288 research outputs found

    SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detection

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    Widely used data race detectors, including the state-of-the-art FastTrack algorithm, incur performance costs that are acceptable for regular in-house testing, but miss races detectable from the analyzed execution. Predictive analyses detect more data races in an analyzed execution than FastTrack detects, but at significantly higher performance cost. This paper presents SmartTrack, an algorithm that optimizes predictive race detection analyses, including two analyses from prior work and a new analysis introduced in this paper. SmartTrack's algorithm incorporates two main optimizations: (1) epoch and ownership optimizations from prior work, applied to predictive analysis for the first time; and (2) novel conflicting critical section optimizations introduced by this paper. Our evaluation shows that SmartTrack achieves performance competitive with FastTrack-a qualitative improvement in the state of the art for data race detection.Comment: Extended arXiv version of PLDI 2020 paper (adds Appendices A-E) #228 SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detectio

    CARISMA: a context-sensitive approach to race-condition sample-instance selection for multithreaded applications

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    Dynamic race detectors can explore multiple thread schedules of a multithreaded program over the same input to detect data races. Although existing sampling-based precise race detectors reduce overheads effectively so that lightweight precise race detection can be performed in testing or post-deployment environments, they are ineffective in detecting races if the sampling rates are low. This paper presents CARISMA to address this problem. CARISMA exploits the insight that along an execution trace, a program may potentially handle many accesses to the memory locations created at the same site for similar purposes. Iterating over multiple execution trials of the same input, CARISMA estimates and distributes the sampling budgets among such location creation sites, and probabilistically collects a fraction of all accesses to the memory locations associated with such sites for subsequent race detection. Our experiment shows that, compared with PACER on the same platform and at the same sampling rate (such as 1%), CARISMA is significantly more effective. © 2012 ACM.postprin

    Sound Thread Local Analysis for Lockset-Based Dynamic Data Race Detection

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    Multithreading is a powerful model of parallel and concurrent programming. However, the presence of shared data leaves multithreaded programs vulnerable to concurrency errors such as data races, where two threads access and modify the same data concurrently and without synchronization. Data races lead to unpredictable program behavior and can be a source of data corruption. This work improves the precision of lockset-based dynamic data race detection without compromising soundness. Typically, lockset-based algorithms are sound but extremely imprecise. The algorithms presented in this work improve the precision of such algorithms by including thread-tracking information. Thread tracking helps detect patterns of intermittent thread-locality of shared data and eliminate false errors while still reporting all true errors. Experimental results show that thread-local analysis preserves soundness and improves precision of lockset-based data race detection by an average of 82%, with run-time slowdowns of less than 17%

    Strong Memory Consistency For Parallel Programming

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    Correctly synchronizing multithreaded programs is challenging, and errors can lead to program failures (e.g., atomicity violations). Existing memory consistency models rule out some possible failures, but are limited by depending on subtle programmer-defined locking code and by providing unintuitive semantics for incorrectly synchronized code. Stronger memory consistency models assist programmers by providing them with easier-to-understand semantics with regard to memory access interleavings in parallel code. This dissertation proposes a new strong memory consistency model based on ordering-free regions (OFRs), which are spans of dynamic instructions between consecutive ordering constructs (e.g. barriers). Atomicity over ordering-free regions provides stronger atomicity than existing strong memory consistency models with competitive performance. Ordering-free regions also simplify programmer reasoning by limiting the potential for atomicity violations to fewer points in the program’s execution. This dissertation explores both software-only and hardware-supported systems that provide OFR serializability

    Efficient Precise Dynamic Data Race Detection For Cpu And Gpu

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    Data races are notorious bugs. They introduce non-determinism in programs behavior, complicate programs semantics, making it challenging to debug parallel programs. To make parallel programming easier, efficient data race detection has been a research topic in the last decades. However, existing data race detectors either sacrifice precision or incur high overhead, limiting their application to real-world applications and scenarios. This dissertation proposes approaches to improve the performance of dynamic data race detection without undermining precision, by identifying and removing metadata redundancy dynamically. This dissertation also explores ways to make it practical to detect data races dynamically for GPU programs, which has a disparate programming and execution model from CPU workloads. Further, this dissertation shows how the structured synchronization model in GPU programs can simplify the algorithm design of data race detection for GPU, and how the unique patterns in GPU workloads enable an efficient implementation of the algorithm, yielding a high-performance dynamic data race detector for GPU programs

    Open Effects: Programmer-guided Effects for Open World Concurrent Programs

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    The open world assumption makes the design of a type-and-effect system challenging, especially in concurrent object-oriented languages. The main problem is in the computation of the effects of a dynamically dispatched method invocation, because all possible dynamic types of its receiver are not known statically. Previous work proposes effect annotations that provide a static upper bound on the effects of a dynamically dispatched method, conservative enough to cover the effects of all methods which could possibly be executed upon its invocation. For two dynamically dispatched methods, a typical type-and-effect system may disallow concurrent execution of their invocations because their conservatively specified static effects conflict. However, such a conflict may not actually happen at runtime, depending on the dynamic types of their receivers. This work proposes open effects, a sound trust-but-verify type-and-effect system, to better enable concurrent execution of dynamically dispatched method invocations. If a programmer annotates the receiver of a certain method invocation as open, then the type system trusts the programmer and assigns an open effect to the method. The open effect is supposed, optimistically, not to conflict with other effects. Such optimistic assumptions are verified statically, if possible, or at runtime otherwise. Open effects is complementary to previously proposed static and dynamic effect analyses and combines them such that the accuracy of static analysis could help decrease the overhead of the dynamic analysis. Performance evaluations of an implementation of open effects, on various benchmarks, show that: open effects incurs negligible annotation and runtime overheads such that code with open effects does almost as well as its manually tuned concurrent version
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