142 research outputs found

    鵜飼 康東 教授 略歴 (2014年3月31)

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    Network Analysis of the Gender Gap in International Remittances by Migrants

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    Financial inclusion is considered a key enabler of international development goals. Despite the expansion of financial access overall, the gender inequalities in basic access have remained consistent. This research investigates the predictive power of global remittance and migration flows on the gender gap in financial inclusion. First, singular value decomposition is applied to the World Bank’s 2017 Global Findex data to identify the financial inclusion variables that most contribute to the gender gap in financial inclusion. We find that indicators pertaining to account ownership, emergency funding, and receiving payments are especially significant. Based on the identified variables, a novel Financial Inclusion Gender Gap Score is calculated for 143 economies. The score is then incorporated into a complex network analysis of global remittance and migration networks. We analyze how network features such as node attributes, community membership, and bow-tie structure can be used to make inferences about the magnitude of a financial inclusion gender gap. Our findings suggest that weaker linkages in the network, characterized by lower node strength and peripheral positions in the bow-tie structure, are determinants of a notable financial inclusion gender gap. We also highlight communities in the remittance and migration networks with a more substantial gender imbalance, and discuss the the social- and cultural-leaning factors driving community formation in the migration network that seem to predicate a greater gap

    Normative Diagrams as a Tool for Representing Legal Systems

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    The paper at hand introduces and discusses a diagrammatic method to represent legal norms frst developed by the second author. It is shown how this method can be used to represent not only norms and argument forms originating from classic legal methodology (legal subsumption, analogy, appeal to the contrary), but also more complex legal-theoretical phenomena, especially legal antinomies. Beyond its didactic virtues, the diagram is a useful theoretical tool for investigating how norms interact with each other and how singular actions can be considered as satisfying or violating a given norm

    Black-Box Analysis: GPTs Across Time in Legal Textual Entailment Task

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    The evolution of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models has led to significant advancements in various natural language processing applications, particularly in legal textual entailment. We present an analysis of GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) and GPT-4 performances on COLIEE Task 4 dataset, a prominent benchmark in this domain. The study encompasses data from Heisei 18 (2006) to Reiwa 3 (2021), exploring the models' abilities to discern entailment relationships within Japanese statute law across different periods. Our preliminary experimental results unveil intriguing insights into the models' strengths and weaknesses in handling legal textual entailment tasks, as well as the patterns observed in model performance. In the context of proprietary models with undisclosed architectures and weights, black-box analysis becomes crucial for evaluating their capabilities. We discuss the influence of training data distribution and the implications on the models' generalizability. This analysis serves as a foundation for future research, aiming to optimize GPT-based models and enable their successful adoption in legal information extraction and entailment applications.Comment: ISAILD@KSE 202

    Analysis of the Cloud and Non Cloud Computing on Financial Data at Japanese Enterprises

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    本研究の目的はクラウドコンピューティングの利用状況と企業財務データを関連付けた比較分析を実施することである.クラウドコンピューティングはインターネットを介したコンピュータ利用形態である.このクラウドコンピューティングにはパブリック・クラウドとプライベート・クラウドの異なるサービスが存在する.パブリック・クラウドは一般向けのクラウドサービスである.一方,プライベート・クラウドは企業が自社内のみ利用可能なクラウドコンピューティングを構築し,クラウドサービスを利用する.先行研究によれば,日本企業は欧米企業と異なりプライベート・クラウドを中心に情報システムを構築している.この理由を考えるために財務分析を実施する.財務データは,金融商品取引法に基づく有価証券報告書等の開示書類に関する電子開示システム(EDINET)により,東京証券取引所(2013 年1 月より㈱日本取引所グループ子会社㈱東京証券取引所が運営する市場)第1 部および第2 部上場企業のうち97 社が公表する有価証券報告書より,総資産,純資産,資本金,利益剰余金,当期純利益,減価償却費,有形および無形固定資産の取得による支出を使用する.企業のクラウドコンピューティング導入状況の調査は2012年と2013年に行ったものである.分析の結果,日本企業は当期純利益を減らしてプライベート・クラウド化を促進していることが判明した.The object of this paper is to analyze the financial reports of Japanese enterprises which have Cloud Computing system. Cloud Computing is a computer architecture based on broadband access service. The users of the Cloud Computing service recognize their computer processing as a network service. The providers of Cloud Computing service, on the other hand, establish a large‒scale data center, construct a service system for software and collect data through the Internet. This Computing is classified as public or private Cloud Computing. Public Cloud Computing is open to any computer‒using company that pays a service charge to the providers. On the contrary, private Cloud Computing is used by members at companies that have constructed a Cloud Computing system over a restricted company information infrastructure. Some companies use public and private cloud computing simultaneously, which is called Hybrid Cloud Computing. We conducted mail surveys to all listed companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2012 and 2013 and created panel data of 97 companies concerning Cloud Computing. Second, we collected the financial information of these 97 companies disclosed in their annual reports. We found that Japanese companies have a negative relationship between their net profit and the rate of Cloud Computing

    User’s Continuance Intentions of Digital Payment Based on Expectation-Confirmation Method and Trust

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    Since the Covid-19 pandemic entered Indonesia in 2020, people have started to switch from cash/traditional payments to digital payments with aim to reduce direct physical contact. Digital payment that currently booming is Qris payment method, which offer convenience and speed in transactions. This study aims to look at user continuance intention on using digital payments using the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) approach. In this volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) era, this study adapt the concept of trust in technology adoption. Based on the literature study that has been collected, researchers obtain several variables that can influence user intentions to continue using digital payments, including: confirmation, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, information quality, perceived privacy protection and security, trust, and continuance intention

    The role of ICT in natural disaster management communication:a systematic literature review

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    Abstract. The number and severity of natural hazards has increased in recent decades. These natural hazards cause billions in financial damage, as well as loss of life every year. Fortunately, societies have learned to adapt to these phenomena and invested in managing and mitigating their effects. Communication plays a key role in managing these natural disasters and the effects they smite upon communities. At the same time, information and communication technologies have become ubiquitous and integral part of our lives. However, the available technologies and the ability to utilize these technologies vary. Thus, there is a need for up-to-date review of the use of these technologies. In this thesis, the role of information and communication technologies in natural disaster management communication is examined. The purpose of this thesis is to aggregate scientific knowledge on the role of information and communication technologies in natural disaster management communication. As a result, this study used systematic literature review as a research method. In addition, the aim is to identify possible best practices and discuss the findings of the systematic literature review. The results are used to inform future work on developing an opensource-based system for natural disaster management. The main contribution of this thesis is the summarization of the findings. These findings can be used as a knowledge base or to reflect upon new solutions in natural disaster management. The search strategy used in this study identified 584 studies in total from which 24 primary studies were selected. Recommended future actions involve further studying the identified best practices and their application in practice. In addition, further developing the proposed artifact is recommended

    Beyond Logic Programming for Legal Reasoning

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    Logic programming has long being advocated for legal reasoning, and several approaches have been put forward relying upon explicit representation of the law in logic programming terms. In this position paper we focus on the PROLEG logic-programming-based framework for formalizing and reasoning with Japanese presupposed ultimate fact theory. Specifically, we examine challenges and opportunities in leveraging deep learning techniques for improving legal reasoning using PROLEG identifying four distinct options ranging from enhancing fact extraction using deep learning to end-to-end solutions for reasoning with textual legal descriptions. We assess advantages and limitations of each option, considering their technical feasibility, interpretability, and alignment with the needs of legal practitioners and decision-makers. We believe that our analysis can serve as a guideline for developers aiming to build effective decision-support systems for the legal domain, while fostering a deeper understanding of challenges and potential advancements by neuro-symbolic approaches in legal applications.Comment: Workshop on Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning, @ICLP 202