14,228 research outputs found

    Federal Discovery: A Survey of Local Rules and Practices in View of Proposed Changes to the Federal Rules

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    Traditionally, except for the limited role played by pleadings and bills of particulars, the attorney in a law court did not disclose evidentiary matters until trial. A judicial proceeding was a battle of wits rather than a search for the truth, \u27 and thus, each side was protected to a large extent against disclosure of his case until counsel chose to disclose it at trial. This philosophy changed some forty years ago with the introduction of discovery in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In the words of Mr. Justice Murphy, the discovery rules meant that civil trials in the federal courts no longer need be carried on in the dark. The way is now clear, consistent with recognized privileges, for the parties to obtain the fullest possible knowledge of the issues and facts before trial. Or, as another observer saw it, [m]odern instruments of discovery. . . together with pretrial procedures make a trial less a game of blind man\u27s bluff and more a fair contest with the basic issues and facts disclosed to the fullest practicable extent

    Giving Up the Ghost: Alaska Bar Ethics Opinion 93-1 and Undisclosed Attorney Assistance Revisited

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    Twenty years ago, the Alaska Bar Association adopted Ethics Opinion No. 93-1 which permitted attorneys to ghostwrite pleadings and provide other undisclosed services to pro se litigants. The goal of this ethical guidance was to enable attorneys to assist low-income individuals who could not otherwise afford representation. Ethics Opinion No. 93-1 construed ghostwriting broadly as an attorney\u27s undisclosed assistance to a pro se client whether by providing legal advice or drafting pleadings or other documents. This Note argues that, despite the moral allure of its theoretical justifications, ghostwriting is unnecessary, provides little demonstrable benefit to pro se litigants, and potentially conceals the unethical practice of law. Ghostwriting may also confuse the interactions between judges and pro se litigants in a way that works against the pro se party\u27s interests. Specifically, this Note argues that ghostwriting may cause judges to misapprehend pro se litigants\u27 legal understanding and to withdraw prematurely the solicitude those judges are otherwise required to give. Therefore, the Alaska Bar Association should revise its guidance on ghostwriting to require attorneys providing unbundled services to append their Alaska Bar Number on their submissions. This requirement would discourage abuses, enable judges effectively to manage pro se litigants, and still permit experimentation in the unbundled legal market

    Taming Twombly: An Update After Matrixx

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    Taming Twombly: An Update After Matrixx

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    Stockholm is today one of the fastest growing regions in Europe and the demand for housing is increasing by the day. In order to achieve the target of becoming Europe's most attractive metropolitan region the city needs highly educated and skilled labour to satisfy the demand of companies today and in the future. However, the housing situation for students in the Stockholm area is at the moment very bleak. Stockholm is at least 7,000 student housings short and the quetime reaches as high as two years. Despite the lack of housing for students, we can’t see any increase in construction. This means that the students have a difficult time finding somewhere to live which results in that they choose to study elsewhere. In 2009 Boverket said that we must examine alternative solutions for resolving shortage of housing for students. In recent years a couple of projects can be seen in which existing buildings have converted its use from office or shops to student housing. An investigation of how the market views this option has been lacking. This essay aims to examine the student housing market in Stockholm in order to investigate whether conversion of existing buildings is an effective supplement when construction of new housing can’t meet the demand. We have furthermore examined a couple of restraining factors, in order to make the process more effective and finished of by drawing a couple of conclusions. The current planning process is considered to be one of the most restraining factors that leads to the fact that conversion can’t be utilized to its full extent. Lead times are said to be long and the fact that the plan is to detailed and precise makes it difficult to convert properties. With the help of more administrators and a more open plan, conversion could be used to its full extent. Building regulations are considered to be another reason why so few projects are being converted. The same rules apply when you build new buildings as when you convert. The market is looking for a change in the presentation of the current rules in order for these to be more applicable and beneficial for the market. Unpredicted expenses are always a risk when converting but with more experience the risk becomes lower. A system where you subsidize a part is not a market request since a lot of the answers suggest that this affects a market negatively in the long run. Rent control is not a factor that is considered to be restraining when converting buildings for student housing.Stockholm Ă€r idag en av de snabbast vĂ€xande regionerna i Europa och efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ bostĂ€der i staden blir allt större för varje dag. För att uppnĂ„ de mĂ„l som finns om att bli Europas mest attraktiva storstadsregion behövs kompetent arbetskraft till staden för att fylla det behov som företagen efterfrĂ„gar nu och i framtiden. Den bostadssituation som rĂ„der för studenterna i StockholmsomrĂ„det Ă€r dock vĂ€ldigt dyster. Det saknas i dagslĂ€get minst 7000 studentbostĂ€der och kötiden för en studentbostad uppgĂ„r i dagslĂ€get till minst tvĂ„ Ă„r. Trots detta ser vi inte nĂ„gon större ökning av nyproducerade studentbostĂ€der. NĂ€r studenterna har svĂ„rt att hitta bostĂ€der tenderar dessa att studera pĂ„ annan ort och kunskap förloras, vilket hĂ€mmar Stockholms utveckling. Boverket kom 2009 med Ă„sikten att man mĂ„ste utreda alternativa lösningar för att lösa bostadsbristen för studenter. PĂ„ senare Ă„r har man kunnat se projekt dĂ€r befintliga fastigheter konverterats och Ă€ndrat anvĂ€ndning frĂ„n lokaler till studentbostĂ€der. En utredning kring hur marknaden ser pĂ„ detta alternativ har saknats. Denna rapport syftar till att studera studentbostadsmarknaden i Stockholm för att undersöka om konvertering av befintliga fastigheter Ă€r ett slagkraftigt komplement nĂ€r nyproduktionen inte nĂ„r upp till de mĂ„l som eftersöks. Genom att uppmĂ€rksamma ett antal Ă„terhĂ„llande faktorer har vi kunnat komma fram till ett antal slutsatser. Dagens system för planprocessen anses vara en faktor som gör att detta komplement inte kan utnyttjas till sin fulla grad. Ledtiderna uppges vara för lĂ„nga och detaljplanens precisa och detaljerade utformning försvĂ„rar möjligheten att konvertera fastigheter. Med hjĂ€lp av fler handlĂ€ggare och en mer öppen plan skulle detta komplement kunna tillĂ€mpas till sin fulla grad. Byggregler som tillĂ€mpas anses vara en annan anledning till att fĂ€rre projekt genomförs. Samma byggregler som tillĂ€mpas för nyproduktion efterstrĂ€vas Ă€ven vid konvertering. Marknaden söker en Ă€ndring av utformningen pĂ„ dagens regler för att dessa ska vara mer tillĂ€mpbara och nyttiga för marknaden. Oförutsedda kostnader Ă€r en risk som alltid kommer vara ett orosmoln vid konverteringsprojekt men desto mer erfarenhet aktörerna har desto mindre blir risken. Subventionssystem Ă€r inte nĂ„got som efterstrĂ€vas dĂ„ resultatet pekar pĂ„ att bidrag och investeringsstöd pĂ„verkar en marknad negativt i det lĂ„nga loppet. Att hyresreglering för bostĂ€der existerar anses inte vara en Ă„terhĂ„llande faktor för att detta komplement ska bli slagkraftig

    When Should a Case Be Dismissed? The Economics of Pleading and Summary Judgment Standards

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    This paper applies a simple economic framework to the choice between pleading and summary judgment as points at which a claim can be dismissed. It concludes generally that pleading standards should vary with the evidentiary demands of the associated legal standards and the social costs of litigation. The common law's imposition of higher pleading standards for fraud claims is consistent with this proposition. The theory implies that the rigorous summary judgment standards that have been developed by antitrust courts should lead to a correspondingly rigorous assessment at the pleading stage.

    Order and disorder in Europe: Parliamentary agents and Royalist thugs 1649-1650

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    After the execution of Charles I in 1649 a series of daring and desperate attempts were made on the lives of agents and ambassadors dispatched to continental Europe by the fledgling republic. This essay explores the evidence relating to these plots, and to the murders of Isaac Dorislaus and Anthony Ascham, in an attempt to show that the royalists responsible were not merely desperadoes seeking revenge for the murder of their king, but the employees and emissaries of prominent exiled courtiers. The complicity of Montrose, Cottington and Hyde in such conspiracy can be both documented and explained, in the context of the struggle for diplomatic recognition and financial assistance in the months of shock, outrage and uncertainty after the regicide. The concerns of diplomacy and high politics which lay behind these plots also helped to determine the reaction of European leaders, as it gradually became clear on whose side fortune smiled in Britain
