser seg å omhandle filosofien selv i dialogen mellom Levinas og Derrida. Det fundamentale spørsmålet viser seg å være om det er mulig å argumentere rasjonelt innenfor filosofi for at språket er den metafysiske transcendente relasjonen Levinas forstår den til å være, eller om filosofi nødvendigvis reduserer ethvert diskusjonstema til den ontologiske dimensjonen, som virker å være en mulighet Derrida foreslår. Jeg argumenterer at dette er hva som leder Levinas til, i hans senere arbeid, å skille mellom språkets utsigelse (saying) og det sagte (said). De mulige konsekvensene av dette skillet opptar verkets siste deler, og leder til en ny måte å forstå både hva vi mener med “et verk” og filosofien selv ved å plassere normativitet før deskriptivitet.Filosofi mastergradsoppgaveMAHF-FILOFILO35

    Parallelisms & Lie Connections

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    The aim of this article is to study rational parallelisms of algebraic varieties by means of the transcendence of their symmetries. The nature of this transcendence is measured by a Galois group built from the Picard-Vessiot theory of principal connections

    The Religious Significance of Kant’s Ethics

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    This paper provides analysis of Kant's Categorical Imperative and its relevance to religion. I discuss what the concept of a categorical imperative implies about self-transcendence, and what this understanding of self-transcendence indicates about the self's relation to God and others

    The Transcendence Degree over a Ring

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    For a finitely generated algebra over a field, the transcendence degree is known to be equal to the Krull dimension. The aim of this paper is to generalize this result to algebras over rings. A new definition of the transcendence degree of an algebra A over a ring R is given by calling elements of A algebraically dependent if they satisfy an algebraic equation over R whose trailing coefficient, with respect to some monomial ordering, is 1. The main result is that for a finitely generated algebra over a Noetherian Jacobson ring, the transcendence degree is equal to the Krull dimension