1,923 research outputs found

    The Planning OLAP Model

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    A wealth of multidimensional OLAP models has been suggested in the past, tackling various problems of modeling multidimensional data. However, all of these models focus on navigational and query operators for grouping, selection and aggregation. We argue that planning functionality is, next to reporting and analysis, an important part of OLAP in many businesses and as such should be represented as part of a multidimensional model. Navigational operators are not enough for planning, instead new factual data is created or existing data is changed. To our knowledge we are the first to suggest a multidimensional model with support for planning. Because the main data entities of a typical multidimensional model are used both by planning and reporting, we concentrate on the extension of an existing model, where we add a set of novel operators that support an extensive set of typical planning functions

    On-line analytical processing

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    On-line analytical processing (OLAP) describes an approach to decision support, which aims to extract knowledge from a data warehouse, or more specifically, from data marts. Its main idea is providing navigation through data to non-expert users, so that they are able to interactively generate ad hoc queries without the intervention of IT professionals. This name was introduced in contrast to on-line transactional processing (OLTP), so that it reflected the different requirements and characteristics between these classes of uses. The concept falls in the area of business intelligence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Business intelligence as the support of decision-making processes in e-commerce systems environment

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    The present state of world economy urges managers to look for new methods, which can help to start the economic growth. To achieve this goal, managers use standard as well as new procedures. The fundamental prerequisite of the efficient decision-making processes are actual and right information. Managers need to monitor past information and current actual information to generate trends of future development based on it. Managers always should define strictly what do they want to know, how do they want to see it and for what purpose do they want to use it. Only in this case they can get right information applicable to efficient decision-making. Generally, managersÂŽ decisions should lead to make the customersÂŽ decision-making process easier. More frequently than ever, companies use e-commerce systems for the support of their business activities. In connection with the present state and future development, cross-border online shopping growth can be expected. To support this, companies will need much better systems providing the managers adequate and sufficient information. This type of information, which is usually multidimensional, can be provided by the Business Intelligence (BI) technologies. Besides special BI systems, some of BI technologies are obtained in quite a few of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. One of the crucial questions is whether should companies and firms buy or develop special BI software, or whether they can use BI tools contained in some ERP systems. In respect of this, there is a question if the modern ERP systems can provide the managers sufficient possibilities relating to ad-hoc reporting, static and dynamic reports and OLAP analyses. A one of the main goals of this article is to show and verify Business Intelligence tools of Microsoft Dynamics NAV for the support of decision-making in terms of the cross-border online purchasing. Pursuant to above-mentioned, in this article authors deal with problems relating to managersÂŽ decision-making, customersÂŽ decision-making and a support of its using the BI tools contained in ERP system Microsoft Dynamics NAV. A great deal of this article is aimed at area of multidimensional data which are the source data of e-commerce systems.Business Intelligence, decision-making, e-commerce system, cross-border online purchasing, multi-dimensional data, reporting, data visualization

    Solutions for decision support in university management

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    The paper proposes an overview of decision support systems in order to define the role of a system to assist decision in university management. The authors present new technologies and the basic concepts of multidimensional data analysis using models of business processes within the universities. Based on information provided by scientific literature and on the authors’ experience, the study aims to define selection criteria in choosing a development environment for designing a support system dedicated to university management. The contributions consist in designing a data warehouse model and models of OLAP analysis to assist decision in university management.university management, decision support, multidimensional analysis, data warehouse, OLAP

    A model for Business Intelligence Systems’ Development

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    Often, Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) require historical data or data collected from var-ious sources. The solution is found in data warehouses, which are the main technology used to extract, transform, load and store data in the organizational Business Intelligence projects. The development cycle of a data warehouse involves lots of resources, time, high costs and above all, it is built only for some specific tasks. In this paper, we’ll present some of the aspects of the BI systems’ development such as: architecture, lifecycle, modeling techniques and finally, some evaluation criteria for the system’s performance.BIS (Business Intelligence Systems), Data Warehouses, OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing), Object-Oriented Modeling


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    On the basis of the decision making stands information, as one of the main elements that determine the evolution of our-days society. As a consequence, data analysis tends to become a priority in the activity of an organization for decision making. The diBusiness Intelligence, Data Warehouse, decision making, SQL Server


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    The aim of this study is to show that multidimensional modelling of existing data in organizations, depending on the topics of interest of managers and multidimensional view of data. It may also provide an effective informational support of managers in decision making, regardless of field of activity. To prove it, this study will design a data model and an OLAP multidimensional analysis of scientific research in education university.OLAP, hyper - cube, n-dimensional cube, conceptual model

    Combining Objects with Rules to Represent Aggregation Knowledge in Data Warehouse and OLAP Systems

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    Data warehouses are based on multidimensional modeling. Using On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools, decision makers navigate through and analyze multidimensional data. Typically, users need to analyze data at different aggregation levels (using roll-up and drill-down functions). Therefore, aggregation knowledge should be adequately represented in conceptual multidimensional models, and mapped in subsequent logical and physical models. However, current conceptual multidimensional models poorly represent aggregation knowledge, which (1) has a complex structure and dynamics and (2) is highly contextual. In order to account for the characteristics of this knowledge, we propose to represent it with objects (UML class diagrams) and rules in Production Rule Representation (PRR) language. Static aggregation knowledge is represented in the class diagrams, while rules represent the dynamics (i.e. how aggregation may be performed depending on context). We present the class diagrams, and a typology and examples of associated rules. We argue that this representation of aggregation knowledge allows an early modeling of user requirements in a data warehouse project.Aggregation; Conceptual Multidimensional Model; Data Warehouse; On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP); Production Rule; UML

    Combining Objects with Rules to Represent Aggregation Knowledge in Data Warehouse and OLAP Systems

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    Les entrepĂŽts de donnĂ©es reposent sur la modĂ©lisation multidimensionnelle. A l'aide d'outils OLAP, les dĂ©cideurs analysent les donnĂ©es Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux d'agrĂ©gation. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire de reprĂ©senter les connaissances d'agrĂ©gation dans les modĂšles conceptuels multidimensionnels, puis de les traduire dans les modĂšles logiques et physiques. Cependant, les modĂšles conceptuels multidimensionnels actuels reprĂ©sentent imparfaitement les connaissances d'agrĂ©gation, qui (1) ont une structure et une dynamique complexes et (2) sont fortement contextuelles. Afin de prendre en compte les caractĂ©ristiques de ces connaissances, nous proposons de les reprĂ©senter avec des objets (diagrammes de classes UML) et des rĂšgles en langage PRR (Production Rule Representation). Les connaissances d'agrĂ©gation statiques sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans les digrammes de classes, tandis que les rĂšgles reprĂ©sentent la dynamique (c'est-Ă -dire comment l'agrĂ©gation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e en fonction du contexte). Nous prĂ©sentons les diagrammes de classes, ainsi qu'une typologie et des exemples de rĂšgles associĂ©es.AgrĂ©gation ; EntrepĂŽt de donnĂ©es ; ModĂšle conceptuel multidimensionnel ; OLAP ; RĂšgle de production ; UML
