2,739 research outputs found

    Urban and extra-urban hybrid vehicles: a technological review

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    Pollution derived from transportation systems is a worldwide, timelier issue than ever. The abatement actions of harmful substances in the air are on the agenda and they are necessary today to safeguard our welfare and that of the planet. Environmental pollution in large cities is approximately 20% due to the transportation system. In addition, private traffic contributes greatly to city pollution. Further, “vehicle operating life” is most often exceeded and vehicle emissions do not comply with European antipollution standards. It becomes mandatory to find a solution that respects the environment and, realize an appropriate transportation service to the customers. New technologies related to hybrid –electric engines are making great strides in reducing emissions, and the funds allocated by public authorities should be addressed. In addition, the use (implementation) of new technologies is also convenient from an economic point of view. In fact, by implementing the use of hybrid vehicles, fuel consumption can be reduced. The different hybrid configurations presented refer to such a series architecture, developed by the researchers and Research and Development groups. Regarding energy flows, different strategy logic or vehicle management units have been illustrated. Various configurations and vehicles were studied by simulating different driving cycles, both European approval and homologation and customer ones (typically municipal and university). The simulations have provided guidance on the optimal proposed configuration and information on the component to be used

    A state-of-the-art review on torque distribution strategies aimed at enhancing energy efficiency for fully electric vehicles with independently actuated drivetrains

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    © 2019, Levrotto and Bella. All rights reserved. Electric vehicles are the future of private passenger transportation. However, there are still several technological barriers that hinder the large scale adoption of electric vehicles. In particular, their limited autonomy motivates studies on methods for improving the energy efficiency of electric vehicles so as to make them more attractive to the market. This paper provides a concise review on the current state-of-the-art of torque distribution strategies aimed at enhancing energy efficiency for fully electric vehicles with independently actuated drivetrains (FEVIADs). Starting from the operating principles, which include the "control allocation" problem, the peculiarities of each proposed solution are illustrated. All the existing techniques are categorized based on a selection of parameters deemed relevant to provide a comprehensive overview and understanding of the topic. Finally, future concerns and research perspectives for FEVIAD are discussed

    Electric-drive vehicle emulation using advanced test bench

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    Vehicle electrification is considered to be the most promising approach toward addressing the concerns on climate change, sustainability, and rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources. As a result electric-drive vehicle (EDV) technology is becoming the subject of many research studies, from academia and research laboratories to automotive industries and their suppliers. However, a crucial step toward the success of EDV implementation is developing test platforms that closely emulate the behavior of these vehicles. In this dissertation, a new approach for emulating an EDV system on a motor/dynamometer test bench is investigated. Two different methods of emulation are discussed which are based on predefined drive cycle and unpredictable driving behavior. MATLAB/Simulink is used to model the test bench and simulations are carried out for each case. Experimental test bench results are also presented to validate hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) real-time performance for each method. Furthermore, to provide a more realistic approach towards EDV emulation a braking system suitable for motor/dynamometer architecture is proposed. The proposed brake controller represents a very close model of an actual EDV braking system and takes into account both regenerative and friction braking limitations. Finally, the challenges and restrictions of using a full scale test bench are outlined. To overcome these limitations, the development of an educational small scale hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) learning module is discussed which provides an ideal test platform to simulate and study both electric and HEV powertrains --Abstract, page iv

    A Study on the Integration of a High-Speed Flywheel as an Energy Storage Device in Hybrid Vehicles

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    The last couple of decades have seen the rise of the hybrid electric vehicle as a compromise between the outstanding specific energy of petrol fuels and its low-cost technology, and the zero tail-gate emissions of the electric vehicle. Despite this, considerable reductions in cost and further increases in fuel economy are needed for their widespread adoption. An alternative low-cost energy storage technology for vehicles is the high-speed flywheel. The flywheel has important limitations that exclude it from being used as a primary energy source for vehicles, but its power characteristics and low-cost materials make it a powerful complement to a vehicle's primary propulsion system. This thesis presents an analysis on the integration of a high-speed flywheel for use as a secondary energy storage device in hybrid vehicles. Unlike other energy storage technologies, the energy content of the flywheel has a direct impact on the velocity of transmission. This presents an important challenge, as it means that the flywheel must be able to rotate at a speed independent of the vehicle's velocity and therefore it must be coupled via a variable speed transmission. This thesis presents some practical ways in which to accomplish this in conventional road vehicles, namely with the use of a variator, a planetary gear set or with the use of a power-split continuously variable transmission. Fundamental analyses on the kinematic behaviour of these transmissions particularly as they pertain to flywheel powertrains are presented. Computer simulations were carried out to compare the performance of various transmissions, and the models developed are presented as well. Finally the thesis also contains an investigation on the driving and road conditions that have the most beneficial effect on hybrid vehicle performance, with a particular emphasis on the effect that the road topography has on fuel economy and the significance of this

    Research and Implement of PMSM Regenerative Braking Control for Electric Vehicle

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    As the society pays more and more attention to the environment pollution and energy crisis, the electric vehicle (EV) development also entered in a new era. With the development of motor speed control technology and the improvement of motor performance, although the dynamic performance and economical cost of EVs are both better than the internal-combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), the driving range limit and charging station distribution are two major problems which limit the popularization of EVs. In order to extend driving range for EVs, regenerative braking (RB) emerges which is able to recover energy during the braking process to improve the energy efficiency. This thesis aims to investigate the RB based pure electric braking system and its implementation. There are many forms of RB system such as fully electrified braking system and blended braking system (BBS) which is equipped both electric RB system and hydraulic braking (HB) system. In this thesis the main research objective is the RB based fully electrified braking system, however, RB system cannot satisfy all braking situation only by itself. Because the regenerating electromagnetic torque may be too small to meet the braking intention of the driver when the vehicle speed is very low and the regenerating electromagnetic torque may be not enough to stop the vehicle as soon as possible in the case of emergency braking. So, in order to ensure braking safety and braking performance, braking torque should be provided with different forms regarding different braking situation and different braking intention. In this thesis, braking torque is classified into three types. First one is normal reverse current braking when the vehicle speed is too low to have enough RB torque. Second one is RB torque which could recover kinetic energy by regenerating electricity and collecting electric energy into battery packs. The last braking situation is emergency where the braking torque is provided by motor plugging braking based on the optimal slip ratio braking control strategy. Considering two indicators of the RB system which are regenerative efficiency and braking safety, a trade-off point should be found and the corresponding control strategy should be designed. In this thesis, the maximum regenerative efficiency is obtained by a braking torque distribution strategy between front wheel and rear wheel based on a maximum available RB torque estimation method and ECE-R13 regulation. And the emergency braking performance is ensured by a novel fractional-order integral sliding mode control (FOISMC) and numerical simulations show that the control performance is better than the conventional sliding mode controller

    Исследование стратегии рекуперативного торможения электромобилей

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    In the context of global energy instability caused by the transformation of global demand for energy and energy resources, one of the most important areas in the automotive industry is the development of electric vehicles. Serial production of high-tech electric vehicles with a long range contributes to the stabilization of the energy market and the sustainable development of the whole fuel-energy sector. To evaluate the possibility of optimizing the electric vehicles energy consumption, various regenerative braking strategies are discussed in the article based on the Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, which simulation model includes submodules of the traction electric motor, hybrid braking system, traction rechargeable battery and tires. In order to test the adequacy of the simulation model to reproduce the relationship between the operating parameters of electric vehicles various systems and evaluate their ability to regenerate energy during braking the simulation results were compared with the actual experimental data published by the Lab Avt research laboratory (USA). The relative error of the mathematical modeling results of the braking energy regeneration processes is 4.5 %, which indicates the adequacy of the electric vehicle simulation model and the possibility of its using as a base for research and comparison of the energy efficiency of various regenerative braking strategies. As the results of experiments have shown, the usage of the proposed control strategy of the regenerative braking maximum force allows increasing 2.14 times the energy recharging traffic to the battery as compared with the basic control strategy of fixed coefficient braking forces distribution with an increase in braking distance by 10 m. An alternative control strategy of regenerative braking optimal efficiency as compared to the basic control strategy provides a reduction in braking distance by 13.2 % at increasing by 84.4 % the amount of energy generated by the electric motor for recharging the batteries. The carried out investigations confirm the available significant potential for improving the efficiency of the electric vehicles usage by developing the control strategy and algorithms of the braking energy regeneration.В условиях энергетической нестабильности, вызванной трансформацией глобального спроса на энергию и энергоресурсы, одним из важнейших направлений в автомобилестроении является разработка транспортных средств на электрической тяге. Серийное производство высокотехнологичных электромобилей с большим запасом хода способствует стабилизации рынка энергоресурсов и устойчивому развитию всего топливно-энергетического сектора. Для оценки возможности оптимизации энергопотребления электромобилей в статье рассматриваются различные стратегии рекуперативного торможения на базе имитационной модели электромобиля Nissan Leaf, включающей субмодули тягового электродвигателя, гибридной тормозной системы, тяговой аккумуляторной батареи и шин. Результаты моделирования сопоставлялись с экспериментальными данными научно-исследовательской лаборатории Lab Avt (США), опубликованными для проверки адекватности имитационных моделей, воспроизводящих взаимосвязь между рабочими параметрами различных систем электромобиля и оценивающих их способность регенерировать энергию при торможении. Относительная погрешность результатов математического моделирования процессов рекуперации энергии составляет 4,5 %, что свидетельствует об адекватности имитационной модели электромобиля и возможности ее использования в качестве базовой для исследований и сопоставления энергоэффективности различных стратегий рекуперативного торможения. Как показали результаты экспериментов, использование предлагаемой стратегии управления максимальной силой рекуперативного торможения позволяет увеличить трафик энергии подзарядки в 2,14 раза по сравнению с базовой стратегией управления на основе фиксированного коэффициента распределения тормозных усилий по осям транспортного средства при увеличении тормозного пути на 10 м. Альтернативная стратегия управления оптимальной эффективностью рекуперативного торможения обеспечивает по сравнению с базовой стратегией уменьшение тормозного пути на 13,2 % при одновременном увеличении на 84,4 % количества вырабатываемой электродвигателем энергии для подзарядки тяговых аккумуляторных батарей. Проведенные исследования подтверждают имеющийся потенциал по повышению эффективности использования электромобилей за счет совершенствования стратегии и алгоритмов управления рекуперацией энергии торможения

    Estudo de modelagem de veículos elétricos e estratégia de controle de torque para sistemas de frenagens regenerativa e antitravamento

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    Orientador: José Antenor PomilioTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Os veículos elétricos têm despertado crescente interesse devido à sua capacidade para reduzir a poluição no meio ambiente, usando elementos de energia elétrica acumulado em baterias e supercapacitores para o acionamento da máquina elétrica no lugar de um motor de combustão interna. Por outro lado, a baixa autonomia do veículo elétrico continua sendo uma barreira para seu sucesso comercial. Instituções automobilísticas junto com a Academia enfrentam esse desafio com diversas soluções para aumentar a energia disponível. Entre as possibilidades está a frenagem regenerativa. A frenagem regenerativa é um processo no qual recupera-se energia de um veículo durante as desacelerações. Esta pesquisa se concentra nas frenagens para diversas condições com mudanças da superficie da estrada, considerando o sistema de frenagem regenerativo e o sistema de antibloqueio. Analisamos e revisamos os aspectos básicos da modelagem de um veículo com/sem ABS, assim como o comportamento dinâmico das rodas e mostramos uma contribuição para o estudo do controle de torque na máquina e estratégias de controle para o torque distribuído na combinação e cooperação entre o torque elétrico e o mecânico, mesmo com mudanças do solo e de métodos de operação, como descidas, obtendo estabilidade do veículo e recuperação de energiaAbstract: The interest in electric vehicles has grown worldwide due to their efficiency for reducing environmental pollution, by using energy elements such as batteries and supercapacitors to drive the electric machine, instead of an internal combustion engine. Contrarily, the low vehicle autonomy remains a barrier to their commercial success. Therefore, automotive institutions together with academics face the challenge through various solutions to increase the available energy. The regenerative braking is one of the implementations that helps a better use of the stored energy. Regenerative braking is a process in which energy is recovered from a vehicle during decelerations. This research focuses on braking for various road surface conditions. Furthermore, it considers the regenerative braking and the anti-lock braking systems regarding energy recovery performance for friction coefficient changes. In this work, we will review and analyze the basic aspects of the modeling of a vehicle with or without ABS, as well as the dynamic behavior of wheels. We will also present a contribution to the study of torque control and control strategies for the torque distribution regarding combination and co-operation between electric and mechanical torque. This process is done despite changes in ground surfaces and operating methods such as downhill, leading to better performance in the flexibility of vehicle stability and in the recovery of powerDoutoradoEnergia EletricaDoutora em Engenharia Elétrica149810/2013-0CAPESCNP

    Regenerative braking for an electric vehicle with a high-speed drive at the front axle

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    The main contribution of this paper lies in the development of a novel front-to-rear axle brake force distribution strategy for the regenerative braking control of a vehicle with a high-speed electric drive unit at the front axle. The strategy adapts the brake proportioning to provide extended room for energy recuperation of the electric motor when the vehicle drivability and safety requirements permit. In detail, the strategy is adaptive to cornering intensity enabling the range to be further extended in real-world applications. The regenerative braking control features a brake blending control algorithm and a powertrain controller, which are decisive for enhancing the braking performance. Lastly, the regenerative braking control is implemented in the highfidelity simulation environment Simcenter Amesim, where system efficiency and regenerative brake performance are analysed. Results confirm that the designed regenerative braking greatly improves the effectiveness of energy recuperation for a front-wheel driven electric vehicle with a high-speed drive at the front axle. In conclusion, it is shown that it is feasible to use the high-speed drive with the proposed control design for regenerative braking