7 research outputs found

    California's Electricity Crisis

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    This paper discusses the political, regulatory and economic factors that led to California's electricity crisis in 2000 and 2001. It begins with a discussion of the origins of California's electricity restructuring and competition programs. It then discusses the structure of the wholesale and retail markets and associated transition institutions created in 1996-98 and the performance of these institutions during their first two years of operation. The discussion of the electricity crisis is then conveniently broken down into three phases: (a) May 2000 through September 2000, (b) October 2000 through December 2000, January 2001 to the June 2001. Each phase is discussed in turn. The paper concludes with a discussion of lessons about electricity market liberalization gained from the recent experience in California.

    California's electricity crisis

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    The collapse of California's electricity restructuring and competition program has attracted attention around the world. Prices in California's competitive wholesale electricity market increased by 500% between the second half of 1999 and the second half of 2000. For the first four months of 2001, wholesale spot prices averaged over $300/Mwh, ten times what they were is 1998 and 1999. Some customers have been required involuntarily to curtail electricity consumption in response to supply shortages. While wholesale prices rose dramatically, retail prices were fixed until early in 2001. 2 As a result, California's two largest utilities -- Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) -- were paying far more for wholesale power than they were able to resell it for at retail. Both effectively became insolvent in January 2001 and stopped paying their bills for power and certain other financial obligations. PG&E declared bankruptcy on April 6, 2001 and its reorganization is now before a federal bankruptcy court.Supported by the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

    Enron and the California Energy Crisis: The Role of Networks in Enabling Organizational Corruption

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    We provide an analytically structured history of Enron's involvement in the California energy crisis, exploring its emergence as a corrupt organization and its use of an interorganizational network to manipulate California's energy supply markets. We use this history to introduce the concept of network-enabled corruption, showing how corruption, even if primarily enacted by a single dominant organization, is often highly dependent on the support of other organizations. Specifically, we show how Enron combined resources from partner firms with its own capabilities, manipulating the energy market and capitalizing on the crisis. From a methodological point of view, our study emphasizes the growing importance of digital sources for historical research, drawing particularly on telephone and email records from the period to develop a rich, fly-on-the-wall understanding of a phenomenon that is otherwise hard to observe

    Balancing in the Nordic Electricity Market

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    Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää sopivaa yhteispohjoismaista tasehallinta- ja taseselvitysmallia sekä samalla koota aihepiiriin liittyvää aineistoa yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Työn taustalla on pohjoismaisten energiaministerien tavoite yhdentää pohjoismaiset sähkömarkkinat aina loppukäyttäjämarkkinoita myöten. Yhdeksi merkittäväksi esteeksi tavoitteen toteuttamiselle on havaittu erot tasehallinnan ja taseselvityksen toteutuksessa eri Pohjoismaissa. Aiempien selvitysten pohjalta ja työn aikana toteutetun tasevastaavien haastatteluiden perusteella työssä on päädytty ehdottamaan pohjoismaiseksi tasehallintamalliksi mallia, jossa tasepoikkeama laskettaisiin kokonaistaseesta ja lisäksi tuotannolle käytettäisiin omaa tasetta. Kokonaistasepoikkeaman hinnoitteluun käytettäisiin kahta hintaa. Tuotantotaseessa sallittaisiin poikkeamat tietyllä alueella, jonka ylittävistä poikkeamista veloitettaisiin volyymiperusteisesti joko kiinteällä hinnalla tai prosenttiosuutena spot-hinnasta. Tasetietoihin tehtävät muutokset tulisivat olla mahdollisia aina käyttötunnin alkuun saakka ja käyttötunnin aikaiset säädöt tulisivat olla mahdollisia kantaverkkoyhtiön luvalla. Esitetyn kaltainen malli kannustaisi tasepoikkeaman minimoimiseen, mahdollistaisi tasevastaaville joustavan toiminnan ja antaisi eri tasevastaaville tasavertaisemmat lähtökohdat toimia. Taseselvitystä ehdotetaan muutettavaksi pohjoismaiseen malliin enemmän Ruotsissa käytössä olevan mallin kaltaiseksi. Ehdotetussa taseselvitysmallissa jakeluverkonhaltijat toimittaisivat sähkön toimitustiedot suoraan kansalliselle tasesähköyksikölle, joka laskisi ja ilmoittaisi tasevastaavien tasepoikkeamat näiden tietojen perusteella pohjoismaiseen tietokantaan. Ehdotetun kaltainen menettely nopeuttaisi taseselvityksen valmistumista ja yksinkertaistaisi toimijoiden tiedonsiirtoa. Malli voitaisiin toteuttaa joko nykyisillä organisaatioilla tai yhteispohjoismaisella tasesähköyksiköllä.The purpose of this study was to determine the most suitable model for balance management and balance settlement to be used as a basis for the common balancing in the Nordic electricity market. Another purpose was to compile scattered information about the subject to a one volume. The background of this study lies on the objective of the Nordic Energy Ministers to unify the Nordic electricity market even on the end-user level. One of the major obstacles to reach this objective has been identified as the lack of harmonised procedures in the balance management and settlement in the Nordic countries. According to previous reports and interviews done during this study a model for common Nordic balance management was suggested. In the model one balance calculation would be used in balance settlement and in addition an extra balance calculation would be made for the generation. Two prices would be used for the total imbalance. Imbalances in the generation balance would be allowed within a certain dead-band. Imbalances exceeding the dead-band would be charged volume based either with a fixed fee or with a percentage of the spot-price. Changes to the balance information should be allowed until the operating hour and changes even during the operational hour should be allowed with the acceptance of the transmission system operator. Suggested model would give incentives to minimise imbalances, would allow balance responsible parties to make flexible adjustments to their balances and would give more equal basis for the balance responsible parties to operate in the market. Balance settlement is suggested to be changed for the common Nordic model to be more congruent with the Swedish model. In the model, distribution system operators would deliver the measurements of their network to the national transmission system operator who would calculate the imbalances and report them to a Nordic database. Suggested model would speed up the completion of the balance settlement and simplify data transmission. The model could be implemented either with the current organisational structures or with a common Nordic balance power unit