162 research outputs found

    Implementasi Digital Rights Management pada Media-Streaming sebagai Pelindung Data Digital

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    Pembajakan pada konten digital saat ini sudah menyebabkan kerugian pada beberapa Perusahaan recording company atau production house. Digital Rights Management (DRM) merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menghentikan pembajakan. DRM dapat berperan untuk memberikan pilihan untuk mengkontrol dalam penggunaan hak cipta dari sebuah konten digital. Pada system ini, DRM diintegrasikan dengan algoritma kriptografi untuk mengamankan pesan khususnya dalam pengiriman dan penerimaan data streaming. Sistem serial key dan authentication key dirancang untuk membangun system kerja DRM. Kedua kunci ini memberikan kemampuan kepada sebuah server untuk mengenali jenis client yang menggunakan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh server. Fasilitas yang diberikan kepada setiap tipe client berbeda sesuai dengan tipe client itu sendiri. Sistem DRM dapat dibentuk dengan menerapkan system yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini yang membutuhkan dua kunci tambahan sebagai media verifikasi client. Pemilahan jenis pengguna dan data berdasarkan kunci serial dan kunci autentikasi dapat berjalan 100% berdasarkan pengujian fungsional. Jumlah frame maksimum yang dapat diacak dalam sistem ini adalah 2070 frame. Hasil kemiripan dari hasil pengembalian data acak didapatkan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner dan mendapatkan nilai 2,59 dari skala 4 yang berarti hasil pengembalian data dapat dikatakan mirip

    Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations

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    The INDICARE project – the Informed Dialogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe – has been set up to raise awareness about consumer and user issues of Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions. One of the main goals of the INDICARE project is to contribute to the consensus-building among multiple players with heterogeneous interests in the digital environment. To promote this process and to contribute to the creation of a common level of understanding is the aim of the present report. It provides an overview of consumer concerns and expectations regarding DRMs, and discusses the findings from a social, legal, technical and business perspective. A general overview of the existing EC initiatives shows that questions of consumer acceptability of DRM have only recently begun to draw wider attention. A review of the relevant statements, studies and reports confirms that awareness of consumer concerns is still at a low level. Five major categories of concerns have been distinguished so far: (1) fair conditions of use and access to digital content, (2) privacy, (3) interoperability, (4) transparency and (5) various aspects of consumer friendliness. From the legal point of view, many of the identified issues go beyond the scope of copyright law, i.e. the field of law where DRM was traditionally discussed. Often they are a matter of general or sector-specific consumer protection law. Furthermore, it is still unclear to what extent technology and an appropriate design of technical solutions can provide an answer to some of the concerns of consumers. One goal of the technical chapter was exactly to highlight some of these technical possibilities. Finally, it is shown that consumer acceptability of DRM is important for the economic success of different business models based on DRM. Fair and responsive DRM design can be a profitable strategy, however DRM-free alternatives do exist too.Digital Rights Management; consumers; Intellectual property; business models

    The relationship between copyright and contract law

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    Contracts lie at the heart of the regulatory system governing the creation and dissemination of cultural products in two respects: (1) The exclusive rights provided by copyright law only turn into financial reward, and thus incentives to creators, through a contract with a third party to exploit protected material. (2) From a user perspective purchases of protected material may take the form of a licensing contract, governing behaviour after the initial transaction. Thus, a review of the relationship between copyright and contract law has to address both supply- and demand-side issues. On the supply side, policy concerns include whether copyright law delivers the often stated aim of securing the financial independence of creators. Particularly acute are the complaints by both creators and producers that they fail to benefit from the exponential increase in the availability of copyright materials on the Internet. On the demand side, the issue of copyright exceptions and their policy justification has become central to a number of reviews and consultations dealing with digital content. Are exceptions based on user needs or market failure? Do exceptions require financial compensation? Can exceptions be contracted out by licence agreements? This report (i) reviews economic theory of contracts, value chains and transaction costs, (ii) identifies a comprehensive range of regulatory options relating to creator and user contracts, using an international comparative approach, (iii) surveys the empirical evidence on the effects of regulatory intervention, and (iv) where no evidence is available, extrapolates predicted effects from theory

    Anticircumvention and Anti-anticircumvention

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    In today\u27s debate on digital rights management systems, there is a considerable divide between the rights holders, their investors and representatives on the one hand and academics, consumer advocates, and civil libertarians on the other. These two groups often talk past each other, concocting their own doomsday scenarios while arguing for laws and policies that vindicate their positions. Unfortunately, neither side has sufficient empirical evidence to either support its position or disprove its rivals\u27. As the digital economy grows, the debate intensifies, and the divide between the two sides widens. Today, there has emerged an urgent need to find the common ground on this very divisive issue. Published as part of the Inaugural Summit on Intellectual Property and Digital Media, this article begins by examining the positions taken by the proponents and critics of DRM systems and related laws. It then focuses on anticircumvention laws, highlighting their harms at both the domestic and international levels. Contending that an unbalanced international anticircumvention regime is more harmful than its domestic counterpart, this article calls for countries, in particular less developed countries, to be more cautious about the ratification and subsequent implementation of the WIPO Internet Treaties. This article concludes with four observations which provide insight into the development of the next generation of DRM systems and the supporting legal regime

    Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Media: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protection, Technological Measures, and New Business Models under EU and U.S. Law

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    The production of digital content is a phenomenon which has completely changed the conditions of access to knowledge. Within this framework it becomes even more important to find and to formulate a new settlement for intellectual property rights balancing contrasted rights. Owners of the old technology and policy makers have found two different solutions and remedies for intellectual property rights: legal and technological. When both remedies work together any rights that a consumer may have under copyright law could be replaced by a unilaterally defined contractual term and condition. To balance this inequity this article analyses different solutions under U.S. and E.U. law, with particular attention paid to the relationship between contract law and copyright law. Ultimately this article suggests seeing technological protection measures as a souped-up standard form contract, and demonstrates how some business models are able to solve the problem of safe diffusion of digital media

    Implementasi Digital Rights Management pada Media-Streaming Sebagai Pelindung Data Digital

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    Pembajakan pada konten digital saat ini sudah menyebabkan kerugian pada beberapa perusahaan recording company atau production house. Digital Rights Management (DRM) merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menghentikan pembajakan. DRM dapat berperan untuk memberikan pilihan untuk mengkontrol dalam penggunaan hak cipta dari sebuah konten digital. Pada system ini, DRM diintegrasikan dengan algoritma kriptografi untuk mengamankan pesan khususnya dalam pengiriman dan penerimaan data streaming. Sistem serial key dan authentication key dirancang untuk membangun system kerja DRM. Kedua kunci ini memberikan kemampuan kepada sebuah server untuk mengenali jenis client yang menggunakan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh server. Fasilitas yang diberikan kepada setiap tipe client berbeda sesuai dengan tipe client itu sendiri. Sistem DRM dapat dibentuk dengan menerapkan system yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini yang membutuhkan dua kunci tambahan sebagai media verifikasi client. Pemilahan jenis pengguna dan data berdasarkan kunci serial dan kunci autentikasi dapat berjalan 100% berdasarkan pengujian fungsional. Jumlah frame maksimum yang dapat diacak dalam sistem ini adalah 2070 frame. Hasil kemiripan dari hasil pengembalian data acak didapatkan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner dan mendapatkan nilai 2,59 dari skala 4 yang berarti hasil pengembalian data dapat dikatakan mirip

    Architecture is policy! Politische Steuerung durch Technik in digitalen Informations- und Kommunikationsnetzwerken am Beispiel des Einsatzes von Digital Rights Management-Systemen

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    'Gemäß einem umfassenden Verständnis bestehen Digital Rights Management-Systeme aus drei interdependenten Komponenten: Technologische, rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Bestandteile. Aus ihrer Integration in eine soziale Umgebung resultieren vielfältige Interessenkonflikte, die die Steuerung der DRM-Systeme durch das Recht begleiten. Dieser Artikel untersucht aus policy-analytischer Perspektive eine neue Steuerungsstrategie für DRM-Systeme und damit auch für digitale Inhalte. Die konkreten Interessenkonflikte um den Einsatz von DRM-Systemen werden nicht adressiert, um den Rahmen dieses Artikels nicht zu sprengen. Der Artikel befasst sich jedoch mit den Effekten der vorgestellten Steuerungsstrategie auf politische Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse und der Implementation der Strategie in die politische Realität. Das zentrale Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, dem/der LeserIn einen Überblick über diese neue Form politischer Steuerung von digitalen Inhalten zu geben.' (Autorenreferat)'Based upon a found understanding, digital rights management systems (DRM) consist particularly of three interlocking components: technology, law and economics. Due to their integration into a social environment, several conflicts of interests arise that accompany the legal design of DRM systems. This article focuses from a policy-analytical perspective on a new governance strategy for DRM systems and thereby for digital content. This strategy considers the interests of several parties involved. The concrete areas of conflict will not be addressed due to the available space for this article. But it will consider the resulting effects of this strategy on political decision-making processes and real-world implementations of this governance strategy. The primary intention is to provide the reader with an overview of a new governance strategy for digital content.' (author's abstract