999 research outputs found

    Math modeling and computer mechanization for real time simulation of rotary-wing aircraft

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    Mathematical modeling and computer mechanization for real time simulation of rotary wing aircraft is discussed. Error analysis in the digital simulation of dynamic systems, such as rotary wing aircraft is described. The method for digital simulation of nonlinearities with discontinuities, such as exist in typical flight control systems and rotor blade hinges, is discussed

    An investigation of the application of programming techniques to farm management problems, with special reference to beef cattle feeding in the Lothians of Scotland and in Alberta

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    The Lothians of Scotland are generally farmed intensive- ly, with arable farming predominating in the more easterly regions. Potatoes form an integral part of the cropping pat- tern with sugar beets and turnips somewhat less widely grown. Wheat and barley are the principal cereal crops. Grass is in- cluded in the rotation on practically every farm. The returns from cropping are usually complemented by returns from the production of beef cattle. Farmers of the area usually have one or more beef cattle enterprises, frequently with emphasis on fattening cattle for slaughter.The farming pattern, with emphasis on potato production, requires a substantial labour force, measured on an "acres per man" basis, as compared to less intensively farmed areas such as the unirrigated portions of Alberta. The availability of this labour force during non -critical seasons might be expect- ed to result in a level of mechanization differing from that developed for less intensively farmed areas. For field work, a larger number of smaller capacity machines might be expected, and for cattle feeding a lower level of mechanization might be expected. Despite these expectations there is a keen interest in highly mechanized processes. This is particularly evident in processes associated with cattle production.This intensive, well integrated pattern of agriculture offers a challenging application for linear programming as a management aid. In addition, the interaction between cropping practise, manpower availability, and level of mechanization, particularly with respect to beef cattle feeding, offers an excellent medium for the extension of linear programming into the fixed -cost sector of farm business.Tabulated, the objectives of the research leading to the preparation of this thesis were to:1) Investigate the application of linear programming as an aid to farm planning in the Lothians.2) Complementary to this objective, to assess the availability and suitability of Scottish agri- culture research data for the preparation of linear programmes.3) The development of extensions to linear programming to permit the analysis of any mechanized activity in full economic association with other farm activities.4) An investigation of the use of linear programming, with extensions, as a method for determining the optimum levels of mechanization for beef cattle feeding

    Investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a V antenna for the RAE satellite, phase A Final report

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    Flexible body analog computer program and rigid body digital computer program for calculating dynamic characteristics of double-V antennas on Radio Astronomy Explorer satellit

    A digital computer program for the dynamic interaction simulation of controls and structure (DISCOS), volume 1

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    A theoretical development and associated digital computer program system for the dynamic simulation and stability analysis of passive and actively controlled spacecraft are presented. The dynamic system (spacecraft) is modeled as an assembly of rigid and/or flexible bodies not necessarily in a topological tree configuration. The computer program system is used to investigate total system dynamic characteristics, including interaction effects between rigid and/or flexible bodies, control systems, and a wide range of environmental loadings. In addition, the program system is used for designing attitude control systems and for evaluating total dynamic system performance, including time domain response and frequency domain stability analyses

    Tethered subsatellite study

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    The results are presented of studies performed relating to the feasibility of deploying a subsatellite from the shuttle by means of a tether. The dynamics, the control laws, the aerodynamics, the heating, and some communication considerations of the tethered subsatellite system are considered. Nothing was found that prohibits the use of a subsatellite joined to the shuttle by a long (100 km) tether. More detailed studies directed at specific applications are recommended

    Applied Mechanics Dynamics

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    The present edition incorporates a number of revisions and additions which should improve its usefulness as a textbook without changing the basic organization or the general philosophy of presentation of the subject matter. The experience of the past few years at the California Institute of Technology and other schools indicates that the book has been useful to engineering students who wish to prepare for more advanced studies and applications of dynamics, and hence a new edition was felt to be justified. Among the additions and modifications the following may be mentioned to indicate the scope of the revision. The section on dimensional analysis has been rewritten and a brief treatment of the theory of models has been added. The section on impact problems has been revised, and a more extensive treatment of variable mass systems has been included. A more general discussion of the moment of momentum equations for systems of particles has been added, and the general momentum and energy equations for rigid bodies have been more completely developed. The discussion of rotation about a fixed point and gyroscopic motion has been expanded and somewhat more complex systems have been considered, including problems on the stability of rolling motion. The problem of longitudinal waves in an elastic bar is discussed, and a comparison is made between wave propagation techniques and vibration methods for such problems. The discussion of generalized coordinates and Lagrange's equations has been revised, and a general treatment of the problem of small oscillations of a conservative system has been added. The sections on the Calculus of Variations and Hamilton's Principle have been rewritten with some expansion. Over one hundred new problems have been added to increase the total number to some four hundred. All of the new problems have been thoroughly tested in classroom use. The number of illustrative examples has been increased and many of the original examples have been modified. As in the first edition, the main emphasis of the book is on particle and rigid-body dynamics, although some other aspects of the subject have been included to show how the methods of classical mechanics are applied to the various branches of engineering science. Some of these topics, such as fluid dynamics and the kinetics of gases, have been treated in a very brief fashion. Although the student will make a more complete analysis of these subjects in specialized courses, it is believed that the brief discussions will help him to acquire a broader view of the applied sciences. In all such instances care has been taken to use methods that can be extended later for more complete treatments, and the student has been informed of the limitations of the analyses. As a textbook the main emphasis has been on method and on development of fundamental principles. The problems form an essential part of the presentation, and important conclusions are sometimes given in problems and illustrative examples. The student should examine such problems and note the results, even if the details of the proofs are not carried through

    Analysis of a Vertically Rising Vehicle

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    A unified method of aerospace vehicle dynamic analysis based on tensor concepts /

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