2 research outputs found

    The application of Preference Mapping in aesthetic website evaluation

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    Abstract. The objective of this study was to apply a technique called preference mapping to the context of aesthetic website evaluation. Preference mapping is a method in which evaluators and stimuli are simultaneously represented in the same multidimensional space. User segmentations and drivers of preference can easily be identified. We argue that this technique is particularly suited for website design evaluation especially for alternative prototype comparisons. The application of this method to an actual dataset resulted in a better understanding of participant preferences that could not be reached through simple comparison of average ratings

    La experiencia de usuario extendida (UxE): un modelo te贸rico sobre la aceptaci贸n tecnol贸gica y un estudio de caso en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje.

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    Esta investigaci贸n presenta el modelo de Experiencia de Usuario Extendido (UxE) como propuesta te贸rica para explicar la aceptaci贸n tecnol贸gica a partir de tres tipos de experiencias: (a) experiencia est茅tica, compuesta por los constructos de Est茅tica Expresiva y Est茅tica Cl谩sica, (b) experiencia significativa, compuesta por los constructos de Usabilidad y Utilidad, y (c) experiencia afectiva, compuesta por las emociones de Satisfacci贸n, Disfrute y Belleza. Para obtener este modelo se ha organizado un marco te贸rico a partir de tres tem谩ticas de trabajo: (a) Dise帽o Emocional, (b) Interacci贸n Humano-Computador (HCI), y (c) Sistemas de Informaci贸n (IS). Para recolectar la informaci贸n sobre estos t贸picos, se ha recurrido a diferentes t茅cnicas como el An谩lisis de Cocitaci贸n de Autor (ACA), y la visualizaci贸n de informaci贸n por medio de redes Pathfinder. La fase experimental de esta investigaci贸n se ha desarrollado en tres etapas de validaci贸n: (a) exploratoria, (c) confirmatoria, y (c) tecnol贸gica. La etapa exploratoria se llev贸 a cabo entre la universidad Polit茅cnica de Catalu帽a, en Espa帽a, la universidad de Caldas, en Colombia, y la universidad de Nari帽o, en Colombia. La etapa confirmatoria se desarroll贸 en el Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Nari帽o, utilizando como m茅todo para el an谩lisis estad铆stico los m铆nimos cuadrados parciales (Partial Least Squares). La etapa de validaci贸n tecnol贸gica se llev贸 a cabo en el proyecto de Juegos de Aprendizaje Digital (JAD), que la universidad de Nari帽o viene desarrollando con la Secretar铆a de Educaci贸n de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto (Colombia), utilizando como m茅todo para el an谩lisis la visualizaci贸n de informaci贸n comparada. Los hallazgos muestran que el modelo UxE es confiable despu茅s de haber sido validado estad铆sticamente con ecuaciones estructurales por medio de dos diferentes m茅todos de trabajo, los cuales proporcionaron datos semejantes y complementarios (modelos anidados y componentes jer谩rquicos). De un total de 11 hip贸tesis de trabajo planteadas, se lograron confirmar 10 de ellas, las cuales fueron consistentes por ambos m茅todos.This research shows the model of User Experience Extended (UxE) as a theoretical proposal for explaining technology acceptance from three types of experiences: (a) aesthetic experience comprised of Expressive Aesthetics and Aesthetic Classic, (b) Experience Significant comprised of Usability and Utility, and (c) Affective Experience, comprised of emotions such as Satisfaction Enjoyment and Beauty. For this model has been organized an theoretical framework based on three topics of work: (a) Emotional Design, (b) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and (c) Information Systems (IS). For collect information on these topics, it has worked with different techniques such as Analysis Co-citation Author (ACA), and visualization of information through Pathfinder networks. The experimental stage of this research has been developed in three times: (a) exploratory validation, (c) confirmatory validation, and (c) technology validation. The exploratory stage was carried out between the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), the University of Caldas, (Colombia), and the University of Nari帽o (Colombia). The confirmatory stage was developed in the Virtual Campus of the University of Nari帽o using the statistical analysis method of Partial Least Squares. The technological validation was carried out in the project Digital Learning Games (DLG), developed between the University of Nari帽o and the Secretary of Education of the city of San Juan de Pasto (Colombia) using the method of comparative analysis in information visualization. The findings show that the UxE model is reliable after statistically validated with structural equations using two different working methods which provide similar and complementary data (nested models and hierarchical components). Of a total of 11 working hypotheses have been able to confirm 10 of them, which were consistent in both methods