4 research outputs found

    The Power-Optimised Software Envelope

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    Advances in processor design have delivered performance improvements for decades. As physical limits are reached, refinements to the same basic technologies are beginning to yield diminishing returns. Unsustainable increases in energy consumption are forcing hardware manufacturers to prioritise energy efficiency in their designs. Research suggests that software modifications may be needed to exploit the resulting improvements in current and future hardware. New tools are required to capitalise on this new class of optimisation. In this paper, we present the Power Optimised Software Envelope (POSE) model, which allows developers to assess the potential benefits of power optimisation for their applications. The POSE model is metric agnostic and in this paper we provide derivations using the established Energy-Delay Product metric and the novel Energy-Delay Sum and Energy-Delay Distance metrics that we believe are more appropriate for energy-aware optimisation efforts. We demonstrate POSE on three platforms by studying the optimisation characteristics of applications from the Mantevo benchmark suite. Our results show that the Pathfinder application has very little scope for power optimisation while TeaLeaf has the most, with all other applications in the benchmark suite falling between the two. Finally, we extend our POSE model with a formulation known as System Summary POSE – a meta-heuristic that allows developers to assess the scope a system has for energy-aware software optimisation independent of the code being run

    Energy-aware performance engineering in high performance computing

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    Advances in processor design have delivered performance improvements for decades. As physical limits are reached, however, refinements to the same basic technologies are beginning to yield diminishing returns. Unsustainable increases in energy consumption are forcing hardware manufacturers to prioritise energy efficiency in their designs. Research suggests that software modifications will be needed to exploit the resulting improvements in current and future hardware. New tools are required to capitalise on this new class of optimisation. This thesis investigates the field of energy-aware performance engineering. It begins by examining the current state of the art, which is characterised by ad-hoc techniques and a lack of standardised metrics. Work in this thesis addresses these deficiencies and lays stable foundations for others to build on. The first contribution made includes a set of criteria which define the properties that energy-aware optimisation metrics should exhibit. These criteria show that current metrics cannot meaningfully assess the utility of code or correctly guide its optimisation. New metrics are proposed to address these issues, and theoretical and empirical proofs of their advantages are given. This thesis then presents the Power Optimised Software Envelope (POSE) model, which allows developers to assess whether power optimisation is worth pursuing for their applications. POSE is used to study the optimisation characteristics of codes from the Mantevo mini-application suite running on a Haswell-based cluster. The results obtained show that of these codes TeaLeaf has the most scope for power optimisation while PathFinder has the least. Finally, POSE modelling techniques are extended to evaluate the system-wide scope for energy-aware performance optimisation. System Summary POSE allows developers to assess the scope a system has for energy-aware software optimisation independent of the code being run

    Metrics for energy-aware software optimisation

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    Energy consumption is rapidly becoming a limiting factor in scientific computing. As a result, hardware manufacturers increasingly prioritise energy efficiency in their processor designs. Performance engineers are also beginning to explore software optimisation and hardware/software co-design as a means to reduce energy consumption. Energy efficiency metrics developed by the hardware community are often re-purposed to guide these software optimisation efforts. In this paper we argue that established metrics, and in particular those in the Energy Delay Product (Etn) family, are unsuitable for energyaware software optimisation. A good metric should provide meaningful values for a single experiment, allow fair comparison between experiments, and drive optimisation in a sensible direction. We show that Etn metrics are unable to fulfil these basic requirements and present suitable alternatives for guiding energy-aware software optimisation. We finish with a practical demonstration of the utility of our proposed metrics

    Higher-order particle representation for a portable unstructured particle-in-cell application

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    As the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) moves towards the era of Exascale computation, computer hardware is becoming increasingly parallel and continues to diversify. As a result, it is now crucial for scientific codes to be able to take advantage of a wide variety of hardware types. Additionally, the growth in compute performance has outpaced the improvement in memory latency and bandwidth; this issue now poses a significant obstacle to performance. This thesis examines these matters in the context of modern plasma physics simulations, specifically those that make use of the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method on unstructured computational grids. Specifically, we begin by documenting the implementation of the particle-based kernels of such a code using a performance portability library to enable the application to run on a variety of modern hardware, including both CPUs and GPUs. The use of hardware specific tuning is also explored, culminating in a 3x speedup of a key component of the core PIC algorithm. We also show that portability is achievable on both single-node machines and production supercomputers of multiple hardware types. This thesis also documents an algorithmic change to particle representation within the same code that improves solution accuracy, and adds compute intensity { an important property where memory bandwidth is limited and the ratio of the amount of computation to memory accesses is low. We conclude the work by comparing the performance of the modified algorithm to the base implementation, where we find that shifting the simulation workload towards computation can improve parallel efficiency by up to 2:5x. While the performance improvements that were hoped for were not achieved, we end this thesis by postulating that the proposed methods will become more viable as compilers and hardware improve