4,705 research outputs found

    Technological Penetration and Cumulative Benefits in SMEs

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    The relative importance of the benefits derived from the adoption of computer-based administrative and production applications depends to a large extent on the level of technological penetration attained by a particular firm. This evolutionary perspective is investigated in an empirical study carried out in manufacturing firms operating in one specific sector of industrial activity. L'importance relative des bénéfices provenant de l'adoption des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de production sont fonction en grande partie du niveau de pénétration technologique atteint par la firme. Cette perspective évolutionniste est étudiée dans le cadre d'une recherche empirique menée auprès de petites et moyennes entreprises manufacturières innovatrices oeuvrant dans le secteur du métal.SME ; Adoption of new technologies, Adoption de nouvelles technologies ; PME

    A Classification of E-Business Applications: Preliminary Results

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    Effective knowledge transfer to SMEs

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    EIM examined to what extent small and medium-sized enterprises may be stimulated to absorb more know-how in respect of for instance new process technology to use that know-how for in-company business process upgrading. The study focuses primarily on the cluster of businesses hardly involved in technological innovation, and examines to what degree knowledge about marketing and know-how management is employed to stimulate the absorption of know-how among retarded businesses.

    Export propensity, export intensity and firm performance:the role of the entrepreneurial founding team

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    We investigate how the characteristics and experience of the entrepreneurial founding team (EFT) affect the export orientation and subsequent performance of the businesses they establish, while allowing for the mutually reinforcing relationship between exporting and productivity. Using a sample of UK technology-based firms, we hypothesise and confirm that the set of EFT human capital needed for entering export markets is different from that required for succeeding in export markets. Commercial and managerial experience helps firms become exporters, but once over the exporting hurdle it is education, both general and specific, that has a substantially positive effect. The overall pattern of human capital effects on productivity is similar to those for export propensity. We also find evidence that productive firms are more likely both to enter export markets and to be export intensive, and that exporting boosts subsequent firm productivity

    An Empirical Study of Factors that Influence the Extent of Deployment of Electronic Commerce for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in Australia

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    This study surveys the perceptions and experiences of Australian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the adoption and implementation of Internet-based Electronic Commerce (EC) as seen from the perspective of the extent of deployment. The extent of deployment is one of the major component of implementation success and one of the most important dimensions. With a sample of 115 small businesses in Australia, this paper uses regression modelling to explore and establish the factors that are related to the extent of deployment. The analysis was carried out on the 19 influencing factors of EC and 7 factors – perceived relative advantage, trialability, observability, variety of information sources, communication amount, competitive pressure, and non-trading institutional influences, were found to make a significant contribution to the extent of deployment of Internet-based EC

    マレーシアにおけるICT利用 : ICT利用の経済的影響に関する研究

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2106号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2005/7/27 ; 早大学位記番号:新408

    New Forms of Regional Inequalities in Greece: the Diffusion of the Internet Across Greek Regions

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    A large number of studies dealing with the evolution of regional inequalities in Greece insist to make use of improper and outdated indices. Indices such as the number of telephone lines per capita and electricity consumption per capita were suitable to describe regional inequalities during the previous decades however, nowadays, they present insignificant regional variations. Among others, the diffusion of the internet to greek regions, is a useful indication of their growth potential and technological capacity. There is no doubt that internet can powerfully influence individuals, places, societies and economies and these effects are likely to grow over the foreseeable future. Primary data show that there is a notable imbalance at national level in terms of per capita usage levels. The disparity of the internet access around the country has given rise to the issue of a national digital divide. This paper investigates and maps the differences in the internet penetration rate to population and businesses across Greek regions and proceeds to a preliminary identification of the determinants of this unequal Geography. Data limitations, and paucity of earlier research make this a challenging task.

    Analysis of the satisfaction factors in international cooperation activities with and without capital investment in SMEs

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    The paper analyzes international medium and long-term cooperation by legally and economically independent SMEs. In a frame of reference using decision and contingency theory, a model is constructed for two phases of cooperation activity. It is postulated that the success of cooperation activity depends on whether the system variables structure, strategy and culture are consistent during realization. At the same time, the decisions made in the initiation phase of cooperation activity are modeled directly and indirectly on its success. An empirical examination on the effect relationships from the point of view of 164 SME managers provides tentative proof of the effect relationships postulated, namely in a comparison of cooperation activities with and without capital investment. An overall model is proposed for phase observation of cooperation activities.capital investment, international cooperation, satisfaction factors, small or medium size enterprise (SME).