70 research outputs found

    The synergy of multithreading and access/execute decoupling

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    This work presents and evaluates a novel processor microarchitecture which combines two paradigms: access/execute decoupling and simultaneous multithreading. We investigate how both techniques complement each other: while decoupling features an excellent memory latency hiding efficiency, multithreading supplies the in-order issue stage with enough ILP to hide the functional unit latencies. Its partitioned layout, together with its in-order issue policy makes it potentially less complex, in terms of critical path delays, than a centralized out-of-order design, to support future growths in issue-width and clock speed. The simulations show that by adding decoupling to a multithreaded architecture, its miss latency tolerance is sharply increased and in addition, it needs fewer threads to achieve maximum throughput, especially for a large miss latency. Fewer threads result in a hardware complexity reduction and lower demands on the memory system, which becomes a critical resource for large miss latencies, since bandwidth may become a bottleneck.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The synergy of multithreading and access/execute decoupling

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    Improving latency tolerance of multithreading through decoupling

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    The increasing hardware complexity of dynamically scheduled superscalar processors may compromise the scalability of this organization to make an efficient use of future increases in transistor budget. SMT processors, designed over a superscalar core, are therefore directly concerned by this problem. The article presents and evaluates a novel processor microarchitecture which combines two paradigms: simultaneous multithreading and access/execute decoupling. Since its decoupled units issue instructions in order, this architecture is significantly less complex, in terms of critical path delays, than a centralized out-of-order design, and it is more effective for future growth in issue-width and clock speed. We investigate how both techniques complement each other. Since decoupling features an excellent memory latency hiding efficiency, the large amount of parallelism exploited by multithreading may be used to hide the latency of functional units and keep them fully utilized. The study shows that, by adding decoupling to a multithreaded architecture, fewer threads are needed to achieve maximum throughput. Therefore, in addition to the obvious hardware complexity reduction, it places lower demands on the memory system. The study also reveals that multithreading by itself exhibits little memory latency tolerance. Results suggest that most of the latency hiding effectiveness of SMT architectures comes from the dynamic scheduling. On the other hand, decoupling is very effective at hiding memory latency. An increase in the cache miss penalty from 1 to 32 cycles reduces the performance of a 4-context multithreaded decoupled processor by less than 2 percent. For the nondecoupled multithreaded processor, the loss of performance is about 23 percent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy-efficient mobile GPU systems

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    The design of mobile GPUs is all about saving energy. Smartphones and tablets are battery-operated and thus any type of rendering needs to use as little energy as possible. Furthermore, smartphones do not include sophisticated cooling systems due to their small size, making heat dissipation a primary concern. Improving the energy-efficiency of mobile GPUs will be absolutely necessary to achieve the performance required to satisfy consumer expectations, while maintaining operating time per battery charge and keeping the GPU in its thermal limits. The first step in optimizing energy consumption is to identify the sources of energy drain. Previous studies have demonstrated that the register file is one of the main sources of energy consumption in a GPU. As graphics workloads are highly data- and memory-parallel, GPUs rely on massive multithreading to hide the memory latency and keep the functional units busy. However, aggressive multithreading requires a huge register file to keep the registers of thousands of simultaneous threads. Such a big register file exceeds the power budget typically available for an embedded graphics processors and, hence, more energy-efficient memory latency tolerance techniques are necessary. On the other hand, prior research showed that the off-chip accesses to system memory are one of the most expensive operations in terms of energy in a mobile GPU. Therefore, optimizing memory bandwidth usage is a primary concern in mobile GPU design. Many bandwidth saving techniques, such as texture compression or ARM's transaction elimination, have been proposed in both industry and academia. The purpose of this thesis is to study the characteristics of mobile graphics processors and mobile workloads in order to propose different energy saving techniques specifically tailored for the low-power segment. Firstly, we focus on energy-efficient memory latency tolerance. We analyze several techniques such as multithreading and prefetching and conclude that they are effective but not energy-efficient. Next, we propose an architecture for the fragment processors of a mobile GPU that is based on the decoupled access/execute paradigm. The results obtained by using a cycle-accurate mobile GPU simulator and several commercial Android games show that the decoupled architecture combined with a small degree of multithreading provides the most energy efficient solution for hiding memory latency. More specifically, the decoupled access/execute-like design with just 4 SIMD threads/processor is able to achieve 97% of the performance of a larger GPU with 16 SIMD threads/processor, while providing 20.5% energy savings on average. Secondly, we focus on optimizing memory bandwidth in a mobile GPU. We analyze the bandwidth usage in a set of commercial Android games and find that most of the bandwidth is employed for fetching textures, and also that consecutive frames share most of the texture dataset as they tend to be very similar. However, the GPU cannot capture inter-frame texture re-use due to the big size of the texture dataset for one frame. Based on this analysis, we propose Parallel Frame Rendering (PFR), a technique that overlaps the processing of multiple frames in order to exploit inter-frame texture re-use and save bandwidth. By processing multiple frames in parallel textures are fetched once every two frames instead of being fetched in a frame basis as in conventional GPUs. PFR provides 23.8% memory bandwidth savings on average in our set of Android games, that result in 12% speedup and 20.1% energy savings. Finally, we improve PFR by introducing a hardware memoization system on top. We analyze the redundancy in mobile games and find that more than 38% of the Fragment Program executions are redundant on average. We thus propose a task-level hardware-based memoization system that provides 15% speedup and 12% energy savings on average over a PFR-enabled GPU.El diseño de las GPUs (Graphics Procesing Units) móviles se centra fundamentalmente en el ahorro energético. Los smartphones y las tabletas son dispositivos alimentados mediante baterías y, por lo tanto, cualquier tipo de renderizado debe utilizar la menor cantidad de energía posible. Mejorar la eficiencia energética de las GPUs móviles será absolutamente necesario para alcanzar el rendimiento requirido para satisfacer las expectativas de los usuarios, sin reducir el tiempo de vida de la batería. El primer paso para optimizar el consumo energético consiste en identificar qué componentes son los principales consumidores de la batería. Estudios anteriores han identificado al banco de registros y a los accessos a memoria principal como las mayores fuentes de consumo energético en una GPU. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar las características de los procesadores gráficos móviles y de las aplicaciones móviles con el objetivo de proponer distintas técnicas de ahorro energético. En primer lugar, la investigación se centra en desarrollar métodos energéticamente eficientes para ocultar la latencia de la memoria principal. El resultado de la investigación es una arquitectura desacoplada para los Fragment Processors de la GPU. Los resultados experimentales utilizando un simulador de ciclo y distintos juegos de Android muestran que una arquitectura desacoplada, combinada con un nivel de multithreading moderado, proporciona la solución más eficiente desde el punto de vista energético para ocultar la latencia de la memoria prinicipal. Más específicamente, la arquitectura desacoplada con sólo 4 SIMD threads/processor es capaz de alcanzar el 97% del rendimiento de una GPU más grande con 16 SIMD threads/processor, al tiempo que se reduce el consumo energético en un 20.5%. En segundo lugar, el trabajo de investigación se centró en optimizar el ancho de banda en una GPU móvil. Se realizó un estudio del uso del ancho de banda en distintos juegos de Android y se observó que la mayor parte del ancho de banda se utiliza para leer texturas. Además, se observó que frames consecutivos comparten una gran parte de las texturas. Sin embargo, la GPU no puede capturar el reuso de texturas entre frames dado que el tamaño de las texturas utilizadas por un frame es mucho mayor que la caché de segundo nivel. Basándose en este análisis, se desarrolló Parallel Frame Rendering (PFR), una técnica que solapa el procesado de multiples frames consecutivos con el objetivo de explotar el reuso de texturas entre frames y ahorrar así ancho de bando. Al procesar múltiples frames en paralelo las texturas se leen de memoria principal una vez cada dos frames en lugar de leerse en cada frame como sucede en una GPU convencional. PFR proporciona un ahorro del 23.8% en ancho de banda en promedio para distintos juegos de Android, este ahorro de ancho de banda redunda en un incremento del rendimiento del 12% y un ahorro energético del 20.1%. Por último, se mejoró PFR introduciendo un sistema hardware capaz de evitar cómputos redundantes. Un análisis de distintos juegos de Android reveló que más de un 38% de las ejecuciones del Fragment Program eran redundantes en promedio. Así pues, se propuso un sistema hardware capaz de identificar y eliminar parte de los cómputos y accessos a memoria redundantes, dicho sistema proporciona un incremento del rendimiento del 15% y un ahorro energético del 12% en promedio con respecto a una GPU móvil basada en PFR

    Fast thread communication and synchronization mechanisms for a scalable single chip multiprocessor

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-163).by Stephen William Keckler.Ph.D

    Performance optimizations for compiler-based error detection

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    The trend towards smaller transistor technologies and lower operating voltages stresses the hardware and makes transistors more susceptible to transient errors. In future systems, performance and power gains will come at the cost of unreliable areas on the chip. For this reason, there is an increased need for low-overhead highly-reliable error detection methodologies. In the last years, several techniques have been proposed. The majority of them are based on redundancy which can be implemented at several levels (e.g., hardware, instruction, thread, process, etc). In instruction-level error detection approaches, the compiler replicates the instructions of the program and inserts checks wherever they are needed. The checks evaluate code correctness and decide whether or not an error has occurred. This type of error detection is more flexible than the hardware alternatives. It allows the programmer to choose the protected area of the program and it can be applied without any hardware modifications. On the other hand, the replicated instructions and the checks cause a large slowdown making software techniques less appealing. In this thesis, we propose two techniques that aim at reducing the error detection overhead of compiler-based approaches and improving system’s performance without sacrificing the fault-coverage. The first technique, DRIFT, achieves this by decoupling the execution of the code (original and replicated) from the checks. The checks are compare and jump instructions. The latter ones tend to make the code sequential and prohibit the compiler from performing aggressive instruction scheduling optimizations. We call this phenomenon basic-block fragmentation. DRIFT reduces the impact of basic-block fragmentation by breaking the synchronized execute-check-confirm-execute cycle. In this way, DRIFT generates a scheduler-friendly code with more instruction-level parallelism (ILP). As a result, it reduces the performance overhead down to 1.29× (on average) and outperforms the state-of-the-art by up to 29.7% retaining the same fault-coverage. Next, CASTED focuses on reducing the impact of error detection overhead on single-chip scalable architectures that are composed of tightly-coupled cores. The proposed compiler methodology adaptively distributes the error detection overhead to the available resources across multiple cores, fully exploiting the abundant ILP of these architectures. CASTED adapts to a wide range of architecture configurations (issue-width, inter-core communication). The results show that CASTED matches the performance of, and often outperforms, sometimes by as mush as 21.2%, the best fixed state-of-the-art approach while maintaining the same fault coverage

    Datacenter Architectures for the Microservices Era

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    Modern internet services are shifting away from single-binary, monolithic services into numerous loosely-coupled microservices that interact via Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), to improve programmability, reliability, manageability, and scalability of cloud services. Computer system designers are faced with many new challenges with microservice-based architectures, as individual RPCs/tasks are only a few microseconds in most microservices. In this dissertation, I seek to address the most notable challenges that arise due to the dissimilarities of the modern microservice based and classic monolithic cloud services, and design novel server architectures and runtime systems that enable efficient execution of µs-scale microservices on modern hardware. In the first part of my dissertation, I seek to address the problem of Killer Microseconds, which refers to µs-scale “holes” in CPU schedules caused by stalls to access fast I/O devices or brief idle times between requests in high throughput µs-scale microservices. Whereas modern computing platforms can efficiently hide ns-scale and ms-scale stalls through micro-architectural techniques and OS context switching, they lack efficient support to hide the latency of µs-scale stalls. In chapter II, I propose Duplexity, a heterogeneous server architecture that employs aggressive multithreading to hide the latency of killer microseconds, without sacrificing the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of latency-sensitive microservices. Duplexity is able to achieve 1.9× higher core utilization and 2.7× lower iso-throughput 99th-percentile tail latency over an SMT-based server design, on average. In chapters III-IV, I comprehensively investigate the problem of tail latency in the context of microservices and address multiple aspects of it. First, in chapter III, I characterize the tail latency behavior of microservices and provide general guidelines for optimizing computer systems from a queuing perspective to minimize tail latency. Queuing is a major contributor to end-to-end tail latency, wherein nominal tasks are enqueued behind rare, long ones, due to Head-of-Line (HoL) blocking. Next, in chapter IV, I introduce Q-Zilla, a scheduling framework to tackle tail latency from a queuing perspective, and CoreZilla, a microarchitectural instantiation of the framework. Q-Zilla is composed of the ServerQueue Decoupled Size-Interval Task Assignment (SQD-SITA) scheduling algorithm and the Express-lane Simultaneous Multithreading (ESMT) microarchitecture, which together seek to address HoL blocking by providing an “express-lane” for short tasks, protecting them from queuing behind rare, long ones. By combining the ESMT microarchitecture and the SQD-SITA scheduling algorithm, CoreZilla is able to improves tail latency over a conventional SMT core with 2, 4, and 8 contexts by 2.25×, 3.23×, and 4.38×, on average, respectively, and outperform a theoretical 32-core scale-up organization by 12%, on average, with 8 contexts. Finally, in chapters V-VI, I investigate the tail latency problem of microservices from a cluster, rather than server-level, perspective. Whereas Service Level Objectives (SLOs) define end-to-end latency targets for the entire service to ensure user satisfaction, with microservice-based applications, it is unclear how to scale individual microservices when end-to-end SLOs are violated or underutilized. I introduce Parslo as an analytical framework for partial SLO allocation in virtualized cloud microservices. Parslo takes a microservice graph as an input and employs a Gradient Descent-based approach to allocate “partial SLOs” to different microservice nodes, enabling independent auto-scaling of individual microservices. Parslo achieves the optimal solution, minimizing the total cost for the entire service deployment, and is applicable to general microservice graphs.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/167978/1/miramir_1.pd