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    The Times They Are a-Changin

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    The Times They are A-Changin'

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    The Times They Are A-Changin’

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    This is the Letter from the Editor

    Comment: Desegregation -- The Times They Are A-Changin\u27

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    Courts are currently concerned over the extent of their powers to integrate racially separate housing and schools within metropolitan areas containing black inner cities and white suburbs. This Comment reviews the jurisprudence addressing when it is a proper exercise of a court\u27s equity jurisdiction to fashion a metropolitan or interdistrict remedial order in which the city and its surrounding suburbs are treated as one system. The Comment focuses on the recent Supreme Court decision in Milliken v. Bradley, in which the Court reversed a decision of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals which upheld the district court\u27s power to order enforcement of a plan that would have integrated the schools of up to fifty-four school districts in Detroit. The Court held that an interdistrict remedy is dependent on finding an interdistrict constitutional violation, which it found was not present in the Milliken case. The Comment observes that Milliken was the first time since Brown I that the Court had reversed a lower court order which sought to promote the integration of the races after finding unconstitutional segregation. It thus concludes that the history of the Supreme Court as an instrument of reversing the separation of the races has entered a new phase

    Editorial: The times they are A-Changin

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    The famous1963 song by Bob Dylan The Times They Are A-Changing rings true in the year 2011. As in the1960s, there are young and old people on the streets demanding change to the economic system, an end of war, climate justice, women’s rights, gender equity and true democracy. The year has seen Arab revolutions, European governments toppling, faltering banking systems, and the occupation movement full of young and old spreading the message of the 99 percent fromWall Street to 900 cities around theworld

    “For the times they are a-changin’”

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    This paper deals with the problem of deriving consistent time-series from newspaper contentbased topic models. In the first part, we recapitulate a few our own failed attempts, in the second one, we show some results using a twin strategy, that we call prototyping and seeding. Given the popularity news-based indicators have assumed in econometric analyses in recent years, this seems to be a valuable exercise for researchers working on related issues. Building on earlier writings, where we use the topic modelling approach Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to gauge economic uncertainty perception, we show the difficulties that arise when a number of one-shot LDAs, performed at different points in time, are used to produce something akin of a time-series. The models’ topic structures differ considerably from computation to computation. Neither parameter variations nor the accumulation of several topics to broader categories of related content are able solve the problem of incompatibleness. It is not just the content that is added at each observation point, but the very properties of LDA itself: since it uses random initializations and conditional reassignments within the iterative process, fundamentally different models can emerge when the algorithm is executed several times, even if the data and the parameter settings are identical. To tame LDA’s randomness, we apply a newish “prototyping” approach to the corpus, upon which our Uncertainty Perception Indicator (UPI) is built. Still, the outcomes vary considerably over time. To get closer to our goal, we drop the notion that LDA models should be allowed to take various forms freely at each run. Instead, the topic structure is fixated, using a “seeding” technique that distributes incoming new data to our model’s existing topic structure. This approach seems to work quite well, as our consistent and plausible results show, but it is bound to run into difficulties over time either

    The Times, They Are a Changin\u27

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    Significant changes are taking place and continue to take place in U.S. health care and medicine. Many of these changes are not, and will not be, to the benefit of physicians. Reduced personal autonomy, probably lower compensation than expected, fewer and less adequate resources, and overall significantly reduced power are some of the likely outcomes of the changes underway. Perhaps of greatest personal interest is the high likelihood of lack of employment in medicine for upwards of 200,000 physicians over the next 20 years

    The times they are a-changin’

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    Dem wachsenden Energieverbrauch von Haushalten werden technologischen Neuheiten als Lösung entgegen gehalten. Allerdings sind weder deren Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten der Menschen noch auf die Umwelt klar. Diese Diplomarbeit hat es sich daher zum Ziel gesetzt, ausgehend von einer Diskussion ĂŒber KonsumentInnenverhalten und Rebound Effekte, VerĂ€nderungen im Energieverbrauch von Haushalten zu untersuchen. HierfĂŒr wurde eine die VerĂ€nderungen in der Zeit ins Zentrum stellende, auf der Analyse von AktivitĂ€ten basierende Methode angewandt. Zeitallokationen werden hierbei als ein Weg gesehen, Verhaltensmuster zu beschreiben und ihre VerĂ€nderungen, beispielsweise durch die EinfĂŒhrung einer neuen Technologie, abzubilden. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurde der Einfluss des Personal Computers (PC) auf UK-Haushalte in den Jahren von 1999 bis 2001 untersucht. Umweltdaten und Zeitverwendungsstatistiken wurden verknĂŒpft, um die Unterschiede zwischen einer Gruppe von Menschen, die einen PC in den Haushalt neu integrieren, und einer Kontrollgruppe zu analysieren. Hierdurch konnten einerseits die Substitutionseffekte zwischen einzelnen AktivitĂ€ten, sowie andererseits die Auswirkungen auf den Energieverbrauch beschrieben und der Einfluss neuer Technologien herausgearbeitet werden. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich die EinfĂŒhrung eines PCs positiv auf die EnergieintensitĂ€ten auswirkt, da AktivitĂ€ten mit niedriger und mittlerer EnergieintensitĂ€t AktivitĂ€ten mit hoher IntensitĂ€t ersetzen und den Energieverbrauch dadurch verringern. Die Ergebnisse sind allerdings nicht allgemein gĂŒltig, da sich zwischen verschiedenen Subgruppen unterschiedliche Bilder ergeben.Technological innovation is promoted as one way to cope with increasing energy consumption in the household sector. The behavioral and environmental consequences caused by the introduction of new technological devices in the household are, however, unclear at best. Starting from a discussion on consumer behavior and rebound effects, the purpose of this study was to analyze changes in households‘ energy consumption by adopting a temporal, activity based method. Time use patterns are seen as a way to describe behavioral patterns, opening up the possibility to model changes happening after the adoption of new technology as changing time use. The study analyzed the impact of the personal computer on UK households in the period 1999 to 2001. Combining environmental data with statistics on time use, it was possible to model short term changes in time use patterns comparing a group of pc adopters and a group not adopting a personal computer. This allowed for an analysis of substitution effects between different household activities as well as the consequences on energy consumption, focusing on the possible influences triggered by the new technology. The results indicates that the adoption of a personal computer has a beneficial environmental effect as low and middle intensity activities are substitutes for high-intensity activities, resulting in a decreasing energy demand. However the results are inconclusive as further analysis distinguishing between different subgroups (age, gender, and household size) seems to suggest different trends

    Gastric Cancer: The Times they are a-changin’

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    Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Even though during these last decades gastric cancer incidence decreased in Western countries, it remains endemic and with a high incidence in Eastern countries. The survival in advanced and metastatic stage of gastric cancer is still very poor. Recently the Cancer Genoma Atlas Research Network identified four subtypes with different molecular profiles to classify gastric cancer in order to offer the optimal targeted therapies for pre-selected patients. Indeed, the key point is still the selection of patients for the right treatment, on basis of molecular tumor characterization. Since chemotherapy reached a plateau of efficacy for gastric cancer, the combination between cytotoxic therapy and biological agents gets a better prognosis and decreases chemotherapeutic toxicity. Currently, Trastuzumab in combination with platinum and fluorouracil is the only approved targeted therapy in the first line for c-erbB2 positive patients, whereas Ramucirumab is the only approved targeted agent for patients with metastatic gastric cancer. New perspectives for an effective treatment derived from the immunotherapeutic strategies. Here, we report an overview on gastric cancer treatments, with particular attention to recent advances in targeted therapies and in immunotherapeutic approach

    The Times They Are A-Changin’

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    he article, whose central premise is to address the ellusive issue of the Zeitgeist of the "long 1968," revolves around the appeal of the singer-songwriter activism and the international, cross-cultural popularity of protest songs that defy political borders and linguistic divides. The argument opens with reference to Bob Dylan's famous song "The Times They Are A-Changing," whose evergreen topicality resulted not only in the emergence of its numerous official and unofficial covers and reinterpretations, but also generated translations into all major languages of the world, and which has provided inspiration to engaged artists, whose present-day remakes serve as a medium of criticism of the unjust mechanisms of power affecting contemporary societies. The "spirit of the 1968," which evades clear-cut definitions attempted by cultural historians and sociologists, seems to lend itself to capturing in terms of what Beate Kutschke dubs "mental" criteria, perhaps best comprehended in the analysis of the emotional reactions to simple messages of exhortative poetry or simple protest songs, which appeal to the shared frustrations of self-organized, grassroot movements and offer them both the sense of purpose and a glimpse of hope. In this sense, the Zeitgeist of '68 is similar to that of revolutionary Romanticism that united the young engaged intellectuals on both sides of the Atlantic, and whose messages reverberate in the activist songwriters' work until today. As such, the essay provides the keynote to the whole issue, which explores some of the transnational legacies of "1969.
