135 research outputs found

    The Rat Genome Database (RGD): developments towards a phenome database

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    The Rat Genome Database (RGD) (http://rgd.mcw.edu) aims to meet the needs of its community by providing genetic and genomic infrastructure while also annotating the strengths of rat research: biochemistry, nutrition, pharmacology and physiology. Here, we report on RGD's development towards creating a phenome database. Recent developments can be categorized into three groups. (i) Improved data collection and integration to match increased volume and biological scope of research. (ii) Knowledge representation augmented by the implementation of a new ontology and annotation system. (iii) The addition of quantitative trait loci data, from rat, mouse and human to our advanced comparative genomics tools, as well as the creation of new, and enhancement of existing, tools to enable users to efficiently browse and survey research data. The emphasis is on helping researchers find genes responsible for disease through the use of rat models. These improvements, combined with the genomic sequence of the rat, have led to a successful year at RGD with over two million page accesses that represent an over 4-fold increase in a year. Future plans call for increased annotation of biological information on the rat elucidated through its use as a model for human pathobiology. The continued development of toolsets will facilitate integration of these data into the context of rat genomic sequence, as well as allow comparisons of biological and genomic data with the human genomic sequence and of an increasing number of organisms

    TRANSFAC(Ā®) and its module TRANSCompel(Ā®): transcriptional gene regulation in eukaryotes

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    The TRANSFAC(Ā®) database on transcription factors, their binding sites, nucleotide distribution matrices and regulated genes as well as the complementing database TRANSCompel(Ā®) on composite elements have been further enhanced on various levels. A new web interface with different search options and integrated versions of Matchā„¢ and Patchā„¢ provides increased functionality for TRANSFAC(Ā®). The list of databases which are linked to the common GENE table of TRANSFAC(Ā®) and TRANSCompel(Ā®) has been extended by: Ensembl, UniGene, EntrezGene, HumanPSDā„¢ and TRANSPROā„¢. Standard gene names from HGNC, MGI and RGD, are included for human, mouse and rat genes, respectively. With the help of InterProScan, Pfam, SMART and PROSITE domains are assigned automatically to the protein sequences of the transcription factors. TRANSCompel(Ā®) contains now, in addition to the COMPEL table, a separate table for detailed information on the experimental EVIDENCE on which the composite elements are based. Finally, for TRANSFAC(Ā®), in respect of data growth, in particular the gain of Drosophila transcription factor binding sites (by courtesy of the Drosophila DNase I footprint database) and of Arabidopsis factors (by courtesy of DATF, Database of Arabidopsis Transcription Factors) has to be stressed. The here described public releases, TRANSFAC(Ā®) 7.0 and TRANSCompel(Ā®) 7.0, are accessible under

    T2D-Db: An integrated platform to study the molecular basis of Type 2 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a non insulin dependent, complex trait disease that develops due to genetic predisposition and environmental factors. The advanced stage in type 2 diabetes mellitus leads to several micro and macro vascular complications like nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, heart related problems etc. Studies performed on the genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology of this disease to understand the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus has led to the generation of a surfeit of data on candidate genes and related aspects. The research is highly progressive towards defining the exact etiology of this disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>T2D-Db (Type 2 diabetes Database) is a comprehensive web resource, which provides integrated and curated information on almost all known molecular components involved in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the three widely studied mammals namely human, mouse and rat. Information on candidate genes, SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in candidate genes or candidate regions, genome wide association studies (GWA), tissue specific gene expression patterns, EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) data, expression information from microarray data, pathways, protein-protein interactions and disease associated risk factors or complications have been structured in this on line resource.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Information available in T2D-Db provides an integrated platform for the better molecular level understanding of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its pathogenesis. Importantly, the resource facilitates graphical presentation of the gene/genome wide map of SNP markers and protein-protein interaction networks, besides providing the heat map diagram of the selected gene(s) in an organism across microarray expression experiments from either single or multiple studies. These features aid to the data interpretation in an integrative way. T2D-Db is to our knowledge the first publicly available resource that can cater to the needs of researchers working on different aspects of type 2 diabetes mellitus.</p

    methBLAST and methPrimerDB: web-tools for PCR based methylation analysis

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation plays an important role in development and tumorigenesis by epigenetic modification and silencing of critical genes. The development of PCR-based methylation assays on bisulphite modified DNA heralded a breakthrough in speed and sensitivity for gene methylation analysis. Despite this technological advancement, these approaches require a cumbersome gene by gene primer design and experimental validation. Bisulphite DNA modification results in sequence alterations (all unmethylated cytosines are converted into uracils) and a general sequence complexity reduction as cytosines become underrepresented. Consequently, standard BLAST sequence homology searches cannot be applied to search for specific methylation primers. RESULTS: To address this problem we developed methBLAST, a sequence similarity search program, based on the original BLAST algorithm but querying in silico bisulphite modified genome sequences to evaluate oligonucleotide sequence similarities. Apart from the primer specificity analysis tool, we have also developed a public database termed methPrimerDB for the storage and retrieval of validated PCR based methylation assays. The web interface allows free public access to perform methBLAST searches or database queries and to submit user based information. Database records can be searched by gene symbol, nucleotide sequence, analytical method used, Entrez Gene or methPrimerDB identifier, and submitter's name. Each record contains a link to Entrez Gene and PubMed to retrieve additional information on the gene, its genomic context and the article in which the methylation assay was described. To assure and maintain data integrity and accuracy, the database is linked to other reference databases. Currently, the database contains primer records for the most popular PCR-based methylation analysis methods to study human, mouse and rat epigenetic modifications. methPrimerDB and methBLAST are available at and . CONCLUSION: We have developed two integrated and freely available web-tools for PCR based methylation analysis. methBLAST allows in silico assessment of primer specificity in PCR based methylation assays that can be stored in the methPrimerDB database, which provides a search portal for validated methylation assays

    The anatomy of phenotype ontologies: principles, properties and applications

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    The past decade has seen an explosion in the collection of genotype data in domains as diverse as medicine, ecology, livestock and plant breeding. Along with this comes the challenge of dealing with the related phenotype data, which is not only large but also highly multidimensional. Computational analysis of phenotypes has therefore become critical for our ability to understand the biological meaning of genomic data in the biological sciences. At the heart of computational phenotype analysis are the phenotype ontologies. A large number of these ontologies have been developed across many domains, and we are now at a point where the knowledge captured in the structure of these ontologies can be used for the integration and analysis of large interrelated data sets. The Phenotype And Trait Ontology framework provides a method for formal definitions of phenotypes and associated data sets and has proved to be key to our ability to develop methods for the integration and analysis of phenotype data. Here, we describe the development and products of the ontological approach to phenotype capture, the formal content of phenotype ontologies and how their content can be used computationally.The National Science Foundation (IOS:1340112 to G.V.G.), the European Commission H2020 (grant agreement number 731075) to G.V.G. and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (to R.H.)

    TRANSPATH(Ā®): an information resource for storing and visualizing signaling pathways and their pathological aberrations

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    TRANSPATH(Ā®) is a database about signal transduction events. It provides information about signaling molecules, their reactions and the pathways these reactions constitute. The representation of signaling molecules is organized in a number of orthogonal hierarchies reflecting the classification of the molecules, their species-specific or generic features, and their post-translational modifications. Reactions are similarly hierarchically organized in a three-layer architecture, differentiating between reactions that are evidenced by individual publications, generalizations of these reactions to construct species-independent ā€˜reference pathwaysā€™ and the ā€˜semantic projectionsā€™ of these pathways. A number of search and browse options allow easy access to the database contents, which can be visualized with the tool PathwayBuilderā„¢. The module PathoSign adds data about pathologically relevant mutations in signaling components, including their genotypes and phenotypes. TRANSPATH(Ā®) and PathoSign can be used as encyclopaedia, in the educational process, for vizualization and modeling of signal transduction networks and for the analysis of gene expression data. TRANSPATH(Ā®) Public 6.0 is freely accessible for users from non-profit organizations under

    T1DBase: integration and presentation of complex data for type 1 diabetes research

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    T1DBase () [Smink et al. (2005) Nucleic Acids Res., 33, D544ā€“D549; Burren et al. (2004) Hum. Genomics, 1, 98ā€“109] is a public website and database that supports the type 1 diabetes (T1D) research community. T1DBase provides a consolidated T1D-oriented view of the complex data world that now confronts medical researchers and enables scientists to navigate from information they know to information that is new to them. Overview pages for genes and markers summarize information for these elements. The Gene Dossier summarizes information for a list of genes. GBrowse [Stein et al. (2002) Genome Res., 10, 1599ā€“1610] displays genes and other features in their genomic context, and Cytoscape [Shannon et al. (2003) Genome Res., 13, 2498ā€“2504] shows genes in the context of interacting proteins and genes. The Beta Cell Gene Atlas shows gene expression in Ī² cells, islets, and related cell types and lines, and the Tissue Expression Viewer shows expression across other tissues. The Microarray Viewer shows expression from more than 20 array experiments. The Beta Cell Gene Expression Bank contains manually curated gene and pathway annotations for genes expressed in Ī² cells. T1DMart is a query tool for markers and genotypes. PosterPages are ā€˜home pagesā€™ about specific topics or datasets. The key challenge, now and in the future, is to provide powerful informatics capabilities to T1D scientists in a form they can use to enhance their research

    The RIKEN integrated database of mammals

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    The RIKEN integrated database of mammals (http://scinets.org/db/mammal) is the official undertaking to integrate its mammalian databases produced from multiple large-scale programs that have been promoted by the institute. The database integrates not only RIKENā€™s original databases, such as FANTOM, the ENU mutagenesis program, the RIKEN Cerebellar Development Transcriptome Database and the Bioresource Database, but also imported data from public databases, such as Ensembl, MGI and biomedical ontologies. Our integrated database has been implemented on the infrastructure of publication medium for databases, termed SciNetS/SciNeS, or the Scientistsā€™ Networking System, where the data and metadata are structured as a semantic web and are downloadable in various standardized formats. The top-level ontology-based implementation of mammal-related data directly integrates the representative knowledge and individual data records in existing databases to ensure advanced cross-database searches and reduced unevenness of the data management operations. Through the development of this database, we propose a novel methodology for the development of standardized comprehensive management of heterogeneous data sets in multiple databases to improve the sustainability, accessibility, utility and publicity of the data of biomedical information

    AnimalQTLdb: a livestock QTL database tool set for positional QTL information mining and beyond

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    The Animal Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) database (AnimalQTLdb) is designed to house all publicly available QTL data on livestock animal species from which researchers can easily locate and compare QTL within species. The database tools are also added to link the QTL data to other types of genomic information, such as radiation hybrid (RH) maps, finger printed contig (FPC) physical maps, linkage maps and comparative maps to the human genome, etc. Currently, this database contains data on 1287 pig, 630 cattle and 657 chicken QTL, which are dynamically linked to respective RH, FPC and human comparative maps. We plan to apply the tool to other animal species, and add more structural genome information for alignment, in an attempt to aid comparative structural genome studies ()
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