32 research outputs found

    Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization

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    En este trabajo se realiza una intensiva labor teórica de descripción de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas que utilizan la técnica de multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales (OFDM en inglés), más concretamente en sistemas con modulación directa de la intensidad de un láser y detección directa. Se parte pues de un modelo analítico que estudia con detalle todos aquellos fenómenos que afectan a la señal de información detectada en el receptor. Tales fenómenos son: la nolinealidad del láser, las modulaciones de intensidad y de fase ópticas, la propagación a través de la fibra óptica teniendo en cuenta la dispersión cromática de primer orden, y la detección de intensidad óptica final mediante un detector de ley cuadrática. El modelo analítico es validado mediante comparaciones con resultados obtenidos a través de simulaciones con software comercial. Dada la característica singularidad de las señales OFDM debidas a su naturaleza multi-portadora, la amplitud de la señal generada es aleatoria, y el modelo analítico es complementado con un estudio que contempla el recorte o "clipping" en el transmisor. Además, se tiene en cuenta los efectos de filtrado de la señal a lo largo de sistema de comunicaciones. Con el trabajo analítico realizado se está en disposición de realizar una descripción bastante completa de los principales fenómenos y realizar estudios para evaluar el funcionamiento final ante diferentes valores de los parámetros del sistema. Es bien sabido que los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas con modulación y detección directa se ven perjudicados por la distorsión no lineal, que para señales multi-portadora como OFDM se traduce en la mezcla de los símbolos de información que transportan las diferentes subportadoras. Para mitigar la distorsión no lineal y así mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema, se propone el uso de una técnica de pre-distorsión que se basa en el modelo analítico previamente propuesto. Esta técnica mejora la eficiencia de modulación, haciendo posible incrementar el término de la señal de información sin que se vea incrementada la distorsión no lineal en el receptor. La técnica aquí propuesta se compara también con otra ya publicada con el objetivo de evaluar su funcionamiento. Otra técnica para la mejora de sistemas con modulación y detección directas es la realizada mediante filtrado óptico. Aunque se conoce de forma más o menos intuitiva su funcionamiento para formatos de modulación ópticos tradicionales, es preciso disponer de una formulación matemática para señales ópticas OFDM para entender de forma exacta su principio de operación, las mejoras obtenidas, así como su potencial. En esta estapa se realiza esta formulación matemática ampliando el análisis teórico previamente propuesto, y se aplica para evaluar el funcionamiento obtenido con diversas estructuras de filtrado óptico. Finalmente, puesto que un potencial escenario de funcionamiento para señales ópticas OFDM son las redes de acceso donde operan más de un usuario, se propone y se estudia la técnica "interleaving division multiple access" (IDMA) en combinación con OFDM.Sánchez Costa, C. (2014). Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39375TESI

    Next generation passive optical networks based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing techniques

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    In recent decades, the industry of communications has acquired huge significance, and nowadays constitutes an essential tool for the society information. Thus, the exponential growth in demand of broadband services and the increasing amount of information to be transmitted have spurred the evolution of the access network infrastructure to effectively meet the user needs in an effective way in terms of costs of both installation and maintenance. Passive optical networks (PON) are currently considered the most efficient and least costly alternative to deploy fiber to the home environment. In order to allow many users simultaneously coexist PONs based on time multiplexing (TDMA) have been developed. Looking ahead, however, it is expected that these techniques do not meet the requirements on access networks. In consequence, other multiple access techniques such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing Access (WDMA) or Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) are currently under study and development for use in the next generation of PONs. Particularly, in recent years OFDM has stood out among the scientific community to be considered a solution with great potential on future implementation of PONs. This is especially true due to the capacity of OFDM to work with multilevel modulations, its high tolerance to chromatic dispersion, and its high flexibility and granularity in terms of bandwidth management. Given the above, the aim of this Thesis is to study deeply the advantages and challenges of implementing the standard OFDM as an access network solution; likewise, it offers solutions to improve its performance. In order to evaluate the main structures and strategies for OFDM-based PON, a comparative analysis of all of them is performed firstly, highlighting their sensitivity levels, maximum range and number of users. A key aspect for network providers is the cost of operation, deployment and maintenance of networks. As a low-cost solution, this Thesis proposes a network model called Statistical-OFDMA-PON based on intensity modulation and direct detection. In addition, dynamic bandwidth management strategies are applied into this model getting an improvement in the power balance which in turn, allows to increase the maximum range and the scalability in number of users. One of the main OFDM problems is the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which increases with the number of carriers. This thesis proposes a new algorithm based on folding the signal and transmitting auxiliary information in order to compensate the PAPR effect and thus increase the sensitivity of the optical system. On the other hand, OFDMA requires a large number of operations in the digital domain resulting in a high computational effort, which in turn results in an increased cost. For this reason, this Thesis presents a study on the optimization of the required resolution in the Digital-to-Analog / Analog-to-Digital Converters (DAC/ADCs) maintaining the transmission quality. The optimization of the computation time may make the OFDMA-based optical network more attractive for future PONs. Finally, another problem concerning the OFDM optical networks is their sensitivity to Phase Noise (PN). In this regard, this Thesis presents a study of the effect of the laser linewidth and its dependence on signal bandwidth. A mitigation technique based on pilot tones is implemented and the limiting values for the laser linewidth are found to be within the reach of present low-cost light sources.En estas últimas décadas, la industria de las comunicaciones ha adquirido gran importancia y hoy en día, constituye una herramienta imprescindible para el funcionamiento en la sociedad de la información. Así pues, el crecimiento exponencial en la demanda de servicios de banda ancha y la carga de información cada vez mayor que se necesita transmitir ha estimulado la evolución de las infraestructuras del tramo de acceso a la red para poder satisfacer las necesidades del usuario de forma efectiva en términos de costes de instalación y de mantenimiento. Las redes ópticas pasivas (Passive Optical Networks, PON) son actualmente consideradas la alternativa más eficiente y de menor coste para desplegar fibra hasta los hogares. Con el fin de permitir que muchos usuarios coexistan simultáneamente se han desarrollado PONs basadas en multiplexación en tiempo (Time Division Multiplexing Access, TDMA). De cara al futuro, sin embargo, se prevé que estas técnicas no permitan cubrir las exigencias sobre las redes de acceso. En consecuencia, otras técnicas de acceso múltiple al medio como el acceso múltiple por división de longitud de onda (Wavelength Division Multiplexing Access, WDMA) o el acceso múltiple por división de frecuencia ortogonal (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access, OFDMA) se encuentran actualmente en proceso de estudio y desarrollo para su uso en la futura generación de PONs. En concreto, en los últimos años OFDM se ha destacado entre la comunidad científica al considerarse una solución con gran potencial para su futura implantación en redes de acceso pasivas. Esto es especialmente cierto debido a la capacidad que el OFDM para trabajar con modulaciones multinivel, así como su alta tolerancia a la dispersión cromática y a la gran flexibilidad y granularidad que posibilita en términos de gestión del ancho de banda. Por todo lo anterior, el objetivo de esta Tesis es estudiar con profundidad las ventajas y los retos de aplicar el estándar OFDM como solución de red de acceso; del mismo modo, ofrece soluciones para mejorar su rendimiento. Con el objetivo de evaluar las principales estructuras basadas en OFDM-PON, en primer lugar se realiza un análisis comparativo de todas ellas destacando sus niveles de sensibilidad, máximo alcance y número de usuarios. Un aspecto fundamental para los proveedores de red es el coste de operación, despliegue y mantenimiento de las redes. Como solución de bajo coste, esta Tesis propone un modelo de red llamado Statistical-OFDMA-PON que se basa en modulación de intensidad y detección directa. Además, este modelo se completa con estrategias de gestión dinámica del ancho de banda de los usuarios que conforman la estructura de red propuesta consiguiendo una mejora en el balance de potencias que permite aumentar distancia y número de usuarios. Uno de los principales problemas del OFDM es el alto nivel de la relación de potencia de pico a potencia media (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, PAPR) creciente con el número de portadoras. Esta Tesis propone un nuevo algoritmo basado en el pliegue de la señal y la transmisión de información auxiliar para compensar el efecto del PAPR aumentando así la sensibilidad del sistema óptico. Por otro lado, OFDMA requiere un número elevado de operaciones en el dominio digital resultando en un alto esfuerzo computacional que a su vez se traduce en un aumento del coste. Por esta razón, esta Tesis presenta un estudio sobre la optimización de la resolución requerida en los conversores analógicodigital (Digital-to-Analog/Analog-to-Digital Converters, DAC/ADCs) manteniendo la calidad de transmisión. La optimización del tiempo de cómputo requerido puede dotar de un mayor atractivo la solución de red óptica basada en OFDMA. Finalmente, otro de los problemas que presentan las redes ópticas OFDM es su sensibilidad frente al ruido de fase (Phase Noise, PN). En este aspecto, esta Tesis presenta un estudio del efecto del ancho de línea del láser y su dependencia con el ancho de banda de la señal. Técnicas de mitigación basadas en tonos piloto han sido implementadas y se han encontrado los valores limitantes del ancho de línea dentro del alcance de los láseres de bajo coste

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for optical access networks

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation scheme with numerous advantages that has for years been employed as the leading physical interface in many wired and wireless communication systems. Recently, with advancements made in digital signal processing, there has been a surge of interest in applying OFDM techniques for optical communications. This thesis presents extensive research on optical OFDM and how it is being applied in access networks. With the aid of theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments, it is shown that the system performance of direct-detection optical OFDM (DD-OOFDM) in the presence of MZM non-linear distortion can be improved by proper biasing and selection of appropriate drive to the MZM. Investigations are conducted to illustrate how a variation in the number of subcarriers and the modulation format influences the sensitivity of the DD-OOFDM system to the MZM non-linear distortion. The possibility of improving the spectral efficiency by reduction of the width of the guard band is also investigated. This thesis also looks into the radio-over-fibre (RoF) transmission of Multiband OFDM UWB as a transparent and low-cost solution for distributing multi-Gbit/s data to end-users in FTTH networks. Due to relaxed regulatory requirements and the wide bandwidth available, UWB operation in the 60-GHz band is also considered for this FTTH application scenario. Four techniques for enabling MB-OFDM UWB RoF operation in the 60-GHz band are experimentally demonstrated. The impacts of various parameters on the performance of the techniques as well as the limitations imposed by fibre distribution are illustrated. Finally, a digital pre-distorter is proposed for compensating for the MZM non-linearity. Experimental demonstration of this digital pre-distortion in an UWB over fibre transmission system shows an increased tolerance to the amplitude of the driving OFDM signal as well as an increase in the optimum modulation index of the OFDM signal

    The Experimental Design of Radio-over-Fibre System for 4G Long Term Evolution

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    The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the potential key to meet the exponentially increasing demand of the mobile end users. The entire LTE network architecture and signal processing is carried out at the enhanced NodeB (eNB) level, hence the increased complexity and cost. Therefore, it is not efficient to deploy eNB for the purpose of extending the network coverage. As a solution, deployment of relay node (RN), with radio-over-fibre (RoF) acting as the interface between eNB and RN is proposed. Due to the high path loss and multipath fading, wireless interface would not be the ideal channel between eNB and RN. A detailed investigation is carried out by comparing the Rayleigh multipath fading channel with the optical fibre channel, where the latter achieved a ~31 dB of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain. The distributed feedback laser (DFB) is selected as the direct modulated laser (DML) source, where the modulation method introduces a positive frequency chirp (PFC). The existing mathematical expression does not precisely explain on how the rate equations contribute to PFC. Therefore, an expression for PFC is proposed and derived from the carrier and photon densities of the rate equations. Focusing on theoretical development of DML based RoF system, a varying fast Fourier transform (FFT) scheme is introduced into LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) technology as an alternative design to the carrier aggregation. A range of FFT sizes are investigated with different levels of optical launch power (OLP), the optimum OLP has been defined to be within the range of ~-6 to 0 dBm, which is known as the intermixing region. It is found that FFT size-128 provides improved average system efficiency of ~54% and ~65% in comparison to FFT size-64 and FFT size-128, respectively, within the intermixing region. While fixing FFT size to 128, the investigation is diverted to the optimisation of optical modulators. The author revealed that the performance of dual electrode-Mach Zehnder modulator (DE-MZM) is superior to both DML scheme and single electrode (SE)-MZM, where DE-MZM achieved a transmission span of 88 km and 71 km for 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and 64-QAM, respectively. At the initial experimental link design and optimisation stage, an optimum modulation region (OMR) is proposed at the optical modulation index (OMI) of 0.38, which resulted in an average error vector magnitude (EVM) of ~1.01% for a 10 km span. The EVM of ~1.01% is further improved by introducing the optimum OLP region at –2 dBm, where the observed average EVM trimmed to ~0.96%. There is no deviation found in the intermixing region by transmitting the LTE signal through a varying transmission span of 10 to 60 km, additionally, it was also revealed that the LTE RoF nonlinear threshold falls above the OLP of 6 dBm. The proposed system was further developed to accommodate 2×2 multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) transmission by utilising analogue frequency division multiplexing (FDM) technique. The studies procured that the resulting output quality of signal at 2 GHz and 2.6 GHz is almost identical with a twofold gain in the peak data rate and no occurrence of intermodulation (IMD). In order to emulate the complete LTE RoF solution, an experimental design of full duplex frequency division duplex (FDD) system with dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) architecture is proposed. It is found that channel spacing of 50 MHz between the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) introduces severe IMD distortion, where an adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) penalty of 14.10 dB is observed. Finally, a novel nonlinear compensation technique utilising a direct modulation based frequency dithering (DMFD) scheme is proposed. The LTE RoF system average SNR gain observed at OLP of 10 dBm for the 50 km transmission span is ~5.97 dB. External modulation based frequency dithering (EMFD) exhibits ~3 dB of average SNR gain over DMFD method

    High-Capacity Hybrid Optical Fiber-Wireless Communications Links in Access Networks

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    DSP-enabled Reconfigurable Optical Network Devices and Architectures for Cloud Access Networks

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    To meet the ever-increasing bandwidth requirements, the rapid growth in highly dynamic traffic patterns, and the increasing complexity in network operation, whilst providing high power consumption efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the approach of combining traditional optical access networks, metropolitan area networks and 4-th generation (4G)/5-th generation (5G) mobile front-haul/back-haul networks into unified cloud access networks (CANs) is one of the most preferred “future-proof” technical strategies. The aim of this dissertation research is to extensively explore, both numerically and experimentally, the technical feasibility of utilising digital signal processing (DSP) to achieve key fundamental elements of CANs from device level to network architecture level including: i) software reconfigurable optical transceivers, ii) DSP-enabled reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs), iii) network operation characteristics-transparent digital filter multiple access (DFMA) techniques, and iv) DFMA-based passive optical network (PON) with DSP-enabled software reconfigurability. As reconfigurable optical transceivers constitute fundamental building blocks of the CAN’s physical layer, digital orthogonal filtering-based novel software reconfigurable transceivers are proposed and experimentally and numerically explored, for the first time. By making use of Hilbert-pair-based 32-tap digital orthogonal filters implemented in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), a 2GS/s@8-bit digital-to-analogue converter (DAC)/analogue-to-digital converter (ADC), and an electro-absorption modulated laser (EML) intensity modulator (IM), world-first reconfigurable real-time transceivers are successfully experimentally demonstrated in a 25km IMDD SSMF system. The transceiver dynamically multiplexes two orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (OFDM) channels with a total capacity of 3.44Gb/s. Experimental results also indicate that the transceiver performance is fully transparent to various subcarrier modulation formats of up to 64-QAM, and that the maximum achievable transceiver performance is mainly limited by the cross-talk effect between two spectrally-overlapped orthogonal channels, which can, however, be minimised by adaptive modulation of the OFDM signals. For further transceiver optimisations, the impacts of major transceiver design parameters including digital filter tap number and subcarrier modulation format on the transmission performance are also numerically explored. II Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) are also vital networking devices for application in CANs as they play a critical role in offering fast and flexible network reconfiguration. A new optical-electrical-optical (O-E-O) conversion-free, software-switched flexible ROADM is extensively explored, which is capable of providing dynamic add/drop operations at wavelength, sub-wavelength and orthogonal sub-band levels in software defined networks incorporating the reconfigurable transceivers. Firstly, the basic add and drop operations of the proposed ROADMs are theoretically explored and the ROADM designs are optimised. To crucially validate the practical feasibility of the ROADMs, ROADMs are experimentally demonstrated, for the first time. Experimental results show that the add and drop operation performances are independent of the sub-band signal spectral location and add/drop power penalties are <2dB. In addition, the ROADMs are also robust against a differential optical power dynamic range of >2dB and a drop RF signal power range of 7.1dB. In addition to exploring key optical networking devices for CANs, the first ever DFMA PON experimental demonstrations are also conducted, by using two real-time, reconfigurable, OOFDM-modulated optical network units (ONUs) operating on spectrally overlapped multi-Gb/s orthogonal channels, and an offline optical line terminal (OLT). For multipoint-to-point upstream signal transmission over 26km SSMF in an IMDD DFMA PON, experiments show that each ONU achieves a similar upstream BER performance, excellent robustness to inter-ONU sample timing offset (STO) and a large ONU launch power variation range. Given the importance of IMDD DFMA-PON channel frequency response roll-off, both theoretical and experimental explorations are undertaken to investigate the impact of channel frequency response roll-off on the upstream transmission of the DFMA PON system Such work provides valuable insights into channel roll-off-induced performance dependencies to facilitate cost-effective practical network/transceiver/component designs

    Design and analysis of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiple access multiband passive optical networks

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore innovative technical solutions of utilising Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OOFDM) in intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD) based future access networks to provide multi-service capability with a minimum 1 Gb/s per user. This thesis extensively investigates and analyses the feasibility and performance of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing multiple access passive optical networks (AMOOFDMA PONs) upstream transmission systems by numerically simulating AMOOFDMA PONs using experimentally determined parameters. OOFDM transceivers incorporating reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs) and distributed feedback (DFB) lasers are utilised in the transceivers and intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD) transmission systems are also employed to achieve a low complexity, high speed and large bandwidth PON as a solution for next generation access networks. Numerical simulations has also being undertaken to improve overall AMOOFDMA PON performance and power budget by incorporating optical band-pass filters (OBPFs) at the output of optical network units (ONUs). A major challenge of making PONs spectrally efficient has been addressed in this thesis by investigating the AMOOFDMA PON with ONUs on a single upstream wavelength. The performance of the single upstream wavelength AMOOFDMA PON is compared to the multiple wavelength AMOOFDMA PON. Another major challenge in AMOOFDMA PONs namely improving system capacity has also been addressed by implementing multiband transmission in an AMOOFDMA PON. Results show that for a multiple upstream OOFDMA IMDD PON system over 25 km single mode fibre (SMF) can achieve an aggregated data rate of 11.25 Gb/s and the minimum wavelength spacing between ONUs are independent of the number of ONUs. Results also show that a single upstream wavelength AMOOFDMA IMDD PON with multiband incorporated at the ONUs can achieve a aggregated line rate of 21.25 Gb/s over 25 km SMF