4,164 research outputs found

    A collaborative perspective in green construction risk management

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    Many risks existing in the supply chain of green construction projects are poorly managed by traditional non-collaborative approaches leading to problems such as higher prices, inappropriate indoor environment quality, technological failures and legal battles that in turn adversely affect all stakeholders. To reduce the cases of failure in the green construction industry, it is necessary for supply chain (SC) key players to collaboratively identify, analyse and treat risks, considering benefits and concerns of all stakeholders inside the network. This paper presents a method for collaborative risk management to provide informed advice to supply chain stakeholders to manage risks in the green construction industry. Contribution of the proposed collaborative approach is illustrated in a case study carried out in a green construction development project in Melbourne, Australia. The case study introduced in this research is sufficiently robust to provide evidence that collaborative approaches can add value to traditional methods of risk management and presents a modelling and analysis framework for assessing supply chain risks in the green construction

    Information technology and performance management for build-to-order supply chains

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    En las siguientes líneas se plantea un artículo de reflexión que tiene en cuenta parte del marco teórico que sustenta la investigación titulada “Prácticas pedagógicas que promueven la competencia argumentativa escrita (CAE) en niños campesinos de los grados 4° y 5° del Centro Educativo Municipal La Caldera, Sede Principal de Pasto”, desarrollada en el año 2012. En él se contemplan los aportes de las ciencias del lenguaje y la comunicación, la teoría de la argumentación, la didáctica de la lengua escrita y los géneros discursivos, que dan cuenta de la necesidad de desarrollar la capacidad crítica en los estudiantes a través de la argumentación, lo cual implica transformar las prácticas pedagógicas para que se alejen de la transmisión de conocimientos y den paso a la comunicación, para que la palabra escrita sea apropiada de manera significativa

    Identifying System Patterns to Resolve Challenges in the Test and Evaluation Operation

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    This research focuses on identification and description of patterns used in Test and Evaluation (T&E) operations. Patterns are defined as named and well-known problem/solution pairs that can be applied in new contexts, with advice on how to apply it in a novel situations and discussion of its trade-offs, implementations, and variations. They have a well established and used in software engineering, but have only recently been considered for systems engineering. In the Department of Defense (DOD), T&E is required for all acquisitions prior to transitioning into operations. As identified and described in this thesis, each of the patterns fits in one of the three categories: behavioral, creational, and functional. The research has identified eight named patterns to include: primary pattern, objective pattern, cost estimating pattern, scheduling pattern, risk management pattern, work acceptance process pattern, hazard control pattern, and test team pattern. The implementation of patterns by Department of Defense is expected to alleviate some of the common challenges encountered during T&E, provide a consistent higher quality and expectation, as well as efficiently use test infrastructure and personnel resources

    New Zealand Building Project Cost and Its Influential Factors: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

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    Construction industry significantly contributes to New Zealand's economic development. However, the delivery of construction projects is usually plagued by cost overruns, which turn potentially successful projects into money-losing ventures, resulting in various other unexpected negative impacts. The objectives of the study were to identify, classify, and assess the impacts of the factors affecting project cost in New Zealand. The proposed research model was examined with structural equation modelling. Recognising the lack of a systematic approach for assessing the influencing factors associated with project cost, this study identified 30 influencing factors from various sources and quantified their relative impacts. The research data were gathered through a questionnaire survey circulated across New Zealand construction industry. A total of 283 responses were received, with a 37% response rate. A model was developed for testing the relationship between project cost and the influential factors. The proposed research model was examined with structural equation modelling (SEM). According to the results of the analysis, market and industry conditions factor has the most significant effect on project cost, while regulatory regime is the second-most significant influencing factor, followed by key stakeholders' perspectives. The findings can improve project cost performance through the identification and evaluation of the cost-influencing factors. The results of such analysis enable industry professionals to better understand cost-related risks in the complex environment

    Managing project scope creep in construction industry

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    Purpose Project scope creep is a nightmare and nearly intolerable task. Most project managers struggle to curtail the expanse and degree of scope creep. This study examines different likely project scope creep factors associated with the construction industry projects. Design/methodology/approach After many brainstorming sessions with construction stakeholders, several project scope creep factors were identified. Then, a detailed survey was executed in big construction projects of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Findings The results derived and validated five conspicuous factors leading to project scope creep. Respectively, the highest and the lowest impact on project scope appears to be imposed by tasks/specifications and complexity/uncertainty. Practical implications It offers crucial support to the project stakeholders in scrutinizing different factors that stand as hurdles to project success and allows them to seek remedies to resolve them. Originality/value It is among the first study in the region that identifies and validates the factors that hinder construction project success.©2022 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Purchasing and cost overruns in ETO projects

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    Establishing a Relationship Model of Project Finance Factors Influencing Economic Development: Case Study of Abu Dhabi Economic Department

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    Project finance plays a key role in supporting UAE's infrastructure projects, driving economic growth and job creation. This financing approach isolates project funding from a sponsor's corporate debt, simplifying investment tracking and reducing the risk of underinvestment due to excessive debt. Nevertheless, it faces challenges from government regulations, political factors, environmental concerns, and complex procedures. Thus, this paper presents a study to investigate the relationship between project finance factors and economic development indicators. The relationship is translated to a PLS-SEM model development and assessment. To develop the model, the study adopted quantitative research approach where the data for the model was collected through a questionnaire survey using judgmental sampling for convenience. The sample size for the model is from 269 respondents, who are the employees in the Economic Department workforce in Abu Dhabi. The model's development and evaluation were conducted using SmartPLS software. The evaluation encompassed two stages: measurement and structural components, with the model successfully meeting all evaluation criteria. The results of hypothesis testing revealed that the relationships between Project Scope and Identifying Risk constructs with Economic Development construct are statistically significant with the strength 0f 0.520 and 0.227 respectively. Unfortunately, the relationships between Market Entry Strategy and Origination Capabilities with Economic Development are not statistically significant. In terms of model’s goodness of fit, the model demonstrated a substantial overall explanatory power with GoF values of 0.667. While, the model’s predictive relevancy with Q² value is 0.443, indicating how well the model can forecast economic development. In suggesting that the model explains approximately 44.3% of the variability in economic development. The findings of this study hold potential benefits for Economic Department employees dealing with project finance challenge

    A Systematic Mapping of Factors Affecting Accuracy of Software Development Effort Estimation

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    Software projects often do not meet their scheduling and budgeting targets. Inaccurate estimates are often responsible for this mismatch. This study investigates extant research on factors that affect accuracy of software development effort estimation. The purpose is to synthesize existing knowledge, propose directions for future research, and improve estimation accuracy in practice. A systematic mapping study (a comprehensive review of existing research) is conducted to identify such factors and their impact on estimation accuracy. Thirty-two factors assigned to four categories (estimation process, estimator’s characteristics, project to be estimated, and external context) are identified in a variety of research studies. Although the significant impact of several factors has been shown, results are limited by the lack of insight into the extent of these impacts. Our results imply a shift in research focus and design to gather more in-depth insights. Moreover, our results emphasize the need to argue for specific design decisions to enable a better understanding of possible influences of the study design on the credibility of the results. For software developers, our results provide a useful map to check the assumptions that undergird their estimates, to build comprehensive experience databases, and to adequately staff design projects