6 research outputs found

    Online social environments and their impact on video viewers:The effects of user comments on entertainment experiences and knowledge gain during political satire consumption

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    Political satire is often consumed on online platforms (e.g. YouTube) and the effects of its consumption may be highly conditional on the user comments that are surrounding it. By manipulating the valence of comments (positive vs negative) and the focus of these comments (hedonic entertainment value vs eudaimonic entertainment value vs informative value), this pre-registered experiment investigates how user comments affect satire viewers’ hedonic entertainment experiences, their eudaimonic entertainment experiences, and their knowledge gain. Analyses showed that the valence of comments congruently affected viewers’ hedonic entertainment experiences, eudaimonic entertainment experiences, and subjective knowledge gain, but not their objective knowledge gain. In addition, the focus of user comments affected eudaimonic entertainment experiences and knowledge gain regardless of comments’ valence. This study’s findings advance our understanding of how viewers are affected when they consume media content that is surrounded by the comments of other viewers

    Perancangan Cerita Interaktif mengenai Dysfunctional-Family untuk Remaja Akhir

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    Dysfunctional-family merupakan fenomena ketika orang tua tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan anak, sehingga menciptakan lingkungan rumah tangga dimana tumbuh kembang anak terhalang. Fenomena ini mempunyai beberapa bentuk, salah satunya adalah adult child of dysfunctional-family, yaitu remaja akhir & dewasa muda dengan berbagai gangguan psikologis yang menjatuhkan mental mereka namun tetap terlihat seperti individu yang stabil karena mempunyai kebiasaan memendam perasaan negatif & menyembunyikan masalah keluarganya. Bila masalah dari dysfunctional- family terus mereka abaikan, adult child akan terus kesulitan mengolah emosi, kemudian mempertahankan kebiasaan yang dipelajari dari dysfunctional- family sehingga menyabotase interaksi sosialnya. Mayoritas masyarakat umum tidak mengetahui tentang adult child of dysfunctional-family, termasuk remaja akhir yang berasal dari dysfunctional-family sehingga tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara menghadapi masalah yang berasal dari disfungsi keluarganya. Di sisi lain media informasi yang membahas tentang dysfunctional-family tidak cukup efektif untuk membantu remaja akhir. Karena cerita setiap keluarga berbeda maka konten maupun saran yang dibahas tidak sama untuk setiap individu. Oleh karena itu penulis mengajukan perancangan media interaktif informatif berbasis storytelling tentang dysfunctional-family yang diharapkan dapat memberikan remaja akhir edukasi tentang dysfunctional-family sebagai sarana pembelajaran transformatif secara fleksibel sehingga mereka mendapat keberanian untuk menghadapi masalah keluarganya

    Lift Me Up by Looking Down: Social Comparison Effects of Narratives

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    Stories are a powerful means to change recipients’ views on themselves by being transported into the story world and by identifying with story characters. Previous studies showed that recipients temporarily change in line with a story and its characters (assimilation). Conversely, assimilation might be less likely when recipients are less identified with story protagonists or less transported into a story by comparing themselves with a story character. This may lead to changes, which are opposite to a story and its characters (contrast). In two experiments, we manipulated transportation and experience taking via two written reviews (Experiment 1; N = 164) and by varying the perspective of the story’s narrator (Experiment 2; N = 79) of a short story about a negligent student. Recipients’ self-ratings in comparison to others, motives, and problem-solving behavior served as dependent variables. However, neither the review nor the perspective manipulation affected transportation or experience taking while reading the story. Against our expectations, highly transported recipients (in Study 1) and recipients with high experience taking (in Study 2) showed more persistency working on an anagram-solving task, even when controlling for trait conscientiousness. Our findings are critically discussed in light of previous research

    Media’s Influence on Secondary Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Roles and Attrition

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    Past researchers have argued that teacher attrition rates result from burnout, job dissatisfaction, and lack of support, but they have not explored the possibility of the media’s ability to influence the perception teachers have regarding their roles. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into whether the media influenced secondary teachers’ self-perceptions and attrition in a public high school in the Midwest. Social influence theory served as the theoretical framework. The research questions focused on how the media’s portrayal of educators in print and film influenced how teachers perceived themselves and teacher attrition. For this qualitative case study, 8 teachers volunteered for the interview phase, and 23 participants completed the anonymous survey, which led to identifying emergent themes related to the social influence on teachers’ self-perception of their role and possible links to attrition. Data analysis consisted of 7 preset labels and 6 emergent codes aligned with the research questions, later examined to gain insight into the problem, which revealed that professional and social environments influence the participants’ perceptions of their role and professional identity. The findings of this study led to the recommendation of a 3-day professional development course that may be used as the foundation of teacher preparation curriculum. The results of the research may impact social change by improving secondary teachers’ understanding of how the media’s social influence can alter perceptions they have of their roles

    Putting It Into Words: The Impact of Visual Impairment on Perception, Experience and Presence

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    The experience of being “present” in a mediated environment, such that it appears real, is known to be affected by deficits in perception yet little research has been devoted to disabled audiences. People with a visual impairment access audiovisual media by means of Audio Description, which gives visual information in verbal form. The AD user plays an active role, engaging their own perceptual processing systems and bringing real-world experiences to the mediated environment. In exploring visual impairment and presence, this thesis concerns a question fundamental to psychology, whether propositional and experiential knowledge equate. It casts doubt on current models of sensory compensation in the blind and puts forward an alternative hypothesis of linguistic compensation. Qualitative evidence from Study 1 suggests that, in the absence of bimodal (audio-visual) cues, words can compensate for missing visual information. The role of vision in multisensory integration is explored experimentally in Studies 2 and 3. Crossmodal associations arising both from direct perception and imagery are shown to be altered by visual experience. Study 4 tests presence in an auditory environment. Non-verbal sound is shown to enhance presence in the sighted but not the blind. Both Studies 3 and 4 support neuroimaging evidence that words are processed differently in the absence of sight. Study 5, comparing mental spatial models, suggests this is explained by explicit verbal encoding by people with a visual impairment. Study 6 tests the effect of words on presence and emotion elicitation in an audiovisual environment. In the absence of coherent information from the dialogue, additional verbal information significantly improves understanding. Moreover, in certain circumstances, Audio Description significantly enhances presence and successfully elicits a target emotion. A model of Audio Description is presented. Implications are discussed for theoretical models of perceptual processing and presence in those with and without sight