204 research outputs found


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    This paper is a temporary report of a project investigating the ICT gadgets in a survey study involving students of Senior High Schools in Central Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to investigate how ICT is perceived and used by high school students as well as to disclose how the students have made use of the technological gadgets for language learning-related activities. The study employs a mixed method by which data were garnered from questionnaire surveys and focus group discussion. This is reported in the very end of the project stages and the results of which suggest that the research subjects perceive the ICT very positively and that, overall, respondents have frequently used them for various dayto-day activities. Another finding also suggests that the majority of respondents admit that they use the gadgets for various learning-related activities despite less so for learning English, bringing with it an implication on the change of policy by schools or educational policy makers to consider integrating the technology into a more purposeful learning uses


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    The research is aimed at finding out the influential factors in the maintenance of Tamil language among Indian societies in Medan North Sumatera, It is used descriptive research by using qualitative and quantitative approach. It describes the maintenance of Tamil language among Indian speakers who lived in Medan North Sumatera. The research was conducted in Medan North Sumatera. Methods in collecting data were observation, questionnaire and interview. Recording and note taking were used as the instruments. The samples were taken 100 of Indian societies who have been settling in Medan for a long time ago. The samples were also taken based on the age groups, such as; > 60 years old, 36-59 years old, 20-35 years old, 13-19 years old, and < 12 years old. Data were analyzed by using Linier Regression. The result indicated that there were many factors influenced the maintenance of Tamil language among Indian societies in Medan North Sumatera namely; age, education, demography, religion, culture, and attitude. It was proved by the result of data examination which indicated that those factors had influenced significantly with the result of Regression showed p value for the whole variables were 0.000. However, bilingualism and mobility did not indicate significance results in which the p value for bilingualism variable was 0.184 and mobility was 0.720

    Tap For Battle: Perancangan Casual Game pada Smartphone Android

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    Smartphones have become a necessity. Almost everyone uses a smartphone in a variety of activities. Both young and old are sure to utilize this technology, for a wide range of activities such as doing the work, doing school work or enjoying entertainment. The purpose of this research is to build a casual-action game with war theme. The game is built for Android smartphone that has multi touch screen capability. The research methods used in this research are data collection and analysis method including user analysis with questionnaire. Furthermore, IMSDD method is implemented for game design and development phase including system requirement analysis, system design, system implementation, finally system evaluation. In this research, we conclude that 83.9% participants enjoyed the game with touch-screen as the game control

    Semantika Dalam Perkembangan Desain Produk Permainan Congklak Jogja Dan Solo

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    Traditional product development as the output of society cannot be seperated from the culture which includes sociology, time and spacial aspect between a man with another and the environment. Therefore, as a country constructed by culture, the history of local product development should be analized from semantics point of view. Jogja and Solo become a numerous history laboratories because they still mantain local values in semantics interpretation of their symbols. An interesting phenomena occur in differences of local culture artefacts based on the characteristics of the society and historical time-line although they came from one root of culture, for instance : congklak, a traditional game which is still developed nowadays. As a boardgame which is be the sosio-culture reflection of a society, we can do a deep investigation of the semantic background. Local product development cannot leave semantics so the local values will not dissapeared and be sustainable. The purpose of this research is documenting and analysing semantics that are well-known by craftmen and society in every detail of congklakboard development so the values can be mantained without leaving the local characteristic of the society


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    Judul makalah ini adalah “Pengayaan Kosakata Bahasa Indonesia melaluKorespondensi Kata Kembar”. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan pola pengayaankosakata bahasa Indonesia melalui korespondensi kata kembar. Adapun metode yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yakni metode yang bersifatdeskriptif –analitis, sebuah metode yang mendeskripsikan data apa adanya. Teori yangberkaitan dengan tema dimanfaatkan sebagai alat penjelas dalam penganalisisan data. Datadiklasifikasi berdasarkan kelas kata dan ciri lain untuk dianalisis bentuk dan hubungan maknanya yang selanjutnya dimungkinkan untuk dimunculkan kosakata barunya. Sumberdata diperoleh dari Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2005) edisi ketiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam bahasa Indonesia terdapat banyak kosakata yang berasal darkata korespondennya yang memiliki potensi untuk diperkaya diantaranya dengan membuatpola relasi makna fonotaktik kata kembarnya, seperti kata perkasa dan perkosa; salah dankalah; senang dan menang. Yang kalah karena berbuat salah dan yang menang pastsenang


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    In Indonesian, “kami” means ‘we’, which exclusively refers to the speaker and somebody else or other people but the addressee(s) or hearers. In English, to understand ‘we’ is not as simple as in ‘kami (exclusive ‘we’)’ and ‘kita (inclusive ‘we’)’ in Indonesian. The use of person deixes ‘kami’ and ‘kita’ refers to subjects taking actions or belongings. However, recently ‘kami’ is barely used by people and the trend of using inaccurate ‘kita’ is increasing. It is the same case as in utterances used by either radio broadcasters or other parties who are interacting with them. Thus, a research on personal deixis is needed particularly about the use of personal deixes. The aim of this research is to give a description about the use of person deixes ‘kami’ and ‘kita’ by radio broadcasters and the listeners. The description of the use of such deixes can be used as a benchmark to estimate the spoken language diversity that has been commonly used on each radio station. Besides, the description of it on radio stations can show that there are mistakes in the use of deixes in spoken language. By using an indirect observation method, the data are collected by recording in morning broadcasts on five different radio stations. The result shows that only few speakers - broadcasters, callers, and interviewees - use deixes ‘kami’ or ‘kita’ correctly. Deixis ‘kita’ is often used but mostly used inaccurately. On the other side, person deixis ‘kami’ is less used, and when speakers use this deixis, they use it accurately. However, ambiguities occur when ‘kami’ or ‘kita’ is used in certain contexts. The speakers of news-based radio broadcasts use the deixes properly. Meanwhile, young-listener-targeted radios frequently use deixis ‘kita’ incorrectly, except one radio, which is a state-owned radio