3,137 research outputs found

    A Survey on Continuous Time Computations

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    We provide an overview of theories of continuous time computation. These theories allow us to understand both the hardness of questions related to continuous time dynamical systems and the computational power of continuous time analog models. We survey the existing models, summarizing results, and point to relevant references in the literature

    On Zone-Based Analysis of Duration Probabilistic Automata

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    We propose an extension of the zone-based algorithmics for analyzing timed automata to handle systems where timing uncertainty is considered as probabilistic rather than set-theoretic. We study duration probabilistic automata (DPA), expressing multiple parallel processes admitting memoryfull continuously-distributed durations. For this model we develop an extension of the zone-based forward reachability algorithm whose successor operator is a density transformer, thus providing a solution to verification and performance evaluation problems concerning acyclic DPA (or the bounded-horizon behavior of cyclic DPA).Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2010, arXiv:1010.611

    Real-time and Probabilistic Temporal Logics: An Overview

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    Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study on logical formalisms for specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for the formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date comprehensive analysis of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse real-time and probabilistic temporal logics which have been widely used in this field. We extrapolate the notions of decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking, etc. for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed

    Quantitative Verification: Formal Guarantees for Timeliness, Reliability and Performance

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    Computerised systems appear in almost all aspects of our daily lives, often in safety-critical scenarios such as embedded control systems in cars and aircraft or medical devices such as pacemakers and sensors. We are thus increasingly reliant on these systems working correctly, despite often operating in unpredictable or unreliable environments. Designers of such devices need ways to guarantee that they will operate in a reliable and efficient manner. Quantitative verification is a technique for analysing quantitative aspects of a system's design, such as timeliness, reliability or performance. It applies formal methods, based on a rigorous analysis of a mathematical model of the system, to automatically prove certain precisely specified properties, e.g. ``the airbag will always deploy within 20 milliseconds after a crash'' or ``the probability of both sensors failing simultaneously is less than 0.001''. The ability to formally guarantee quantitative properties of this kind is beneficial across a wide range of application domains. For example, in safety-critical systems, it may be essential to establish credible bounds on the probability with which certain failures or combinations of failures can occur. In embedded control systems, it is often important to comply with strict constraints on timing or resources. More generally, being able to derive guarantees on precisely specified levels of performance or efficiency is a valuable tool in the design of, for example, wireless networking protocols, robotic systems or power management algorithms, to name but a few. This report gives a short introduction to quantitative verification, focusing in particular on a widely used technique called model checking, and its generalisation to the analysis of quantitative aspects of a system such as timing, probabilistic behaviour or resource usage. The intended audience is industrial designers and developers of systems such as those highlighted above who could benefit from the application of quantitative verification,but lack expertise in formal verification or modelling

    How to stop time stopping

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    Zeno-timelocks constitute a challenge for the formal verification of timed automata: they are difficult to detect, and the verification of most properties (e.g., safety) is only correct for timelock-free models. Some time ago, Tripakis proposed a syntactic check on the structure of timed automata: If a certain condition (called strong non-zenoness) is met by all the loops in a given automaton, then zeno-timelocks are guaranteed not to occur. Checking for strong non-zenoness is efficient, and compositional (if all components in a network of automata are strongly non-zeno, then the network is free from zeno-timelocks). Strong non-zenoness, however, is sufficient-only: There exist non-zeno specifications which are not strongly non-zeno. A TCTL formula is known that represents a sufficient-and-necessary condition for non-zenoness; unfortunately, this formula requires a demanding model-checking algorithm, and not all model-checkers are able to express it. In addition, this algorithm provides only limited diagnostic information. Here we propose a number of alternative solutions. First, we show that the compositional application of strong non-zenoness can be weakened: Some networks can be guaranteed to be free from Zeno-timelocks, even if not every component is strongly non-zeno. Secondly, we present new syntactic, sufficient-only conditions that complement strong non-zenoness. Finally, we describe a sufficient-and-necessary condition that only requires a simple form of reachability analysis. Furthermore, our conditions identify the cause of zeno-timelocks directly on the model, in the form of unsafe loops. We also comment on a tool that we have developed, which implements the syntactic checks on Uppaal models. The tool is also able to derive, from those unsafe loops in a given automaton (in general, an Uppaal model representing a product automaton of a given network), the reachability formulas that characterise the occurrence of zeno-timelocks. A modified version of the CSMA/CD protocol is used as a case-study

    Synthesis and Stochastic Assessment of Cost-Optimal Schedules

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    We present a novel approach to synthesize good schedules for a class of scheduling problems that is slightly more general than the scheduling problem FJm,a|gpr,r_j,d_j|early/tardy. The idea is to prime the schedule synthesizer with stochastic information more meaningful than performance factors with the objective to minimize the expected cost caused by storage or delay. The priming information is obtained by stochastic simulation of the system environment. The generated schedules are assessed again by simulation. The approach is demonstrated by means of a non-trivial scheduling problem from lacquer production. The experimental results show that our approach achieves in all considered scenarios better results than the extended processing times approach
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