111 research outputs found

    Dynamic Vision Sensor integration on FPGA-based CNN accelerators for high-speed visual classification

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    Deep-learning is a cutting edge theory that is being applied to many fields. For vision applications the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are demanding significant accuracy for classification tasks. Numerous hardware accelerators have populated during the last years to improve CPU or GPU based solutions. This technology is commonly prototyped and tested over FPGAs before being considered for ASIC fabrication for mass production. The use of commercial typical cameras (30fps) limits the capabilities of these systems for high speed applications. The use of dynamic vision sensors (DVS) that emulate the behavior of a biological retina is taking an incremental importance to improve this applications due to its nature, where the information is represented by a continuous stream of spikes and the frames to be processed by the CNN are constructed collecting a fixed number of these spikes (called events). The faster an object is, the more events are produced by DVS, so the higher is the equivalent frame rate. Therefore, these DVS utilization allows to compute a frame at the maximum speed a CNN accelerator can offer. In this paper we present a VHDL/HLS description of a pipelined design for FPGA able to collect events from an Address-Event-Representation (AER) DVS retina to obtain a normalized histogram to be used by a particular CNN accelerator, called NullHop. VHDL is used to describe the circuit, and HLS for computation blocks, which are used to perform the normalization of a frame needed for the CNN. Results outperform previous implementations of frames collection and normalization using ARM processors running at 800MHz on a Zynq7100 in both latency and power consumption. A measured 67% speedup factor is presented for a Roshambo CNN real-time experiment running at 160fps peak rate.Comment: 7 page

    EBPC: Extended Bit-Plane Compression for Deep Neural Network Inference and Training Accelerators

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    In the wake of the success of convolutional neural networks in image classification, object recognition, speech recognition, etc., the demand for deploying these compute-intensive ML models on embedded and mobile systems with tight power and energy constraints at low cost, as well as for boosting throughput in data centers, is growing rapidly. This has sparked a surge of research into specialized hardware accelerators. Their performance is typically limited by I/O bandwidth, power consumption is dominated by I/O transfers to off-chip memory, and on-chip memories occupy a large part of the silicon area. We introduce and evaluate a novel, hardware-friendly, and lossless compression scheme for the feature maps present within convolutional neural networks. We present hardware architectures and synthesis results for the compressor and decompressor in 65 nm. With a throughput of one 8-bit word/cycle at 600 MHz, they fit into 2.8 kGE and 3.0 kGE of silicon area, respectively - together the size of less than seven 8-bit multiply-add units at the same throughput. We show that an average compression ratio of 5.1 7 for AlexNet, 4 for VGG-16, 2.4 7 for ResNet-34 and 2.2 7 for MobileNetV2 can be achieved - a gain of 45-70% over existing methods. Our approach also works effectively for various number formats, has a low frame-to-frame variance on the compression ratio, and achieves compression factors for gradient map compression during training that are even better than for inference

    TransCODE: Co-design of Transformers and Accelerators for Efficient Training and Inference

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    Automated co-design of machine learning models and evaluation hardware is critical for efficiently deploying such models at scale. Despite the state-of-the-art performance of transformer models, they are not yet ready for execution on resource-constrained hardware platforms. High memory requirements and low parallelizability of the transformer architecture exacerbate this problem. Recently-proposed accelerators attempt to optimize the throughput and energy consumption of transformer models. However, such works are either limited to a one-sided search of the model architecture or a restricted set of off-the-shelf devices. Furthermore, previous works only accelerate model inference and not training, which incurs substantially higher memory and compute resources, making the problem even more challenging. To address these limitations, this work proposes a dynamic training framework, called DynaProp, that speeds up the training process and reduces memory consumption. DynaProp is a low-overhead pruning method that prunes activations and gradients at runtime. To effectively execute this method on hardware for a diverse set of transformer architectures, we propose ELECTOR, a framework that simulates transformer inference and training on a design space of accelerators. We use this simulator in conjunction with the proposed co-design technique, called TransCODE, to obtain the best-performing models with high accuracy on the given task and minimize latency, energy consumption, and chip area. The obtained transformer-accelerator pair achieves 0.3% higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art pair while incurring 5.2×\times lower latency and 3.0×\times lower energy consumption

    A review of CNN accelerators for embedded systems based on RISC-V

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    One of the great challenges of computing today is sustainable energy consumption. In the deployment of edge computing this challenge is particularly important considering the use of embedded equipment with limited energy and computation resources. In those systems, the energy consumption must be carefully managed to operate for long periods. Specifically, for embedded systems with machine learning capabilities in the Internet of Things (EMLIoT) era, the convolutional neural networks (CNN) model execution is energy challenging and requires massive data. Nowadays, high workload processing is designed separately into a host processor in charge of generic functions and an accelerator dedicated to executing the specific task. Open-hardware-based designs are pushing for new levels of energy efficiency. For achieving energy efficiency, open-source tools, such as the RISC-V ISA, have been introduced to optimize every internal stage of the system. This document aims to compare the EMLIoT accelerator designs based on RISC-V and highlights open topics for research.This work has been partially supported by the Mexican Government F-PROMEP-01/Rev-04 SEP-23-002-A; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract PID2019- 107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1328); and DTS21/00089 del Instituto Carlos III.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Demystifying Map Space Exploration for NPUs

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    Map Space Exploration is the problem of finding optimized mappings of a Deep Neural Network (DNN) model on an accelerator. It is known to be extremely computationally expensive, and there has been active research looking at both heuristics and learning-based methods to make the problem computationally tractable. However, while there are dozens of mappers out there (all empirically claiming to find better mappings than others), the research community lacks systematic insights on how different search techniques navigate the map-space and how different mapping axes contribute to the accelerator's performance and efficiency. Such insights are crucial to developing mapping frameworks for emerging DNNs that are increasingly irregular (due to neural architecture search) and sparse, making the corresponding map spaces much more complex. In this work, rather than proposing yet another mapper, we do a first-of-its-kind apples-to-apples comparison of search techniques leveraged by different mappers. Next, we extract the learnings from our study and propose two new techniques that can augment existing mappers -- warm-start and sparsity-aware -- that demonstrate speedups, scalability, and robustness across diverse DNN models

    Multi-LSTM Acceleration and CNN Fault Tolerance

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    This thesis addresses the following two problems related to the field of Machine Learning: the acceleration of multiple Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models on FPGAs and the fault tolerance of compressed Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). LSTMs represent an effective solution to capture long-term dependencies in sequential data, like sentences in Natural Language Processing applications, video frames in Scene Labeling tasks or temporal series in Time Series Forecasting. In order to further boost their efficacy, especially in presence of long sequences, multiple LSTM models are utilized in a Hierarchical and Stacked fashion. However, because of their memory-bounded nature, efficient mapping of multiple LSTMs on a computing device becomes even more challenging. The first part of this thesis addresses the problem of mapping multiple LSTM models to a FPGA device by introducing a framework that modifies their memory requirements according to the target architecture. For the similar accuracy loss, the proposed framework maps multiple LSTMs with a performance improvement of 3x to 5x over state-of-the-art approaches. In the second part of this thesis, we investigate the fault tolerance of CNNs, another effective deep learning architecture. CNNs represent a dominating solution in image classification tasks, but suffer from a high performance cost, due to their computational structure. In fact, due to their large parameter space, fetching their data from main memory typically becomes a performance bottleneck. In order to tackle the problem, various techniques for their parameters compression have been developed, such as weight pruning, weight clustering and weight quantization. However, reducing the memory footprint of an application can lead to its data becoming more sensitive to faults. For this thesis work, we have conducted an analysis to verify the conditions for applying OddECC, a mechanism that supports variable strength and size ECCs for different memory regions. Our experiments reveal that compressed CNNs, which have their memory footprint reduced up to 86.3x by utilizing the aforementioned compression schemes, exhibit accuracy drops up to 13.56% in presence of random single bit faults

    Hyperdrive: A Multi-Chip Systolically Scalable Binary-Weight CNN Inference Engine

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    Deep neural networks have achieved impressive results in computer vision and machine learning. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art networks are extremely compute and memory intensive which makes them unsuitable for mW-devices such as IoT end-nodes. Aggressive quantization of these networks dramatically reduces the computation and memory footprint. Binary-weight neural networks (BWNs) follow this trend, pushing weight quantization to the limit. Hardware accelerators for BWNs presented up to now have focused on core efficiency, disregarding I/O bandwidth and system-level efficiency that are crucial for deployment of accelerators in ultra-low power devices. We present Hyperdrive: a BWN accelerator dramatically reducing the I/O bandwidth exploiting a novel binary-weight streaming approach, which can be used for arbitrarily sized convolutional neural network architecture and input resolution by exploiting the natural scalability of the compute units both at chip-level and system-level by arranging Hyperdrive chips systolically in a 2D mesh while processing the entire feature map together in parallel. Hyperdrive achieves 4.3 TOp/s/W system-level efficiency (i.e., including I/Os)---3.1x higher than state-of-the-art BWN accelerators, even if its core uses resource-intensive FP16 arithmetic for increased robustness

    StreamSVD: Low-rank approximation and streaming accelerator co-design

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    The post-training compression of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) aims to produce Pareto-optimal designs on the accuracy-performance frontier when the access to training data is not possible. Low-rank approximation is one of the methods that is often utilised in such cases. However, existing work considers the low-rank approximation of the network and the optimisation of the hardware accelerator separately, leading to systems with sub-optimal performance. This work focuses on the efficient mapping of a CNN into an FPGA device, and presents StreamSVD, a model-accelerator co-design framework 1 . The framework considers simultaneously the compression of a CNN model through a hardware-aware low-rank approximation scheme, and the optimisation of the hardware accelerator's architecture by taking into account the approximation scheme's compute structure. Our results show that the co-designed StreamSVD outperforms existing work that utilises similar low-rank approximation schemes by providing better accuracy-throughput trade-off. The proposed framework also achieves competitive performance compared with other post-training compression methods, even outperforming them under certain cases