2,572 research outputs found

    A Study of molecular cooling via Sisyphus processes

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    We present a study of Sisyphus cooling of molecules: the scattering of a single-photon remove a substantial amount of the molecular kinetic energy and an optical pumping step allow to repeat the process. A review of the produced cold molecules so far indicates that the method can be implemented for most of them, making it a promising method able to produce a large sample of molecules at sub-mK temperature. Considerations of the required experimental parameters, for instance the laser power and linewidth or the trap anisotropy and dimensionality, are given. Rate equations, as well as scattering and dipolar forces, are solved using Kinetic Monte Carlo methods for several lasers and several levels. For NH molecules, such detailed simulation predicts a 1000-fold temperature reduction and an increase of the phase space density by a factor of 10^7 . Even in the case of molecules with both low Franck-Condon coefficients and a non-closed pumping scheme, 60% of trapped molecules can be cooled from 100 mK to sub-mK temperature in few seconds. Additionally, these methods can be applied to continuously decelerate and cool a molecular bea

    Combined quantum state preparation and laser cooling of a continuous beam of cold atoms

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    We use two-laser optical pumping on a continuous atomic fountain in order to prepare cold cesium atoms in the same quantum ground state. A first laser excites the F=4 ground state to pump the atoms toward F=3 while a second pi-polarized laser excites the F=3 -> F'=3 transition of the D2 line to produce Zeeman pumping toward m=0. To avoid trap states, we implement the first laser in a 2D optical lattice geometry, thereby creating polarization gradients. This configuration has the advantage of simultaneously producing Sisyphus cooling when the optical lattice laser is tuned between the F=4 -> F'=4 and F=4 -> F'=5 transitions of the D2 line, which is important to remove the heat produced by optical pumping. Detuning the frequency of the second pi-polarized laser reveals the action of a new mechanism improving both laser cooling and state preparation efficiency. A physical interpretation of this mechanism is discussed.Comment: Minor changes according to the recommendations of the referee: - Corrected Fig.1. - Split the graph of Fig.6 for clarity. - Added one reference. - Added two remarks in the conclusion. - Results unchange

    Non-Gaussian Velocity Distributions in Optical Lattices

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    We present a detailed experimental study of the velocity distribution of atoms cooled in an optical lattice. Our results are supported by full-quantum numerical simulations. Even though the Sisyphus effect, the responsible cooling mechanism, has been used extensively in many cold atom experiments, no detailed study of the velocity distribution has been reported previously. For the experimental as well as for the numerical investigation, it turns out that a Gaussian function is not the one that best reproduce the data for all parameters. We also fit the data to alternative functions, such as Lorentzians, Tsallis functions and double Gaussians. In particular, a double Gaussian provides a more precise fitting to our results.Comment: Final published version with 12 pages and 12 figure

    Reexamination of data from the asteroid/meteoroid detector

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    A reexamination of the results of the Pioneer 10 and 11 Asteroid Meteoroid Detector, or Sisyphus, was carried out in the light of a recently derived theory characterizing interplanetary matter and the Zodiacal Light (ZL). Sisyphus measured individual meteoroids from reflected sunlight and ZL between meteoroid events. The results were questioned because meteoroid orbits could not be calculated as intended and the ZL as computed from individual meteoroids did not agree with values determined from the ZL mode and from the other ZL sensor on the spacecraft. It is first shown that, independent of any explanation, the measurements are, with high probability, valid and strongly correlated with the ZL. The model which explains the strange behavior of the Sisyphus instrument also resolves the enigma why the three dust experiments on the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft produced extreme disparate results for the distribution and orbits of meteoric particles and the ZL. The theory based primarily on these measurements requires a population in the inner solar system of cold meteoroid material composed mainly of volatile molecules. These meteoroids in orbits of high eccentricity are called cosmoids. They are impulsively disrupted from solar heating, resulting in order of magnitude increases in optical cross section. The dispersed particles, predominantly micron sized, scatter most of the ZL and supply the polarization. The sublimation time in sunlight for micron sized particles of volatile composition opposes the gravitational flux increase expected in approaching the sun. The other two Pioneer 10/11 dust experiments were: the Imaging Photopolarimeter for the ZL, and the Meteoroid Detection Experiment that measured penetration of 25 micron (Pioneer 10) and 50 micron (Pioneer 11) thick walls of pressurized gas cells

    Sisyphus Effect in Pulse Coupled Excitatory Neural Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    The collective dynamics of excitatory pulse coupled neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) is studied. Depending on the model parameters stationary states characterized by High or Low Synchronization can be observed. In particular, at the transition between these two regimes, persistent irregular low frequency oscillations between strongly and weakly synchronized states are observable, which can be identified as infraslow oscillations with frequencies 0.02 - 0.03 Hz. Their emergence can be explained in terms of the Sisyphus Effect, a mechanism caused by a continuous feedback between the evolution of the coherent population activity and of the average synaptic weight. Due to this effect, the synaptic weights have oscillating equilibrium values, which prevents the neuronal population from relaxing into a stationary macroscopic state.Comment: 18 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Analytical results for a Fokker-Planck equation in the small noise limit

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    We present analytical results for the lowest cumulants of a stochastic process described by a Fokker-Planck equation with nonlinear drift. We show that, in the limit of small fluctuations, the mean, the variance and the covariance of the process can be expressed in compact form with the help of the Lambert W function. As an application, we discuss the interplay of noise and nonlinearity far from equilibrium.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theoretical analysis of quantum dynamics in 1D lattices: Wannier-Stark description

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    This papers presents a formalism describing the dynamics of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional tilted time-dependent lattice. The description uses the Wannier-Stark states, which are localized in each site of the lattice and provides a simple framework leading to fully-analytical developments. Particular attention is devoted to the case of a time-dependent potential, which results in a rich variety of quantum coherent dynamics is found.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    From the area under the Bessel excursion to anomalous diffusion of cold atoms

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    Levy flights are random walks in which the probability distribution of the step sizes is fat-tailed. Levy spatial diffusion has been observed for a collection of ultra-cold Rb atoms and single Mg+ ions in an optical lattice. Using the semiclassical theory of Sisyphus cooling, we treat the problem as a coupled Levy walk, with correlations between the length and duration of the excursions. The problem is related to the area under Bessel excursions, overdamped Langevin motions that start and end at the origin, constrained to remain positive, in the presence of an external logarithmic potential. In the limit of a weak potential, the Airy distribution describing the areal distribution of the Brownian excursion is found. Three distinct phases of the dynamics are studied: normal diffusion, Levy diffusion and, below a certain critical depth of the optical potential, x~ t^{3/2} scaling. The focus of the paper is the analytical calculation of the joint probability density function from a newly developed theory of the area under the Bessel excursion. The latter describes the spatiotemporal correlations in the problem and is the microscopic input needed to characterize the spatial diffusion of the atomic cloud. A modified Montroll-Weiss (MW) equation for the density is obtained, which depends on the statistics of velocity excursions and meanders. The meander, a random walk in velocity space which starts at the origin and does not cross it, describes the last jump event in the sequence. In the anomalous phases, the statistics of meanders and excursions are essential for the calculation of the mean square displacement, showing that our correction to the MW equation is crucial, and points to the sensitivity of the transport on a single jump event. Our work provides relations between the statistics of velocity excursions and meanders and that of the diffusivity.Comment: Supersedes arXiv: 1305.008
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