982 research outputs found

    Kinetic Blocks: Actuated Constructive Assembly for Interaction and Display

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    Pin-based shape displays not only give physical form to digital information, they have the inherent ability to accurately move and manipulate objects placed on top of them. In this paper we focus on such object manipulation: we present ideas and techniques that use the underlying shape change to give kinetic ability to otherwise inanimate objects. First, we describe the shape display's ability to assemble, disassemble, and reassemble structures from simple passive building blocks through stacking, scaffolding, and catapulting. A technical evaluation demonstrates the reliability of the presented techniques. Second, we introduce special kinematic blocks that are actuated and sensed through the underlying pins. These blocks translate vertical pin movements into other degrees of freedom like rotation or horizontal movement. This interplay of the shape display with objects on its surface allows us to render otherwise inaccessible forms, like overhangs, and enables richer input and output

    Simulation of fatigue-initiated subacromial impingement: clarifying mechanisms

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    AbstractSubacromial impingement in the shoulder precedes many cases of rotator cuff pathology. However, debate exists regarding the mechanism, and even existence, of fatigue-initiated impingement. The controversy centers on two primary impingement mechanisms: 1) superior humeral head migration and 2) scapular reorientation. A linked series of in vivo experiments and in silica simulations accomplishes the integration of stochastic, orthopedic, geometric, kinematic, physiologic, literature-derived, and experimental data sources to help resolve the mechanism debate. A major focus is the multi-scale modeling of relevant variability. The described techniques have direct implications for musculoskeletal modeling and simulation of the shoulder region, with specific application to assessing occupational and activities of daily living in diverse populations

    X-ray Properties of Pre--Main-Sequence Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster with Known Rotation Periods

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    We re-analyze all archival Chandra/ACIS observations of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) to study the X-ray properties of a large sample of pre--main-sequence (PMS) stars with optically determined rotation periods. Our goal is to elucidate the origins of X-rays in PMS stars by seeking out connections between the X-rays and the mechanisms most likely driving their production--rotation and accretion. In our sample X-ray luminosity is significantly correlated with stellar rotation, in the sense of decreasing Lx/Lbol with more rapid rotation, suggesting that these stars are in the "super-saturated" regime of the rotation-activity relationship. However, we also find that stars with optical rotation periods are significantly biased to high Lx. This is not the result of magnitude bias in the optical rotation-period sample but rather to the diminishingly small amplitude of optical variations in stars with low Lx. Evidently, there exists in the ONC a population of stars whose rotation periods are unknown and that possess lower average X-ray luminosities than those of stars with known rotation periods. These stars may sample the linear regime of the rotation-activity relationship. Accretion also manifests itself in X-rays, though in a somewhat counterintuitive fashion: While stars with spectroscopic signatures of accretion show harder X-ray spectra than non-accretors, they show lower X-ray luminosities and no enhancement of X-ray variability. We interpret these findings in terms of a common origin for the X-ray emission observed from both accreting and non-accreting stars, with the X-rays from accreting stars simply being attenuated by magnetospheric accretion columns. This suggests that X-rays from PMS stars have their origins primarily in chromospheres, not accretion.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. 43 pages, 16 figure

    From C/Mrkos to P/Halley: 30 years of cometary spectroscopy

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    An Atlas of Cometary Spectra was compiled, as a sequel to the well-known Atlas published by Swings and Haser in 1956. The new atlas comprises some 400 reproductions of cometary spectra secured in the world's largest observatories during the three decades or so from the passage of comet Mrkos 1957 V, for which the very first high-dispersion spectrum was obtained, to the return of Halley's comet. The illustrations refer to 40 different comet apparitions; they are grouped into a set of 186 loose 11 x 14 in. plates, while the texts, comments, and relevant data are given in a separate booklet. The main purpose of this atlas is to show in detail the tremendous progress which was achieved in cometary spectroscopy during the period covered, essentially thanks to the use of high-resolution coude spectrographs and large telescopes, the considerable extension of the observed wavelength range, and the advent of electronic detectors. It is divided into two parts. Part 1, which contains about two-thirds of the selected material, presents photographic spectra, while electronically recorded spectra covering the vacuum ultraviolet, through the optical, infrared, and radio regions appear in Part 2

    Dynamic acromiohumeral interval changes during scapular plane arm motions

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    This purpose of this dissertation is to explore changes in the acromiohumeral interval during dynamic motion in the scapular plane. All of the experiments were completed in the Football Operations Athletic Training Room at Louisiana State University. The first experiment which investigated dynamic acromiohumeral interval changes in baseball players during a loaded and unloaded scaption exercise from 0°-75°, has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (in press, 2010). The mean acromiohumeral interval (AHI) for unloaded and loaded scaption decreased significantly (p\u3c.001) from the arm at the side until 45° and loaded scaption narrowed AHI at 60° (p=.005) and 75° (p=.003). The second experiment investigates AHI and scapular upward rotation (SUR) changes in baseball and softball players during scaption exercises from 0°-75°. Significant load related narrowing of the AHI at 45°(p=.005), 60°(p=.001), and 75°(p\u3c.001) and a significant load-position interaction (p=.001) at 0° and 75°was observed for all subjects. No gender differences in SUR or AHI were found. AHI and SUR displayed moderate positive correlations at 30° for both the unloaded scaption (r=.648, p=.001) and the loaded scaption (r=.445, p=.038) however, no significant relationships were present at 0°, 45°, 60° or 75°. The third experiment compared dynamic acromiohumeral interval and scapulohumeral rhythm changes in trained and untrained females during scaption exercises from 0°-90°. In general, AHI was maximal with the arm at the side and declined significantly (p\u3c.001) during arm elevation until 60°, but increased significantly (p\u3c.001) between 60° and 90°. Significant load related narrowing of the AHI at all positions (p\u3c.05), a more negative SUR at 0° (p\u3c.001) and a more positive SUR at 90° (p=.009) was observed for all subjects. Female athletes had significantly stronger external rotators (p\u3c.001), larger overall AHI (p=.003) and more SUR (p=.008) than untrained females. Significant positive correlations (p\u3c.05) between AHI and SUR were observed at 0°, 30°, and 60° during both loaded and unloaded scaption

    Ultra-long mode-locked Er-droped fibre lasers

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    The development of ultra-long (UL) cavity (hundreds of meters to several kilometres) mode-locked fibre lasers for the generation of high-energy light pulses with relatively low (sub-megahertz) repetition rates has emerged as a new rapidly advancing area of laser physics. The first demonstration of high pulse energy laser of this type was followed by a number of publications from many research groups on long-cavity Ytterbium and Erbium lasers featuring a variety of configurations with rather different mode-locked operations. The substantial interest to this new approach is stimulated both by non-trivial underlying physics and by the potential of high pulse energy laser sources with unique parameters for a range of applications in industry, bio-medicine, metrology and telecommunications. It is well known, that pulse generation regimes in mode-locked fibre lasers are determined by the intra-cavity balance between the effects of dispersion and non-linearity, and the processes of energy attenuation and amplification. The highest per-pulse energy has been achieved in normal-dispersion UL fibre lasers mode-locked through nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE) for self-modelocking operation. In such lasers are generated the so-called dissipative optical solitons. The uncompensated net normal dispersion in long-cavity resonatorsusually leads to very high chirp and, consequently, to a relatively long duration of generated pulses. This thesis presents the results of research Er-doped ultra-long (more than 1 km cavity length) fibre lasers mode-locked based on NPE. The self-mode-locked erbium-based 3.5-km-long all-fiber laser with the 1.7 µJ pulse energy at a wavelength of 1.55 µm was developed as a part of this research. It has resulted in direct generation of short laser pulses with an ultralow repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. The laser cavity has net normal-dispersion and has been fabricated from commercially-available telecom fibers and optical-fiber elements. Its unconventional linear-ring design with compensation for polarization instability ensures high reliability of the self-mode-locking operation, despite the use of a non polarization-maintaining fibers. The single pulse generation regime in all-fibre erbium mode-locking laser based on NPE with a record cavity length of 25 km was demonstrated. Modelocked lasers with such a long cavity have never been studied before. Our result shows a feasibility of stable mode-locked operation even for an ultra-long cavity length. A new design of fibre laser cavity – “y-configuration”, that offers a range of new functionalities for optimization and stabilization of mode-locked lasing regimes was proposed. This novel cavity configuration has been successfully implemented into a long-cavity normal-dispersion self-mode-locked Er-fibre laser. In particular, it features compensation for polarization instability, suppression of ASE, reduction of pulse duration, prevention of in-cavity wave breaking, and stabilization of the lasing wavelength. This laser along with a specially designed double-pass EDFA have allowed us to demonstrate anenvironmentally stable all-fibre laser system able to deliver sub-nanosecond high-energy pulses with low level of ASE noise

    Science Requirements and Conceptual Design for a Polarized Medium Energy Electron-Ion Collider at Jefferson Lab

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    This report presents a brief summary of the science opportunities and program of a polarized medium energy electron-ion collider at Jefferson Lab and a comprehensive description of the conceptual design of such a collider based on the CEBAF electron accelerator facility.Comment: 160 pages, ~93 figures This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177, DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC05-060R23177, and DESC0005823. The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce this manuscript for U.S. Government purpose

    Magnetically Confined Wind Shocks in X-rays - a Review

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    A subset (~ 10%) of massive stars present strong, globally ordered (mostly dipolar) magnetic fields. The trapping and channeling of their stellar winds in closed magnetic loops leads to magnetically confined wind shocks (MCWS), with pre-shock flow speeds that are some fraction of the wind terminal speed. These shocks generate hot plasma, a source of X-rays. In the last decade, several developments took place, notably the determination of the hot plasma properties for a large sample of objects using XMM-Newton and Chandra, as well as fully self-consistent MHD modelling and the identification of shock retreat effects in weak winds. Despite a few exceptions, the combination of magnetic confinement, shock retreat and rotation effects seems to be able to account for X-ray emission in massive OB stars. Here we review these new observational and theoretical aspects of this X-ray emission and envisage some perspectives for the next generation of X-ray observatories.Comment: accepted for publication by Advances in Space Research (special issue "X-ray emission from hot stars and their winds"

    Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS), 1

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    The Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS) group was formed following an agreement between the Med-AUSTRON (Austria) and the TERA Foundation (Italy) to combine their efforts in the design of a cancer therapy synchrotron. CERN agreed to host this study in its PS Division and a close collaboration was set up with GSI (Germany). The study group was later joined by Onkologie-2000 (Czech Republic). Effort was first focused on the theoretical understanding of slow extraction and the techniques required to produce a smooth beam spill for the conformal treatment of complex-shaped tumours with a sub-millimetre accuracy by active scanning with proton and carbon ion beams. Considerations for passive scanning were also included. The more general and theoretical aspects of the study are recorded in Part I and the more specific technical design considerations are presented in a second volume Part II. The PIMMS team started their work in January 1996 in the PS Division and continued for a period of three years