3,609 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace-vehicle Design (IPAD) system. Volume 6: Implementation schedule, development costs, operational costs, benefit assessment, impact on company organization, spin-off assessment, phase 1, tasks 3 to 8

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    A baseline implementation plan, including alternative implementation approaches for critical software elements and variants to the plan, was developed. The basic philosophy was aimed at: (1) a progressive release of capability for three major computing systems, (2) an end product that was a working tool, (3) giving participation to industry, government agencies, and universities, and (4) emphasizing the development of critical elements of the IPAD framework software. The results of these tasks indicate an IPAD first release capability 45 months after go-ahead, a five year total implementation schedule, and a total developmental cost of 2027 man-months and 1074 computer hours. Several areas of operational cost increases were identified mainly due to the impact of additional equipment needed and additional computer overhead. The benefits of an IPAD system were related mainly to potential savings in engineering man-hours, reduction of design-cycle calendar time, and indirect upgrading of product quality and performance

    The effect of team programming on student achievement in COBOL instruction

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    As computing systems, technology and the use thereof become more mature, new skills are being suggested for improving computer programming efficiency. Two of these skills are the use of structured programming and team programming. The subjects of this study of the effect of team programming were students enrolled in an introductory COBOL programming course at the University of Wisconsin--La Crosse during the Spring and Fall semesters of 1980. The subjects were divided into a control group who wrote programs in the traditional individualized manner and an experimental group who wrote programs in teams of three. Both groups used structured programming techniques. Student achievement was measured in the areas of knowledge of grammatical structure and syntax rules, the ability to read programs, and the ability to write programs. Data collected from the students included the score on the pretest, the average programming score, the score on the final exam, and the course grade;Results of the study indicate that those students involved in team programming had significantly better programming scores than the control group, showed moderately lower achievement in the areas of knowledge of grammatical structure and syntax, and showed no difference in achievement in the ability to read programs or in the ability to write programs. Those students involved in team programming not only had better programming scores but spent less time than those students working individually;Based on this study, it appears that the needs of industry (skill development in the area of team programming) can possibly be met without detracting from the student\u27s development of reading and writing abilities in traditional courses. However, team programming may detract from the student\u27s learning of syntax and the development of reading abilities

    Complex adaptive systems based data integration : theory and applications

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    Data Definition Languages (DDLs) have been created and used to represent data in programming languages and in database dictionaries. This representation includes descriptions in the form of data fields and relations in the form of a hierarchy, with the common exception of relational databases where relations are flat. Network computing created an environment that enables relatively easy and inexpensive exchange of data. What followed was the creation of new DDLs claiming better support for automatic data integration. It is uncertain from the literature if any real progress has been made toward achieving an ideal state or limit condition of automatic data integration. This research asserts that difficulties in accomplishing integration are indicative of socio-cultural systems in general and are caused by some measurable attributes common in DDLs. This research’s main contributions are: (1) a theory of data integration requirements to fully support automatic data integration from autonomous heterogeneous data sources; (2) the identification of measurable related abstract attributes (Variety, Tension, and Entropy); (3) the development of tools to measure them. The research uses a multi-theoretic lens to define and articulate these attributes and their measurements. The proposed theory is founded on the Law of Requisite Variety, Information Theory, Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory, Sowa’s Meaning Preservation framework and Zipf distributions of words and meanings. Using the theory, the attributes, and their measures, this research proposes a framework for objectively evaluating the suitability of any data definition language with respect to degrees of automatic data integration. This research uses thirteen data structures constructed with various DDLs from the 1960\u27s to date. No DDL examined (and therefore no DDL similar to those examined) is designed to satisfy the law of requisite variety. No DDL examined is designed to support CAS evolutionary processes that could result in fully automated integration of heterogeneous data sources. There is no significant difference in measures of Variety, Tension, and Entropy among DDLs investigated in this research. A direction to overcome the common limitations discovered in this research is suggested and tested by proposing GlossoMote, a theoretical mathematically sound description language that satisfies the data integration theory requirements. The DDL, named GlossoMote, is not merely a new syntax, it is a drastic departure from existing DDL constructs. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated with a small scale experiment and evaluated using the proposed assessment framework and other means. The promising results require additional research to evaluate GlossoMote’s approach commercial use potential

    Pragmatic cost estimation for web applications

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    Cost estimation for web applications is an interesting and difficult challenge for researchers and industrial practitioners. It is a particularly valuable area of ongoing commercial research. Attaining on accurate cost estimation for web applications is an essential element in being able to provide competitive bids and remaining successful in the market. The development of prediction techniques over thirty years ago has contributed to several different strategies. Unfortunately there is no collective evidence to give substantial advice or guidance for industrial practitioners. Therefore to address this problem, this thesis shows the way by investigating the characteristics of the dataset by combining the literature review and industrial survey findings. The results of the systematic literature review, industrial survey and an initial investigation, have led to an understanding that dataset characteristics may influence the cost estimation prediction techniques. From this, an investigation was carried out on dataset characteristics. However, in the attempt to structure the characteristics of dataset it was found not to be practical or easy to get a defined structure of dataset characteristics to use as a basis for prediction model selection. Therefore the thesis develops a pragmatic cost estimation strategy based on collected advice and general sound practice in cost estimation. The strategy is composed of the following five steps: test whether the predictions are better than the means of the dataset; test the predictions using accuracy measures such as MMRE, Pred and MAE knowing their strengths and weaknesses; investigate the prediction models formed to see if they are sensible and reasonable model; perform significance testing on the predictions; and get the effect size to establish preference relations of prediction models. The results from this pragmatic cost estimation strategy give not only advice on several techniques to choose from, but also give reliable results. Practitioners can be more confident about the estimation that is given by following this pragmatic cost estimation strategy. It can be concluded that the practitioners should focus on the best strategy to apply in cost estimation rather than focusing on the best techniques. Therefore, this pragmatic cost estimation strategy could help researchers and practitioners to get reliable results. The improvement and replication of this strategy over time will produce much more useful and trusted results.Cost estimation for web applications is an interesting and difficult challenge for researchers and industrial practitioners. It is a particularly valuable area of ongoing commercial research. Attaining on accurate cost estimation for web applications is an essential element in being able to provide competitive bids and remaining successful in the market. The development of prediction techniques over thirty years ago has contributed to several different strategies. Unfortunately there is no collective evidence to give substantial advice or guidance for industrial practitioners. Therefore to address this problem, this thesis shows the way by investigating the characteristics of the dataset by combining the literature review and industrial survey findings. The results of the systematic literature review, industrial survey and an initial investigation, have led to an understanding that dataset characteristics may influence the cost estimation prediction techniques. From this, an investigation was carried out on dataset characteristics. However, in the attempt to structure the characteristics of dataset it was found not to be practical or easy to get a defined structure of dataset characteristics to use as a basis for prediction model selection. Therefore the thesis develops a pragmatic cost estimation strategy based on collected advice and general sound practice in cost estimation. The strategy is composed of the following five steps: test whether the predictions are better than the means of the dataset; test the predictions using accuracy measures such as MMRE, Pred and MAE knowing their strengths and weaknesses; investigate the prediction models formed to see if they are sensible and reasonable model; perform significance testing on the predictions; and get the effect size to establish preference relations of prediction models. The results from this pragmatic cost estimation strategy give not only advice on several techniques to choose from, but also give reliable results. Practitioners can be more confident about the estimation that is given by following this pragmatic cost estimation strategy. It can be concluded that the practitioners should focus on the best strategy to apply in cost estimation rather than focusing on the best techniques. Therefore, this pragmatic cost estimation strategy could help researchers and practitioners to get reliable results. The improvement and replication of this strategy over time will produce much more useful and trusted results

    Programming language trends : an empirical study

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    Predicting the evolution of software engineering technology trends is a dubious proposition. The recent evolution of software technology is a prime example; it is fast paced and affected by many factors, which are themselves driven by a wide range of sources. This dissertation is part of a long term project intended to analyze software engineering technology trends and how they evolve. Basically, the following questions will be answered: How to watch, predict, adapt to, and affect software engineering trends? In this dissertation, one field of software engineering, programming languages, will be discussed. After reviewing the history of a group of programming languages, it shows that two kinds of factors, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, could affect the evolution of a programming language. Intrinsic factors are the factors that can be used to describe the general desigu criteria of programming languages. Extrinsic factors are the factors that are not directly related to the general attributes of programming languages, but still can affect their evolution. In order to describe the relationship of these factors and how they affect programming language trends, these factors need to be quantified. A score has been assigued to each factor for every programming language. By collecting historical data, a data warehouse has been established, which stores the value of each factor for every programming language. The programming language trends are described and evaluated by using these data. Empirical research attempts to capture observed behaviors by empirical laws. In this dissertation, statistical methods are used to describe historical programming language trends and predict the evolution of the future trends. Several statistics models are constructed to describe the relationships among these factors. Canonical correlation is used to do the factor analysis. Multivariate multiple regression method has been used to construct the statistics models for programming language trends. After statistics models are constructed to describe the historical programming language trends, they are extended to do tentative prediction for future trends. The models are validated by comparing the predictive data and the actual data
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