205,135 research outputs found

    The Internet of Things in a Smart Connected World

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    The internet of things (IoT) constitutes a network of embedded devices that incorporate sensors and communication functions. The IoT is becoming one of the core technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is because the IoT creates new values in the connected smart world by collecting big data, uploading data into clouds, and processing data in intelligent systems. The newly created values in intelligent systems differ from previously generated values that were based on the simple automated systems of the Third Industrial Revolution. In this chapter, we present a brief introduction of the IoT, which connects to the Internet through incorporating sensors and communication functions in various smart objects. In the IoT era, it is possible to create a networked smart world with powerful new services and products that create new values. As applications of the IoT, we introduce smart homes, smart electronics, smart connected cars, smart grids, smart healthcare, smart wearable devices, etc. In addition, we illustrate a specific IoT complex in a smart city as one of the smart connected applications of the IoT. Finally, we describe the predicted hyper-connected smart world that will be achieved through the IoT

    Magnetics in Smart Grid

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    This journal issue contain selected papers from the Asia-Pacific Data Storage Conference (APDSC'13)A revolution in power transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic considerations, is occurring all over the world. This revolution is spearheaded by the development of the smart grid. The smart grid is bringing profound change to both the power systems and many related industries. This paper reviews the development of the smart grid and its correlation with magnetics, including electromagnetic compatibility issue, magnetic-field-based measurement/monitoring, and magnetic energy storage/conversion. The challenge to the field of magnetics and the usage of the cutting edge magnetics technology in the development of the smart grid are discussed. This paper enables researchers in the magnetics community to be acquainted with the progress in the smart grid and inspires innovative applications of state-of-the-art magnetics technologies in the smart grid.published_or_final_versio

    Rethinking African City Sustainability through Digital Socio-Technology

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    In the world within the framework of population needs environment commitments economy trends societal facts and infrastructures urbanization planning and smart urban experience are common concerns to provide sustainable living areas in developed and developing countries Similarly the digital revolution has transformed citizens daily life through the adoption of socio-digital technologies resulting in a transition of traditional cities to smart city model

    The main features of smart technology implementation in production company

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    The key idea of the article is to describe the main features of the fourth industrial revolution, which has already become a world-famous with the name “Industry 4.0”, to identify its technical aspects and principals of implementation such a smart technology in Production Company

    The uses of smart phones and their sociopolitical implications on Egyptian society

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    Socio-political awareness of a nation is the cornerstone for building well informed citizens that are the heart of any societal development and progress. This study examined the various uses of smart phones mobiles and their sociopolitical implications on the Egyptian Society from the January 25th revolution to the present. The research explores the impact of the mobile smart phones’ usage on changing the reality of the Egyptian society. The primary research linked the uses and gratification theory and the Apparategeist theory to the Egyptians’ civic engagement attitudes and political participation in the real world. Findings of the study show that accessing and acquiring knowledge through mobile smart phones is the main use of smart phones mobiles by Egyptian media experts and youths during the January 25th revolution, followed by June 30th and up-to-date. Based on the results of this study, smart phones’ usage for “surveillance” and being a source of information and dissemination of news is the main pillar for creating a well-informed Egyptian citizen who can transform the social and political face of the Egyptian society. The testimonies also show that the most used news websites by respondents are Youm 7, CNN, BBC and AL Arabyia. By being civically and politically engaged through smart phones’ usage, Egyptians are becoming active key players in sustaining and nourishing the democratic process. The findings also illustrated other uses of smart phones, however not as significant as being a source of accessing and acquiring news. The study uses a quantitative survey methodology in exploring the uses of smart phones and their sociopolitical implications before and after the revolution. It also observes the relationship between the usage and being civically and politically engaged in real life behaviors and or attitudes. Two primary surveys were conducted among two different samples. The first was a purposive sample of Egyptian elite media experts ( 50 participants) whom are civically engaged and actively involved in the Egyptian revolution phase and the second was a stratified sample of elite university students ( 200 participants). The research employed the two questionnaires to examine the relationship between smart phones’ usage and civic engagement attitudes of Egyptians in real life. The study proceeded with conducting a comparison between Egyptian media experts’ perspective of smart phones’ usage and the revolution and that of the Egyptian youth

    Desain Interior SMA Alfa Centauri di Bandung

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    The current industrial revolution has reached the industrial revolution 4.0 which essentially introduces the era of smart factories with robots or cyber physical systems that will oversee the physical processes inside the factory. Education world is expected to play an active role to prepare students in the face of Industrial revolution 4.0. The curriculum is designed to invite learning and knowledge related to industrial world. The purpose of this design is to produce the application of digital learning in the interior of SMA Alfa Centauri so that the school graduate can adapt to the revolution of industry 4.0. This research uses design methods applied to interior design based on reference by David K. Ballast. Stages used by designing or planning then collect data through observation and photograph documentation. After that, explain the ideas obtained as well as making a 3D design using electronic media. The result of this research is able to apply digital education learning on interior of school with digital visualization concept. The design using digital numeric shape, binary digit opposition, and darker color like computer screen

    A data driven domestic simulator based on smart meter data.

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    According to the Climate Change Act, one of the United Kingdom's Government goals by 2050 is reducing the carbon emissions by at least 100 percent as compared to the levels in 1990. Since the introduction of Smart Meters to households a few experiments have taken place in many parts of the world, including the United Kingdom. In 2014 an energy company named Northern Power Grid along with other partners, included Durham University, concluded a Smart Grid Project demonstration that involved Smart Meters: The Customer-Led Network Revolution project (CLNR). The CLNR Project generated smart meters data from thousands of real domestic customers. The purpose of this work is developing an agent-based simulator driven by Smart Meter Data which can help to better understand and manage how electricity is used, stored and delivered. It will be useful as a virtual lab for testing demand-side management and new houses appliances

    Blockchain Technology and How It Will Affect Accounting in the Future

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    Rapid technology development nowadays brings out a major impact for many professions in the world. This phenomenon often called industrial revolution 4.0. This industrial revolution demand automation in various sectors, including in economic and financial sectors. In the financial sector, there is blockchain technology which becomes the basis technology of cryptocurrency and smart contract. This development could also affect the accounting profession, which required to follow technology development in the future. From this case, writers will discuss strength, weakness, opportunity, and the threat from the blockchain system and smart contract for accounting in the future. There will be a high demand for the blockchain system for companies since this technology make the transaction process could be more efficient, faster and secure. The research methodology that the writers use in this research is inductive reasoning with the qualitative method. The way data collected is using literature studies by using SWOT analysis framework. Keywords: Blockchain, Technology, Accounting DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-10-06 Publication date:May 31st 2020

    Computers and technology in banking services in India

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    Today we live in a technology driven world. Industrial revolution gave birth to giant machines for industrial advancement and information technology has delivered intelligent machines to revolutionize human development. Today we are surrounded by automated smart technology, which has touched almost all spheres of human life, from military to medicine and from education to the election. Electronic banking or e-banking is the fusion of information technology with the banking system