7 research outputs found

    Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: A Literature Overview

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    An enormous amount of digital information is expressed as natural-language (NL) text that is not easily processable by computers. Knowledge Graphs (KG) offer a widely used format for representing information in computer-processable form. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is therefore needed for mining (or lifting) knowledge graphs from NL texts. A central part of the problem is to extract the named entities in the text. The paper presents an overview of recent advances in this area, covering: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Named Entity Disambiguation (NED), and Named Entity Linking (NEL). We comment that many approaches to NED and NEL are based on older approaches to NER and need to leverage the outputs of state-of-the-art NER systems. There is also a need for standard methods to evaluate and compare named-entity extraction approaches. We observe that NEL has recently moved from being stepwise and isolated into an integrated process along two dimensions: the first is that previously sequential steps are now being integrated into end-to-end processes, and the second is that entities that were previously analysed in isolation are now being lifted in each other's context. The current culmination of these trends are the deep-learning approaches that have recently reported promising results.publishedVersio

    On the Importance of Drill-Down Analysis for Assessing Gold Standards and Named Entity Linking Performance

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    Rigorous evaluations and analyses of evaluation results are key towards improving Named Entity Linking systems. Nevertheless, most current evaluation tools are focused on benchmarking and comparative evaluations. Therefore, they only provide aggregated statistics such as precision, recall and F1-measure to assess system performance and no means for conducting detailed analyses up to the level of individual annotations. This paper addresses the need for transparent benchmarking and fine-grained error analysis by introducing Orbis, an extensible framework that supports drill-down analysis, multiple annotation tasks and resource versioning. Orbis complements approaches like those deployed through the GERBIL and TAC KBP tools and helps developers to better understand and address shortcomings in their Named Entity Linking tools. We present three uses cases in order to demonstrate the usefulness of Orbis for both research and production systems: (i)improving Named Entity Linking tools; (ii) detecting gold standard errors; and (iii) performing Named Entity Linking evaluations with multiple versions of the included resources

    The second open knowledge extraction challenge

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    The Open Knowledge Extraction (OKE) challenge, at its second edition, has the ambition to provide a reference framework for research on Knowledge Extraction from text for the Semantic Web by re-defining a number of tasks (typically from information and knowledge extraction), taking into account specific SW requirements. The OKE challenge defines two tasks: (1) Entity Recognition, Linking and Typing for Knowledge Base population; (2) Class Induction and entity typing for Vocabulary and Knowledge Base enrichment. Task 1 consists of identifying Entities in a sentence and create an OWL individual representing it, link to a reference KB (DBpedia) when possible and assigning a type to such individual. Task 2 consists in producing rdf:type statements, given definition texts. The participants will be given a dataset of sentences, each defining an entity (known a priori). The following systems participated to the challenge: WestLab to both Task 1 and 2, ADEL and Mannheim to Task 2 only. In this paper we describe the OKE challenge, the tasks, the datasets used for training and evaluating the systems, the evaluation method, and obtained results