30 research outputs found

    An intelligent linked data quality dashboard

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    This paper describes a new intelligent, data-driven dashboard for linked data quality assessment. The development goal was to assist data quality engineers to interpret data quality problems found when evaluating a dataset us-ing a metrics-based data quality assessment. This required construction of a graph linking the problematic things identified in the data, the assessment metrics and the source data. This context and supporting user interfaces help the user to un-derstand data quality problems. An analysis widget also helped the user identify the root cause multiple problems. This supported the user in identification and prioritization of the problems that need to be fixed and to improve data quality. The dashboard was shown to be useful for users to clean data. A user evaluation was performed with both expert and novice data quality engineers

    A deep learning method based on language models for processing natural language Russian commands in human robot interaction

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    This paper describes the transformation process complex Russian-speaking natural language commands into a formalized graph RDF format for interaction with the robotic platfor

    CLEAR: a credible method to evaluate website archivability

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    Web archiving is crucial to ensure that cultural, scientific and social heritage on the web remains accessible and usable over time. A key aspect of the web archiving process is optimal data extraction from target websites. This procedure is difficult for such reasons as, website complexity, plethora of underlying technologies and ultimately the open-ended nature of the web. The purpose of this work is to establish the notion of Website Archivability (WA) and to introduce the Credible Live Evaluation of Archive Readiness (CLEAR) method to measure WA for any website. Website Archivability captures the core aspects of a website crucial in diagnosing whether it has the potentiality to be archived with completeness and accuracy. An appreciation of the archivability of a web site should provide archivists with a valuable tool when assessing the possibilities of archiving material and in- uence web design professionals to consider the implications of their design decisions on the likelihood could be archived. A prototype application, archiveready.com, has been established to demonstrate the viabiity of the proposed method for assessing Website Archivability

    Building the Museum of the Person from RDF Triples and SPARQL

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    The Museum of the Person (MP) is a virtual museum that aims to show life stories of people, whether they are famous or anonymous.Its repository contains a collection of interviews, in XML (eXtensible Markup Language).Each interview tells the story of a person's life, describing events and other special situations that person has participated.The main objective is to on build web pages that carry out the museum exhibition rooms. To feed the exhibition rooms it is necessary to (automatically) extract the information included in the repository.Initially was constructed an ontology specific to the repository of the Museum of the Person, designated OntoMP.Then we adopted a standard to create ontologies for museums, CIDOC-CRM (CIDOC - Conceptual Reference Model) refined with FOAF (Friend of a Friend) and DBpedia to represent OntoMP.This article aims to discuss the construction of virtual rooms using a TripleStore to store the repository information and SPARQL technology (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) to extract information from the XML repository


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    Business rules are today essential parts of a business system model. But presently, there are still various approaches to, definitions and classifications of this concept. Similarly, there are also different approaches in business rules formalization and implementation. This paper investigates formalization using formal language in association with easy domain modelling. Two of the tools that enable such approach are described and compared according to several factors. They represent ontology modelling and UML, nowadays widely used standard for object-oriented modelling. A simple example is also presented

    De blogs a dados abertos: um estudo de caso na disseminação de informação em saúde

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    Introdução: A atual transição da Web para a Web Semântica, com informação disponibilizada também no formato de dados abertos e conectados, permite a integração da informação de distintas fontes, possibilitando o seu uso em novas aplicações e expandindo horizontes de conhecimento. A informação em saúde disponibilizada na Web não pode estar alheia a essa transição. Objetivo: Avaliar o esforço necessário e os potenciais benefícios envolvidos na tradução de informação em saúde disseminada em um blog para o formato de dados abertos. Método: Foi realizado um estudo de caso com um blog de disseminação de informação em saúde. Para as publicações desse blog foram desenvolvidos um modelo de representação em formato de dados abertos e uma aplicação de software para traduzir as informações para esse modelo. O resultado foi avaliado em termos de qualidade da informação, possibilidades de acesso à informação e conexões com outras fontes de dados. Resultados: O blog selecionado foi o Fale com o Dr. Risadinha, que dissemina informação sobre a saúde de crianças e adolescentes para o público leigo. No momento da realização deste estudo de caso, o blog continha 479 publicações, todas em português. Um modelo da informação do blog foi desenvolvido em Unified Modeling Language, contemplando aspetos genéricos, comuns a qualquer blog, e específicos, presentes nas publicações do blog selecionado. Os elementos desse modelo foram expressos usando RDF (Resource Description Framework), o arcabouço para a representação de dados abertos na Web Semântica. Nesse modelo RDF foram utilizados, quando possível, vocabulários padronizados como Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities, Dublin Core e Friend of a friend. A aplicação de software para traduzir as publicações para esse modelo de dados abertos foi desenvolvida em Java. Das 479 publicações foram derivadas 15.812 triplas RDF, às quais foram agregadas 605 conexões a recursos da DBpedia. Todos esses factos puderam ser consultados e analisados usando a linguagem de consulta SPARQL, bem como aplicações desenvolvidas em qualquer linguagem de programação com recursos para manipular dados em RDF, como Java, Python e R. Discussão e conclusões: Além dos benefícios já propagados e associados à disseminação de dados abertos, como a integração com dados provenientes de outras fontes, este estudo mostrou que há benefícios para os editores do blog, na forma de avaliações sobre a consistência e a qualidade da informação. Por outro lado, ficaram evidentes os limites do processamento automático. Nesse sentido, a atuação de um profissional da informação como mediador nesse processo é essencial para explorar devidamente o potencial dos dados abertos conectados. Tal profissional deve ter clara compreensão dos modelos de informação usados para a representação de dados abertos e conhecer os seus principais vocabulários, ontologias e conjuntos de dados disponíveis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    NETME: on-the-fly knowledge network construction from biomedical literature

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    Background: The rapidly increasing biological literature is a key resource to automatically extract and gain knowledge concerning biological elements and their relations. Knowledge Networks are helpful tools in the context of biological knowledge discovery and modeling. Results: We introduce a novel system called NETME, which, starting from a set of full-texts obtained from PubMed, through an easy-to-use web interface, interactively extracts biological elements from ontological databases and then synthesizes a network inferring relations among such elements. The results clearly show that our tool is capable of inferring comprehensive and reliable biological networks

    NETME: on-the-fly knowledge network construction from biomedical literature

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    Background: The rapidly increasing biological literature is a key resource to automatically extract and gain knowledge concerning biological elements and their relations. Knowledge Networks are helpful tools in the context of biological knowledge discovery and modeling. Results: We introduce a novel system called NETME, which, starting from a set of full-texts obtained from PubMed, through an easy-to-use web interface, interactively extracts biological elements from ontological databases and then synthesizes a network inferring relations among such elements. The results clearly show that our tool is capable of inferring comprehensive and reliable biological networks