24 research outputs found

    Possibility of Applying Business Process Management Methodology in Logistic Processes Optimization

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    Raising the service level and developing new logistic services require better understanding of logistic processes and possibilities of optimization. Different methodologies have been used for that purpose, while the application of Business Process Management (BPM) methodology is outlined in this paper. Identifying parts of logistic processes that could be optimized is facilitated by applying BPM methodology. It also enables more accurate quantification of impacts of the changes introduced in a particular process or activity on the processes as a whole and to other interacting processes. The application of BPM methodology is demonstrated in the case study, where a solution for logistic processes optimization is suggested and the prospective outcomes are simulated. The results of the logistic process comparative analysis have indicated a synergic effect of different improvements in sub-process on the effectiveness of the process as a whole, both on the operative and managerial level. The respective changes in workload distribution among interacting logistic processes have been quantified according to the same methodology.</p

    A pivotal-based approach for enterprise business process and IS integration

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    A company must be able to describe and react against any endogenous or exogenous event. Such flexibility can be achieved through business process management (BPM). Nevertheless a BPM approach highlights complex relations between business and IT domains. A non-alignment is exposed between heterogeneous models: this is the 18business-IT gap 19 as described in the literature. Through concepts from business engineering and information systems driven by models and IT, we define a generic approach ensuring multi-view consistency. Its role is to maintain and provide all information related to the structure and semantic of models. Allowing the full return of a transformed model in the sense of reverse engineering, our platform enables synchronisation between analysis model and implementation model

    The Application of Agency Theory in Supply Chain Finance: A Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Firms

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    The prime objective of the current study is to explore the relationship between supply chain operational performance and firm supply chain management in the reference of agency theory. To further explain the role of agency theory, in the supply chain management we have examined the direct and indirect impact of supply chain operational performance on firm supply chain management. The SMART-PLS is used to achieve the objective of the current stud. The data is collected from the operation managers, production managers and finance managers of manufacturing firms listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The results of the study have shown a great deal of agreement with our proposed hypothesis. The corporate governance index comprising of board characteristics appears as a moderator in the relationship between supply chain operational performance and firm supply chain management. The results of the current study are also providing support to agency theory and resource base theory. The study which is among pioneering studies on the issue will be helpful for policy makers and managers in understanding the role of agency theory in supply chain management

    Bridging Economy and Ecology: a Circular Economy Approach to Sustainable Supply Chain Management

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    The linkage between economic and environmental issues in an inter-organizational context receives significant attention from scholars and industrial practice. Emerging concepts like Green Supply Chain Management (Green SCM), extending supply chain management with ecological aspects like resource optimization and recycling, might be the first step towards an ecologically responsible economy. But, the question for an appropriate solution for sustainable economic systems remains still open. This paper proposes the integration of the Circular Economy, an economic concept with a focus on long-term sustainability, with established concepts for inter-organizational systems. The proposed framework CESC integrates the Circular Economy model with SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference model) to establish a sustainable SCM model beyond Green SCM. The holistic approach is demonstrated by applying CESC to a selected Green SCM concept. CESC may be used to analyze inter-organizational systems on their long-term sustainability and as a blueprint for the development of sustainable, inter-organizational eco-systems

    Implementing a knowledge management system within an NHS hospital:a case study exploring the roll-out of an Electronic Patient Record (EPR)

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    This research aims to contribute to understanding the implementation of knowledge management systems (KMS) in the field of health through a case study, leading to theory building and theory extension. We use the concept of the business process approach to knowledge management as a theoretical lens to analyse and explore how a large teaching hospital developed, executed and practically implemented a KMS. A qualitative study was conducted over a 2.5 year period with data collected from semi-structured interviews with eight members of the strategic management team, 12 clinical users and 20 patients in addition to non-participant observation of meetings and documents. The theoretical propositions strategy was used as the overarching approach for data analysis. Our case study provides evidence that true patient centred approaches to supporting care delivery with a KMS benefit from process thinking at both the planning and implementation stages, and an emphasis on the knowledge demands resulting from: the activities along the care pathways; where cross-overs in care occur; and knowledge sharing for the integration of care. The findings also suggest that despite the theoretical awareness of KMS implementation methodologies, the actual execution of such systems requires practice and learning. Flexible, fluid approaches through rehearsal are important and communications strategies should focus heavily on transparency incorporating both structured and unstructured communication methods

    Sector selection for ERP implementation to achieve most impact on supply chain performance by using AHP-TOPSIS hybrid method

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    U zadnje se vrijeme povećao broj radova o planiranju resursa poduzeća (ERP) te je to područje istraživanja privuklo više pažnje. Naročito, kad se radi o svjetskoj konkurenciji, poduzeća se moraju usmjeriti na rad svojih informatičkih sustava (IS) ako žele steći prednost, a jedini način za to je primjena ERP sustava i povećanje njegove učinkovitosti. Međutim svaki pojedini sektor drugačije reagira na primjenu ERP-a. Cilj je ovoga rada rangirati sektore prema porastu učinkovitosti nakon uspješne primjene ERP-a, korištenjem AHP-TOPSIS hibridne metode. Kao rezultat, dobit će se slika opće strukture turskih kompanija i definirat će se sektori koji imaju najbolje izglede za poboljšanje radne učinkovitosti primjenom ERP sustava. Ti će rezultati pomoći kompanijama u preciznijem planiranju procesa implementacije i rukovodećim ljudima u jasnijem definiranju njihovih očekivanja. Daje se numerički primjer u svrhu razjašnjenja glavnog dobivenog rezultata u radu.Recently, studies about the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) have been increased and this research area has attracted more attention. Especially, in the global competition environment, enterprises have to focus on their Information Systems (IS) performance to have a competitive advantage; implementing an ERP system and improving the effectiveness of the system is the only way. However every sector reacts to ERP implementation differently. Purpose of this study is to rank the sectors according to their performance increments after successful ERP implementations by using AHP-TOPSIS hybrid method. As a result, general structure of Turkish companies will be pictured and the sectors which have the most chance to improve their performance by utilizing an ERP system will be defined. These findings will help the companies to plan the implementation process more precisely and help the managers of these companies to define their expectations more clearly. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper

    Measuring agri-food supply chain performance and risk through a new analytical framework: a case study of New Zealand dairy

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    Many researchers and practitioners have long recognized the significance of measuring performance. Although general guidelines for measuring business performance are widely available, no appropriate measurement frameworks have been developed for measuring agri-food supply chain performance. Particularly, food quality and risk-related indicators have not been well integrated into existing performance measurement systems. Our research, therefore, addresses this knowledge gap by first providing an in-depth review of extant performance measurement systems and frameworks. It then develops an analytical framework by extending the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model which has been extensively implemented across non-food industries. The analytical framework is further validated by utilizing a case study of 50 farmers and 10 dairy companies, operating in the New Zealand dairy industry. Our pilot testing and subsequent findings show that the individual metrics interlocked with the analytical framework are in-line with the key industrial practices adapted by the New Zealand dairy industry. In addition, the framework is flexible and scalable to evaluate and benchmark other agri-food supply chains–ranging from fresh products such as fruits and vegetables to processed foods such as canned fruits. The findings further show that the detailed information required for measuring the level-3 SCOR metrics is not easily available in the industry, as researchers need to access specific company records that may be confidential. Consequently, this study provides how agri-food supply chain managers can employ our new analytical framework in-conjunction with the SCOR model for a deeper understanding of the complicated performance measurement indicators applied in their agri-food production systems and relevant supply chains

    Relationship of supply chain capabilities and supply chain technology adoption towards supply chain operational performance in textile and apparel industry

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    In today’s dynamic business environment, competition is no longer between firms, but between supply chains. The supply chain dependency leads the business focused on supply chain performance. Considering the importance given to the third industrial master plan by the Malaysia government, current supply chain environment accentuated the need of supply chain technology adoption to facilitate supply chain management. To explain the concerns, this study examined the impact of supply chain capabilities namely, relational capability, information technology capability, and organizational culture capability on supply chain operational performance and supply chain technology adoption. This study also examines the successive impact of supply chain technology adoption on supply chain operational performance and investigates whether supply chain technology adoption mediates supply chain capabilities and performance relationship under study. In order to achieve the research objectives, a two-step approach namely quantitative research method and a triangulation research approach are necessitated. 201 survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents in Malaysian textile and apparel organizations. 121 usable responses representing 60% response rate were empirically tested through structural equation modeling by using SPSS and SmartPLS. Research findings revealed that relational capability, organizational culture capability, and supply chain technology adoption contributed to firm’s supply chain operational performance, whereas, information technology capability was insignificant. The findings further revealed that supply chain capabilities have a positive influence to supply chain technology adoption. The findings also revealed a significant mediation effect of supply chain technology adoption in the model under study. A triangulation research approach was employed through face-to-face interviews with four industry practitioners to get their in-depth experiences and perceptions on the model under study. ATLAS.ti results showed that developed model had achieved agreement of industry experts with the suggestion of two emerging terms (human support and work experience) as moderators for future study on the model. Limitations and recommendations for future study are discussed

    Hvilke faktorer kan bidra til samordning mellom IT og helsetjenesten i norske kommuner? (Et eksplorativt studium)

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    Masteroppgave informasjonssystemer IS501 - Universitetet i Agder 2017Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.01.202