7 research outputs found

    Computably enumerable Turing degrees and the meet property

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    Working in the Turing degree structure, we show that those degrees which contain computably enumerable sets all satisfy the meet property, i.e. if a is c.e. and b < a, then there exists non-zero m < a with b ^m = 0. In fact, more than this is true: m may always be chosen to be a minimal degree. This settles a conjecture of Cooper and Epstein from the 80s

    There are no maximal d.c.e. wtt-degrees

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    В статье доказывается, что не существует максимальной 2-в.п. wtt-степени в 2-в.п. wtt-степеня

    Computably enumerable Turing degrees and the meet property

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    Structural properties of the local Turing degrees

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    In this thesis we look at some properties of the local Turing Degrees, as a partial order. We first give discussion of the Turing Degrees and certain historical results, some translated into a form resembling the constructions we look at later. Chapter 1 gives a introduction to the Turing Degrees, Chapter 2 introduces the Local Degrees. In Chapter 3 we look at minimal Turing Degrees, modifying some historical results to use a priority tree, which we use in chapter 4 to prove the new result that every c.e. degree has the (minimal) meet property. Chapter 5 uses similar methods to establish existence of a high 2 degree that does not have the meet property

    The search for natural definability in the Turing degrees

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