15 research outputs found

    An optimal marketing strategy for porkers with differences in growth rates and dependent prices

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    marketing;strategic planning;farms;agricultural economics

    Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares and Self-complementary Designs

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    Suppose that n is even and a set of n/2 -1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order n exists. Then we can construct a strongly regular graph with parameters (n², n/2 (n-1), n/2 ( n/2-1), n/2 ( n/2 -1)), which is called a Latin square graph. In this paper, we give a sufficient condition of the Latin square graph for the existence of a projective plane of order n. For the existence of a Latin square graph under the condition, we will introduce and consider a self-complementary 2-design (allowing repeated blocks) with parameters (n, n/2 , n/2 ( n/2 -1)). For n &#8801; 2 (mod 4), we give a proof of the non-existence of the design.</p

    Developments on Spectral Characterizations of Graphs

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    In [E.R. van Dam and W.H. Haemers, Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?, Linear Algebra Appl. 373 (2003), 241-272] we gave a survey of answers to the question of which graphs are determined by the spectrum of some matrix associated to the graph. In particular, the usual adjacency matrix and the Laplacian matrix were addressed. Furthermore, we formulated some research questions on the topic. In the meantime some of these questions have been (partially) answered. In the present paper we give a survey of these and other developments.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C50Spectra of graphs;Cospectral graphs;Generalized adjacency matrices;Distance-regular graphs

    Difference Covering Arrays and Pseudo-Orthogonal Latin Squares

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    Difference arrays are used in applications such as software testing, authentication codes and data compression. Pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are used in experimental designs. A special class of pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are the mutually nearly orthogonal Latin squares (MNOLS) first discussed in 2002, with general constructions given in 2007. In this paper we develop row complete MNOLS from difference covering arrays. We will use this connection to settle the spectrum question for sets of 3 mutually pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares of even order, for all but the order 146

    5-Chromatic Strongly Regular Graphs

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    In this paper, we begin the determination of all primitive strongly regular graphs with chromatic number equal to 5.Using eigenvalue techniques, we show that there are at most 43 possible parameter sets for such a graph.For each parameter set, we must decide which strongly regular graphs, if any, possessing the set are 5-chromatic.In this way, we deal completely with 34 of these parameter sets using eigenvalue techniques and computer enumerations.graphs;eigenvalues

    Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces

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    We obtain several new results contributing to the theory of real equiangular line systems. Among other things, we present a new general lower bound on the maximum number of equiangular lines in d dimensional Euclidean space; we describe the two-graphs on 12 vertices; and we investigate Seidel matrices with exactly three distinct eigenvalues. As a result, we improve on two long-standing upper bounds regarding the maximum number of equiangular lines in dimensions d=14, and d=16. Additionally, we prove the nonexistence of certain regular graphs with four eigenvalues, and correct some tables from the literature.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in JCTA. Corrected an entry in Table

    Some Implications on Amorphic Association Schemes

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    AMS classifications: 05E30, 05B20;amorphic association scheme;strongly regular graph;(negative) Latin square type;cyclotomic association scheme;strongly regular decomposition