17 research outputs found

    The RPC Calculus

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    Several recent language designs have offered a unified language for programming a distributed system, with explicit notation of locations; we call these “location-aware” languages. These languages provide constructs allowing the programmer to control the location (the choice of host, for example) where a piece of code should run, which can be useful for security or performance reasons. On the other hand, a central mantra of WWW system engineering prescribes that web servers should be “stateless”: that no “session state” should be maintained on behalf of individual clients—that is, no state that pertains to the particular point of the interaction at which a client program resides. Many implementations of locationaware languages are not at home on the web: they hold some kind of client-specific state on the server. We show how to implement a symmetrical location-aware language on top of a stateless server

    A Polymorphic RPC Calculus

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    The RPC calculus is a simple semantic foundation for multi-tier programming languages such as Links in which located functions can be written for the client-server model. Subsequently, the typed RPC calculus is designed to capture the location information of functions by types and to drive location type-directed slicing compilations. However, the use of locations is currently limited to monomorphic ones, which is one of the gaps to overcome to put into practice the theory of RPC calculi for client-server model. This paper proposes a polymorphic RPC calculus to allow programmers to write succinct multi-tier programs using polymorphic location constructs. Then the polymorphic multi-tier programs can be automatically translated into programs only containing location constants amenable to the existing slicing compilation methods. We formulate a type system for the polymorphic RPC calculus, and prove its type soundness. Also, we design a monomorphization translation together with proofs on its type and semantic correctness for the translation.Comment: SBMF-Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods 201

    Using Links to prototype a Database Wiki

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    Both relational databases and wikis have strengths that make them attractive for use in collaborative applications. In the last decade, database-backed Web applications have been used extensively to develop valuable shared biological references called curated databases. Databases offer many advantages such as scalability, query optimization and concurrency control, but are not easy to use and lack other features needed for collaboration. Wikis have become very popular for early-stage biocuration projects because they are easy to use, encourage sharing and collaboration, and provide built-in support for archiving, history-tracking and annotation. However, curation projects often outgrow the limited capabilities of wikis for structuring and efficiently querying data at scale, necessitating a painful phase transition to a database-backed Web application. We perceive a need for a new class of general-purpose system, which we call a Database Wiki, that combines flexible wiki-like support for collaboration with robust database-like capabilities for structuring and querying data. This paper presents DBWiki, a design prototype for such a system written in the Web programming language Links. We present the architecture, typical use, and wiki markup language design for DBWiki and discuss features of Links that provided unique advantages for rapid Web/database application prototyping

    Pirouette: {H}igher-Order Typed Functional Choreographies

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    Towards native higher-order remote procedure calls

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    We present a new abstract machine, called DCESH, which mod-els the execution of higher-order programs running in distributed architectures. DCESH implements a native general remote higher-order function call across node boundaries. It is a modernised ver-sion of SECD enriched with specialised communication features required for implementing the remote procedure call mechanism. The key correctness result is that the termination behaviour of the remote procedure call is indistinguishable (bisimilar) to that of a local call. The correctness proofs and the requisite definitions for DCESH and other related abstract machines are formalised using Agda. We also formalise a generic transactional mechanism for transparently handling failure in DCESHs. We use the DCESH as a target architecture for compiling a conventional call-by-value functional language ("Floskel") whic

    A Typed Slicing Compilation of the Polymorphic RPC Calculus

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    The polymorphic RPC calculus allows programmers to write succinct multitier programs using polymorphic location constructs. However, until now it lacked an implementation. We develop an experimental programming language based on the polymorphic RPC calculus. We introduce a polymorphic Client-Server (CS) calculus with the client and server parts separated. In contrast to existing untyped CS calculi, our calculus is not only able to resolve polymorphic locations statically, but it is also able to do so dynamically. We design a type-based slicing compilation of the polymorphic RPC calculus into this CS calculus, proving type and semantic correctness. We propose a method to erase types unnecessary for execution but retaining locations at runtime by translating the polymorphic CS calculus into an untyped CS calculus, proving semantic correctness.Comment: A long version of PPDP 2021 (23rd International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming

    Multiparty Languages: The Choreographic and Multitier Cases (Pearl)

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    Choreographic languages aim to express multiparty communication protocols, by providing primitives that make interaction manifest. Multitier languages enable programming computation that spans across several tiers of a distributed system, by supporting primitives that allow computation to change the location of execution. Rooted into different theoretical underpinnings - respectively process calculi and lambda calculus - the two paradigms have been investigated independently by different research communities with little or no contact. As a result, the link between the two paradigms has remained hidden for long. In this paper, we show that choreographic languages and multitier languages are surprisingly similar. We substantiate our claim by isolating the core abstractions that differentiate the two approaches and by providing algorithms that translate one into the other in a straightforward way. We believe that this work paves the way for joint research and cross-fertilisation among the two communities

    Ur/Web: A Simple Model for Programming the Web

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    The World Wide Web has evolved gradually from a document delivery platform to an architecture for distributed programming. This largely unplanned evolution is apparent in the set of interconnected languages and protocols that any Web application must manage. This paper presents Ur/Web, a domain-specific, statically typed functional programming language with a much simpler model for programming modern Web applications. Ur/Web's model is unified, where programs in a single programming language are compiled to other "Web standards" languages as needed; modular, supporting novel kinds of encapsulation of Web-specific state; and exposes simple concurrency, where programmers can reason about distributed, multithreaded applications via a mix of transactions and cooperative preemption. We give a tutorial introduction to the main features of Ur/Web, formalize the basic programming model with operational semantics, and discuss the language implementation and the production Web applications that use it.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1217501

    Séparation des couleurs dans un lambda-calcul bichrome

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    National audienceDans cet article nous introduisons un λ-calcul bichrome pour expliciter une partie de l'évaluation d'un terme en précisant la localité du calcul1. L'intérêt est alors de pouvoir définir une transformation, par β-expansion, qui regroupe les expressions de même couleur. Les propriétés de correction, de terminaison et de confluence de cette transformation sont démontrées 'a l'aide de l'assistant de preuves Coq. Cette transformation est indépendante de la sémantique de communication et de synchronisation de l'application. On s'intéresse alors aux applications utilisant deux unités de calcul comme les couples client-serveur de la programmation Web. Nous abordons le passage à un λ-calcul à plus de deux couleurs et montrons les difficultés que cela engendre