820 research outputs found

    Evaluating Cache Coherent Shared Virtual Memory for Heterogeneous Multicore Chips

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    The trend in industry is towards heterogeneous multicore processors (HMCs), including chips with CPUs and massively-threaded throughput-oriented processors (MTTOPs) such as GPUs. Although current homogeneous chips tightly couple the cores with cache-coherent shared virtual memory (CCSVM), this is not the communication paradigm used by any current HMC. In this paper, we present a CCSVM design for a CPU/MTTOP chip, as well as an extension of the pthreads programming model, called xthreads, for programming this HMC. Our goal is to evaluate the potential performance benefits of tightly coupling heterogeneous cores with CCSVM

    Evaluation of OpenMP for the Cyclops multithreaded architecture

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    Multithreaded architectures have the potential of tolerating large memory and functional unit latencies and increase resource utilization. The Blue Gene/Cyclops architecture, being developed at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, is one such systems that offers massive intra-chip parallelism. Although the BG/C architecture was initially designed to execute specific applications, we believe that it can be effectively used on a broad range of parallel numerical applications. Programming such applications for this unconventional design requires a significant porting effort when using the basic built-in mechanisms for thread management and synchronization. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an OpenMP environment for parallelizing applications, currently under development at the CEPBA-IBM Research Institute, targeting BG/C. The environment is evaluated with a set of simple numerical kernels and a subset of the NAS OpenMP benchmarks. We identify issues that were not initially considered in the design of the BG/C architecture to support a programming model such as OpenMP. We also evaluate features currently offered by the BG/C architecture that should be considered in the implementation of an efficient OpenMP layer for massive intra-chip parallel architectures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    File-System Workload on a Scientific Multiprocessor

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    Many scientific applications have intense computational and I/O requirements. Although multiprocessors have permitted astounding increases in computational performance, the formidable I/O needs of these applications cannot be met by current multiprocessors a their I/O subsystems. To prevent I/O subsystems from forever bottlenecking multiprocessors and limiting the range of feasible applications, new I/O subsystems must be designed. The successful design of computer systems (both hardware and software) depends on a thorough understanding of their intended use. A system designer optimizes the policies and mechanisms for the cases expected to most common in the user's workload. In the case of multiprocessor file systems, however, designers have been forced to build file systems based only on speculation about how they would be used, extrapolating from file-system characterizations of general-purpose workloads on uniprocessor and distributed systems or scientific workloads on vector supercomputers (see sidebar on related work). To help these system designers, in June 1993 we began the Charisma Project, so named because the project sought to characterize 1/0 in scientific multiprocessor applications from a variety of production parallel computing platforms and sites. The Charisma project is unique in recording individual read and write requests-in live, multiprogramming, parallel workloads (rather than from selected or nonparallel applications). In this article, we present the first results from the project: a characterization of the file-system workload an iPSC/860 multiprocessor running production, parallel scientific applications at NASA's Ames Research Center


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    Due to physical limitations and design difficulties, computer processor architecture has shifted to multi-core and even many-core based approaches in recent years. Such architectures provide potentials for sustainable performance scaling into future peta-scale/exa-scale computing platforms, at affordable power budget, design complexity, and verification efforts. To date, multi-core processor products have been replacing uni-core processors in almost every market segment, including embedded systems, general-purpose desktops and laptops, and super computers. However, many issues still remain with multi-core processor architectures that need to be addressed before their potentials could be fully realized. People in both academia and industry research community are still seeking proper ways to make efficient and effective use of these processors. The issues involve hardware architecture trade-offs, the system software service, the run-time management, and user application design, which demand more research effort into this field. Due to the architectural specialties with multi-core based computers, a Cross-Layer Customization framework is proposed in this work, which combines application specific information and system platform features, along with necessary operating system service support, to achieve exceptional power and performance efficiency for targeted multi-core platforms. Several topics are covered with specific optimization goals, including snoop cache coherence protocol, inter-core communication for producer-consumer applications, synchronization mechanisms, and off-chip memory bandwidth limitations. Analysis of benchmark program execution with conventional mechanisms is made to reveal the overheads in terms of power and performance. Specific customizations are proposed to eliminate such overheads with support from hardware, system software, compiler, and user applications. Experiments show significant improvement on system performance and power efficiency

    Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production Parallel Scientific Workload

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    Multiprocessors have permitted astounding increases in computational performance, but many cannot meet the intense I/O requirements of some scientific applications. An important component of any solution to this I/O bottleneck is a parallel file system that can provide high-bandwidth access to tremendous amounts of data in parallel to hundreds or thousands of processors. Most successful systems are based on a solid understanding of the characteristics of the expected workload, but until now there have been no comprehensive workload characterizations of multiprocessor file systems. We began the CHARISMA project in an attempt to fill that gap. We instrumented the common node library on the iPSC/860 at NASA Ames to record all file-related activity over a two-week period. Our instrumentation is different from previous efforts in that it collects information about every read and write request and about the mix of jobs running in the machine (rather than from selected applications). The trace analysis in this paper leads to many recommendations for designers of multiprocessor file systems. First, the file system should support simultaneous access to many different files by many jobs. Second, it should expect to see many small requests, predominantly sequential and regular access patterns (although of a different form than in uniprocessors), little or no concurrent file-sharing between jobs, significant byte- and block-sharing between processes within jobs, and strong interprocess locality. Third, our trace-driven simulations showed that these characteristics led to great success in caching, both at the compute nodes and at the I/O nodes. Finally, we recommend supporting strided I/O requests in the file-system interface, to reduce overhead and allow more performance optimization by the file system

    A review of High Performance Computing foundations for scientists

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    The increase of existing computational capabilities has made simulation emerge as a third discipline of Science, lying midway between experimental and purely theoretical branches [1, 2]. Simulation enables the evaluation of quantities which otherwise would not be accessible, helps to improve experiments and provides new insights on systems which are analysed [3-6]. Knowing the fundamentals of computation can be very useful for scientists, for it can help them to improve the performance of their theoretical models and simulations. This review includes some technical essentials that can be useful to this end, and it is devised as a complement for researchers whose education is focused on scientific issues and not on technological respects. In this document we attempt to discuss the fundamentals of High Performance Computing (HPC) [7] in a way which is easy to understand without much previous background. We sketch the way standard computers and supercomputers work, as well as discuss distributed computing and discuss essential aspects to take into account when running scientific calculations in computers.Comment: 33 page

    Mixing multi-core CPUs and GPUs for scientific simulation software

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    Recent technological and economic developments have led to widespread availability of multi-core CPUs and specialist accelerator processors such as graphical processing units (GPUs). The accelerated computational performance possible from these devices can be very high for some applications paradigms. Software languages and systems such as NVIDIA's CUDA and Khronos consortium's open compute language (OpenCL) support a number of individual parallel application programming paradigms. To scale up the performance of some complex systems simulations, a hybrid of multi-core CPUs for coarse-grained parallelism and very many core GPUs for data parallelism is necessary. We describe our use of hybrid applica- tions using threading approaches and multi-core CPUs to control independent GPU devices. We present speed-up data and discuss multi-threading software issues for the applications level programmer and o er some suggested areas for language development and integration between coarse-grained and ne-grained multi-thread systems. We discuss results from three common simulation algorithmic areas including: partial di erential equations; graph cluster metric calculations and random number generation. We report on programming experiences and selected performance for these algorithms on: single and multiple GPUs; multi-core CPUs; a CellBE; and using OpenCL. We discuss programmer usability issues and the outlook and trends in multi-core programming for scienti c applications developers

    Compile-time optimization of near-neighbor communication for scalable shared-memory multiprocessors

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    Scalable shared-memory multiprocessor systems are typically NUMA (nonuniform memory access) machines, where the exploitation of the memory hierarchy is critical to achieving high performance. Iterative data parallel loops with near-neighbor communication account for many important numerical applications. In such loops, the communication of partial results stresses the memory system performance. In this paper, we develop data placement schemes that minimize communication time where the near-neighbor interaction is determined by a stencil. Under a given loop partition, our compile-time algorithm partitions global data into four classes for each processor, with each class requiring specific consistency maintenance requirements. The ADAPT (Automatic Data Allocation and Partitioning Tool) system was implemented to automatically partition parallel code segments for the BBN TC2000, a scalable shared-memory multiprocessor. ADAPT caches global arrays and maintains data consistency in software through instructions that flush data from private caches. Restructuring of a fluid flow code segment by ADAPT improved performance by a factor of more than 3 on the BBN TC2000. Features in current generation pipelined processors with multiple functional units permit the overlap of memory accesses with computation. Our experiments on the BBN TC2000 show that the degree of overlap is limited by architectural parameters, such as the number of CPU registers.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30342/1/0000744.pd

    Support for Programming Models in Network-on-Chip-based Many-core Systems

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